Part(icles) of Your World: Crash Course Kids #3.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Part(icles) of Your World: Crash Course Kids #3.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Part(icles) of Your World: Crash Course Kids #3.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 You ever hear someone say you look like $1 million
00:12 . Well you do but you also look like a
00:15 million particles . Let me explain . You and I
00:18 are both made of matter . I don't mean we
00:20 matter like were important even though of course we are
00:23 . I mean we actually are matter matter as you
00:27 know is anything that has weight and takes up space
00:30 and we did a whole video about it . But
00:32 what is matter made of ? It's made of particles
00:40 . So you as a big thing a matter are
00:43 made of particles . The device you're watching this on
00:46 is made of particles . Your dog is made of
00:50 particles . You get the idea particles are so tiny
00:54 though you can't see them . Just picture them as
00:57 super small balls packed together to form an object and
01:00 how an object looks and behaves . Which we call
01:02 its properties has a lot to do with those tiny
01:05 particles that it's made of . Let's take a look
01:10 mm You know that most matter comes in three states
01:14 , solid liquid or gas particles in a solid are
01:18 packed so tight that they don't move and they keep
01:20 you from moving through it like a brick wall .
01:23 Now don't try running through a brick wall . Just
01:25 trust me on this . But in a liquid ,
01:27 there's more space between the particles that extra room between
01:30 them allows them to slide around . That's why you
01:33 can stick an object into or through a liquid like
01:36 dropping a straw and a glass of soda or waiting
01:38 through a pool of water . And there is so
01:40 much space between the constantly moving particles in a gas
01:44 that you can move around in them easily . In
01:46 fact , when you walk from one side of the
01:48 room to the other , you walk through a bunch
01:50 of gases that make up air . But if something
01:52 is a solid , will it always stay a solid
01:55 ? Is a liquid always a liquid . Do gases
01:58 ever become non gases ? To find out If matter
02:00 can change states . Let's find examples of when objects
02:03 properties change . Then we can figure out what's happening
02:06 to their particles . Here's one a candle . It's
02:09 solid , right ? Made of wax . But when
02:11 you light the candle , the packed particles loosen up
02:14 and the wax begins to melt liquid wax so a
02:17 solid can become a liquid . Now here's another ,
02:20 let's say you've got a pot of water on the
02:22 stove . If you heat a liquid up , its
02:24 particles will move around so fast that they can't hold
02:27 onto each other . When that happens , all of
02:29 the particles fly apart and become a gas , like
02:32 the steam . You see when you boil water so
02:34 a liquid can become a gas . Okay , one
02:37 more . How about a forest on a really cold
02:40 night or even on your front lawn ? When it's
02:42 cold enough water vapor , a gas in the air
02:45 turns into tiny crystals of frost , which you see
02:47 on trees or grass . The free floating particles in
02:50 the gas join together and form a solid around the
02:53 plants so a gas can become a solid . But
02:56 my favorite example of a state of change , the
02:58 Wizard of Oz , definitely remember when the Wicked Witch
03:01 of the West melts at the end , She totally
03:04 goes from a solid to a liquid . Okay ,
03:06 but seriously , what does all of this mean ?
03:13 An object made of matter can change its properties when
03:17 it changes states . And remember it doesn't make a
03:19 difference which state of matter an object is in solid
03:22 liquid or gas , It's still always matter to sum
03:26 up . Matter is everywhere . Matter is made of
03:29 particles . Therefore particles are everywhere . So like I
03:33 always say never trust a particle . They make up
03:37 everything



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