Defining Gravity: Crash Course Kids #4.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Defining Gravity: Crash Course Kids #4.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Defining Gravity: Crash Course Kids #4.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 if I told you that you just won the lottery
00:12 , what would you do if you're like me ,
00:14 you jump up and down and scream and after you
00:17 were done freaking out and jumping in the air ,
00:19 you'd land on your feet , right ? But why
00:22 would you land back on the ground instead of just
00:24 floating off into space ? It's because of a little
00:31 something we call gravity . Gravity is what pulls everything
00:34 towards the ground , including you . Without the force
00:37 of gravity . There would be no life on earth
00:40 . Air water animals , everything would fly off into
00:43 space . There'd be no , you know me know
00:46 french fries not to think of gravity like the invisible
00:50 super glue that holds our massive world together . You
00:52 can't see it , but it's always there . An
00:55 english scientist named Isaac Newton was the first person to
00:58 seriously study gravity over 300 years ago . There's a
01:01 famous story about him that you might have heard supposedly
01:04 Sir Isaac was hanging out underneath an apple tree ,
01:07 thinking probably partly napping when an apple fell from the
01:12 tree and conked him on the head . That's when
01:14 Sir Isaac had an a ha moment . Why did
01:16 the apple fall down to the ground and not up
01:19 or sideways ? He realized that a special kind of
01:22 force which we now know as gravity was acting on
01:24 all of the objects on earth , pulling them toward
01:27 it . Once the apple became too heavy for its
01:30 stem to hold it anymore , the gravitational pull of
01:32 earth brought the apple down onto Newton's Noggin . Newton
01:36 also realized it doesn't matter how heavy an object is
01:39 either whether you're holding an apple or a bowling ball
01:42 or a feather , if you let go of it
01:44 , that sucker's going down . We're going to make
01:46 a whole video about this . Later , basically he
01:48 determined that what goes up must come down . Sir
01:52 Isaac was a pretty smart dude . Okay , so
01:54 you know that if you jump up you'll eventually land
01:57 back on the ground and you know that an apple
01:59 drop down , we'll land on the ground to But
02:02 what if you throw something in front of you or
02:05 to the left or the right mm to see how
02:10 gravity will act . Pick up the tennis ball or
02:13 any small round object and hold it in your hand
02:16 . Let's toss it in the air and watch it
02:18 fall to the ground . No surprise here , Okay
02:21 , now pick it up and hold it over your
02:23 head , let go and watch it fall once more
02:26 again . Not a shocker . Now throw it to
02:29 your left ball down , pitch it to the right
02:31 and watch it go down again . No matter where
02:38 you throw the ball , it's going down . So
02:40 we've determined that near the surface of the earth ,
02:43 where we all are gravity is the cause that produces
02:46 the effect of all unsupported objects falling down . The
02:49 ball will go up or to the left or to
02:51 the right for a little bit , but eventually it's
02:53 going to be pulled back down to the ground ,
02:56 no matter what gravity has got a hold on .
02:58 Well , everything .



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