Here Comes the Sun: Crash Course Kids #5.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Here Comes the Sun: Crash Course Kids #5.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Here Comes the Sun: Crash Course Kids #5.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 pop quiz . What's the closest star to earth it's
00:13 called ? Soul . Never heard of it , you
00:15 say ? Sure you have , Soul is the Sun
00:18 . Ancient romans who once worshipped the Sun called its
00:21 Soul and its become the kind of official scientific name
00:24 for the sun . It's where the term solar system
00:27 comes from . Seoul or the sun is the star
00:30 at the center of our eight planet solar system that
00:33 provides us with energy without the sun , Earth would
00:36 be a dark frozen world with no life . But
00:39 how does the Sun's energy get to us ? Well
00:46 first , let's talk about what the sun is .
00:49 It's a five billion year old big ball of superhot
00:52 gas . The hottest part of the sun is its
00:55 core or center , which is about 15 million degrees
01:00 Celsius . So its surface is not quite as hot
01:03 , but it's still almost 5600 degrees Celsius , which
01:08 is pretty toasty if you ask me . And as
01:10 for its size , the sun is so huge you
01:13 can line up over 100 earths along the face of
01:16 it and more than a million earths could fit inside
01:20 it . But the sun sizes and what makes it
01:21 seem so big and bright to us on earth .
01:24 It's because it's so close to us that it seems
01:26 way , way , way , way bigger and brighter
01:29 than other stars . So , you know that the
01:31 sun is hot and bright and that heat and light
01:34 are both kinds of energy that we get from the
01:36 sun . Let's take a look at a model to
01:38 see how the sun's energy gets from good old soul
01:41 to our planet . Mm Here's the sun . Energy
01:47 is created in it's super hot , 15 million degree
01:51 core . That energy then travels outward from the core
01:54 to the surface of the sun . But this journey
01:56 from the center of the sun to its surface can
01:59 take over 100,000 years to complete . But once the
02:04 energy deep inside the sun finally gets to the surface
02:07 , it travels as light and heat all the way
02:10 to Earth . In fact , it only takes about
02:12 eight minutes for light to travel approximately 150 million kilometers
02:17 through space to Earth over here . That's not such
02:21 a long time . Yeah , so to sum up
02:27 , energy is created in the sun's core . It
02:29 travels very slowly to the sun's surface before it takes
02:33 a super speedy trip to Earth in the form of
02:35 light and heat . And you and I can see
02:38 and feel that energy as sunlight without the heat and
02:41 light we get from the sun , Earth would be
02:43 just a frozen ball floating around in space , which
02:46 would be a total bummer . So thanks . So
02:50 you're a real star .



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