The Dirt on Decomposers: Crash Course Kids #7.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Dirt on Decomposers: Crash Course Kids #7.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

The Dirt on Decomposers: Crash Course Kids #7.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Have you ever had to take out the garbage kind
00:11 of gross , Right ? But someone's got to do
00:13 it . And we're not the only things that make
00:15 waste , trees drop their leaves and animals drop well
00:18 , other stuff . So what happens to all that
00:20 waste that's created in nature ? It turns out that
00:26 waste as gross as it may seem is actually a
00:29 good source of energy for lots of different living things
00:31 like bacteria , some fungi , insects and worms .
00:34 These organisms called D . Composers break down waste and
00:38 the remains of dead plants and animals to get energy
00:40 , which is a bonus for the rest of us
00:41 because thanks to D composers , there's a lot less
00:44 waste than dead stuff lying around . Now . If
00:46 you've been paying attention so far in our little talks
00:48 here , you'll remember that all living things need energy
00:51 to survive and energy flows through a system of living
00:54 things moving from plant to animal to other animals .
00:57 In a what eats what model called a food chain
00:59 , we use food chains to see how energy flows
01:02 between living things in an ecosystem . So D composers
01:05 are living things too . And since they need energy
01:07 to live just like anybody else , they need a
01:09 spot in the food chain . But where do D
01:11 composers fit in an ecosystem's food chain ? Let's take
01:13 a look at a simple little ecosystem to see where
01:16 they might find a home . Mhm mm . Plants
01:21 like this apple tree are able to grab the energy
01:23 that comes from the sun . They use this energy
01:25 to take water nutrients and a little bit of gas
01:27 from the air to create chemical energy . The tree
01:30 Stashes some of that energy in its fruit , which
01:32 happens to be delicious . If an apple from that
01:35 tree falls to the ground and gets nibbled on by
01:37 a mouse , some of the energy from the apple
01:39 is going to be transferred to the mouse . And
01:41 if the mouse is unfortunate enough to be spotted by
01:43 an owl , it's going to end up as an
01:45 owl brunch and the energy from that mouse will be
01:48 transferred to the owl . Apple mouse owl . That's
01:51 a simple enough food chain . Right ? Everyone has
01:53 their place in it . The system works , but
01:55 d composers can live and work in more than one
01:57 spot in this food chain . They can show up
01:59 any time . There's waste to break down like the
02:01 leftover apple that the mouse didn't eat , or the
02:04 apples dropping . See composers break those things down into
02:07 smaller parts , like nutrients and other chemicals . These
02:10 chemicals go into the ground and are taken up by
02:12 plants so they can use them to make more energy
02:15 . And the process starts all over again , not
02:17 to get a lion king on you . But I'm
02:19 thinking that this really closes up the circle of life
02:22 , right ? And since we're talking about circles and
02:24 cycles , let's recycle some of these ideas . One
02:26 last time D composers break down waste in an ecosystem
02:33 into nutrients in plants , use those nutrients to make
02:36 energy and that energy goes up the food chain all
02:39 over again . And like I mentioned before , D
02:41 composers don't just put energy back into the food chain
02:44 . They also keep waste from piling up in an
02:46 ecosystem . So while we might kind of forget that
02:48 insects or worms or fungi are there , remember that
02:52 we need them to clean up waste , losing the
02:54 decomposes in a food chain would completely mess up the
02:58 nice balance that all living things have going on ,
03:00 which , okay , yes , I guess means that
03:02 I'll finally clean up my desk until next time .



The Dirt on Decomposers: Crash Course Kids #7.2 is a free educational video by Crash Course Kids.

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