Seasons and the Sun: Crash Course Kids 11.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Seasons and the Sun: Crash Course Kids 11.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Seasons and the Sun: Crash Course Kids 11.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 winter , spring , Summer , fall seasons . I
00:13 just love them all . Other than inspiring me to
00:15 make up goofy poetry . Why wouldn't you love the
00:18 seasons ? There's always something to look forward to .
00:20 You already know that summer means long days of fun
00:23 in the sun and winter means shorter days , not
00:25 to mention building snowmen and making lots of frozen references
00:29 . Okay , so clearly the sun and seasons are
00:31 linked , but how you already know that the sun
00:38 is pretty important . It is the center of the
00:41 solar system . After all . You also know that
00:43 our planet , Earth revolves around the Sun , making
00:46 its orbit once every 365 days . And remember Earth
00:50 isn't taking that lap while it's standing straight up and
00:52 down . Instead , it's tilted on its axis ,
00:55 The invisible line around which our planet spins put together
00:58 the Earth's tilt on its axis and the orbit it
01:00 makes around the sun . And you get the yearly
01:02 pattern we call seasons . Let's see how mm since
01:09 the earth is tilted for part of the year ,
01:11 One of the hemispheres , which is half of the
01:13 Earth is leaning towards the sun and the other part
01:16 of the year . It's leaning away . Let's follow
01:18 the northern hemisphere once around the sun to see how
01:20 this works in june , the northern hemisphere is tilted
01:24 towards the sun . This means that it's getting a
01:26 lot of direct sunlight , like that's hitting it straight
01:28 on . If you ever sat directly underneath the bulb
01:31 , you know that things can get pretty hot and
01:33 that's exactly what's happening to the northern hemisphere . It's
01:36 summertime and the living is easy temperatures are warm and
01:39 days are long in december . Though the northern hemisphere
01:42 is tilted away from the sun , its getting indirect
01:45 sunlight meaning light is hitting it at an angle indirect
01:48 sunlight means cooler temperatures shorter days and for lots of
01:52 folks , hot , cocoa and bundling up since it's
01:55 winter . But how can the angle of the sun's
01:57 light make a difference between hot and cold ? Well
02:00 , try this little trick with a flashlight , get
02:02 a flashlight and dim the lights in your room a
02:03 little bit . If you turn the flashlight on and
02:06 pointed straight down onto your desk , you'll see a
02:08 small bright , concentrated circle of light . That's kind
02:11 of how sunlight hits the Northern hemisphere during the summer
02:13 . Bright and intense . Now move the flashlight down
02:16 at an angle and pointed at the top of your
02:18 desk . See how the light isn't as bright and
02:20 is less intense where it falls . That's like the
02:22 sunlight we get in winter . But what about spring
02:24 and autumn during these two seasons ? The Earth's orbit
02:27 causes the Northern Hemisphere to be neither tilted toward the
02:30 Sun nor away from it . So temperatures during the
02:32 spring and fall or more moderate , not too hot
02:35 and not too cold , since the entire globe is
02:37 getting about the same amount of direct sunlight at once
02:40 . Now , let's take a look at how the
02:41 amount of sunlight affects temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere over
02:44 the course of a whole year . An easy way
02:46 to show this yearly pattern is by using a graph
02:49 . This graph shows the average high temperature in each
02:52 month for one year . In Toronto Canada , where
02:54 I live . Looking at the graph , we see
02:55 that during december january and february , when the Northern
02:58 hemisphere is getting very little direct sunlight , temperatures are
03:01 low and in the months of june july and august
03:04 when the tilt of the Earth on its axis is
03:06 causing Toronto to get direct sunlight , the temperatures are
03:08 much higher , proof positive that something is going on
03:11 here and that something is this the season that you're
03:18 experiencing , right ? This very minute is caused in
03:21 part by the amount of direct sunlight you're getting .
03:23 So seasons are caused by the Earth's tilt on its
03:26 axis as it cruises around the sun in its orbit
03:28 . When one hemisphere gets more direct sunlight , it's
03:31 summer , there temperatures are warmer days are longer and
03:34 nights are shorter and when it gets more indirect sunlight
03:37 , it's winter temperatures are cooler days are shorter and
03:40 nights are longer and now , you know what causes
03:42 summer , spring , autumn and winter .



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