Water Water Everywhere: Crash Course Kids #14.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Water Water Everywhere: Crash Course Kids #14.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Water Water Everywhere: Crash Course Kids #14.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 what would we do without water ? No . Really
00:12 ? What would we do without it ? Probably not
00:15 very much because we need fresh water to live .
00:18 But some living things have found ways to get a
00:20 lot out of . Very little . We've talked about
00:22 fresh water and the fact that there's not very much
00:24 of it on earth to give you an idea of
00:26 how little there really is . Think of it this
00:28 way , if all of the earth's water were placed
00:30 into a gallon jug , the freshwater would equal a
00:32 single teaspoon . That's it . But this picture doesn't
00:35 especially good job of showing just how much of each
00:38 kind of water there is on earth . See the
00:40 three blue dots . The biggest one represents all of
00:43 the water on our planet , salt and fresh .
00:45 So that includes all of the water in the oceans
00:47 , glaciers , lakes , rivers , plus all of
00:49 the ground water and the water in the atmosphere .
00:52 And even the water in you and me . The
00:55 medium size dot next to it represents all of our
00:57 planet's liquid freshwater , including the freshwater that's underground and
01:00 locked in glaciers . And what about that ? Teeny
01:03 tiny dot . Yeah . That little guy . Well
01:05 that's all of the surface freshwater that humans , plants
01:08 and animals actually can get too . If you think
01:10 that's a really small amount of fresh water for all
01:12 the living things on our planet . Well , you're
01:15 right . It is . But plants and animals live
01:17 and thrive all over the earth in places with lots
01:20 of fresh water and in places with very little fresh
01:23 water . So how do they survive ? Let's take
01:30 a look at two different kinds of environments . One
01:32 with plenty of fresh water and one with very little
01:35 to see how living things make it work in both
01:37 places . We'll start somewhere with a lot of fresh
01:40 water . I can't think of a better example than
01:46 Russia's Lake Baikal , the deepest lake in the world
01:49 and holds about 1/5 of the world's freshwater . The
01:51 nearly 2000 plant and animal species that live in like
01:54 Michael have adapted to their super huge and wet but
01:57 very cold home . Michael's most famous resident , that
02:01 would be the nerpa . The nerpa is one of
02:02 the world's only species of freshwater seal . No one
02:05 really knows how these guys ended up in a freshwater
02:07 lake , but they've adapted pretty well to their landlocked
02:10 habitat . One an example , check out their flippers
02:13 . Their flippers are bigger and stronger than other seal's
02:15 flippers . Why ? Well , during the winter ,
02:18 almost the whole lake is covered with thick ice .
02:20 Saltwater seals live under the ice in winter too ,
02:23 but it's usually easy for them to find places in
02:25 the ocean where they can get to the surface to
02:27 breathe . Like baikal , however , can completely freeze
02:30 over in the winter , and the nerpa unfortunately sometimes
02:33 finds itself trapped under the ice . That's when they
02:36 use those superstrong flippers to make big breathing holes .
02:39 They stay near their holes for long periods of time
02:41 , constantly scratching at them to keep them from freezing
02:43 over nervous . Also have more blood about two leaders
02:46 more than other seals , which lets them store oxygen
02:49 for longer and therefore stay underwater longer than some of
02:52 their other seal buddies . Okay , so the nerpa
02:54 is awesome and a wonderful example of an animal that's
02:57 adapted to the presence of lots of fresh water .
02:59 Let's go someplace warmer to see what life can be
03:01 like when there's not a lot of fresh water around
03:04 . Welcome to the Sahara in Africa desert have very
03:06 little water with sources of surface water that can change
03:09 throughout the year depending on things like rainfall . The
03:11 Sahara has some bodies of water that many plants and
03:14 animals depend on for freshwater , but there's not very
03:16 many of them . One of these lakes located on
03:19 the edges of the Sahara is called lake chad .
03:21 It's tiny compared to lake baikal in Russia . Let's
03:24 compare lake chad and lake baikal side by side using
03:26 bar graphs . One shows the surface area of each
03:29 lake and the other shows how deep they are .
03:32 Wow , there's definitely a lot more fresh water for
03:35 the animals near Lake baikal than at lake chad ,
03:37 according to these graphs . Good thing . A lot
03:40 of the animals in the Sahara rarely need to drink
03:42 water . Why not ? Because they have adapted to
03:45 their really , really warm home ? In the case
03:47 of the addicts antelope , they actually changed the color
03:50 of their hair . So how does that help them
03:53 deal with a lack of water ? Well , in
03:54 the summer , the addicts has a white coat that
03:56 reflects sunlight that helps it keep cool . In the
03:59 winter there coat turns to light brown to help them
04:01 absorb more heat . This strict keeps their body temperature
04:04 stable year round and this means that in the summer
04:06 they don't need as much water as you are .
04:08 I might to cool ourselves off . Makes me kind
04:10 of wish I could change my hair color . What
04:12 do you guys think about purple ? No . Okay
04:20 , so what have we learned from our trips to
04:22 Russia and africa ? Some animals live near lots of
04:24 fresh water and some don't and both kinds can thrive
04:28 , thinks that their adaptations to the places where they
04:30 live . So to answer our big question yes ,
04:33 living things can survive with limited fresh water , but
04:37 only if they can adapt . I'm off to try
04:39 on a purple wig to see how it looks .
04:42 It's probably not gonna look that great .



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