A Change of Scenery: Crash Course Kids #17.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

A Change of Scenery: Crash Course Kids #17.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

A Change of Scenery: Crash Course Kids #17.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 I love change . It gives me something to look
00:12 forward to . A new book to read . A
00:14 new flavor of ice cream to try or a snazzy
00:16 new pair of specs . If it's new and different
00:19 I say bring it and if you think about it
00:20 changes all around us . Seasons changes . The earth
00:23 travels around the sun , clouds in the sky change
00:26 shape . The ground beneath our feet is constantly moving
00:29 . That's right . The earth's geo sphere , a
00:31 stationary as it seems is actually moving . And because
00:34 of all of this , all of the land forms
00:36 , that is the features of the earth's surface .
00:38 Like mountains and deserts are constantly changing alrighty then .
00:41 But how how do landforms form and change over time
00:46 ? Mhm . Well the first thing you need to
00:51 know is that the top most layers of the earth
00:52 are made up of plates despite their name , these
00:55 are nothing like dinner plates you can think of the
00:57 most big thick pieces of soil and rock and I
01:00 mean big . The north american plate covers all of
01:03 north America plus Greenland and parts of northern Asia .
01:06 And these parts are moving slowly so slowly . In
01:09 fact that we don't even notice them moving . The
01:11 plates cruise along at about 2 to 5 centimetres a
01:14 year , which is about as fast as your fingernails
01:16 grow . These plates can move away from each other
01:18 toward each other or even slide over top one another
01:21 and sometimes their movement causes landforms to change , but
01:24 landforms can also change slowly in other ways through things
01:27 like erosion and weathering . You already know that these
01:30 are powerful forces that change rock through the effects of
01:32 wind , water and ice . Mhm . For example
01:38 , the Grand Canyon in Arizona was formed by the
01:40 colorado River and other forms of water slicing through a
01:43 plateau of rock through erosion over many , many ,
01:45 many years . If you're the impatient sort though ,
01:48 have I got news for you ? Sometimes landforms can
01:51 change quickly , I mean really quickly , as in
01:54 within a few minutes . So let's take a look
01:56 at different ways that landforms can change By exploring a
01:58 couple of particularly famous examples . Let's start with one
02:01 of nature's most famous quick changes . A volcano in
02:03 the pacific northwest of the United States called Mount ST
02:06 Helens did some serious land form rearrangement in May of
02:09 1980 . The surface of the earth went from this
02:11 to this in a matter of minutes , the force
02:14 of the eruption caused the largest landslide in history ,
02:17 which changed even more the way the land looked and
02:19 still looks today , all around the mountain . But
02:21 most landforms change much more gradually by gradually , I
02:25 mean so slowly that we don't even notice them changing
02:27 at all . The Grand Canyon is a great example
02:29 of this , but it's not the only one in
02:31 the early 18 hundreds , a group of explorers some
02:33 of the cross , a really cool rock formation in
02:35 the White Mountains of New Hampshire . Because the shape
02:37 of the land form looked like the profile of an
02:39 old man . It was nicknamed the Old Man of
02:41 the mountain geologists think that this old man was probably
02:44 created through erosion by glaciers , big slowly moving sheets
02:47 of ice over 200 million years ago and there the
02:50 old man stayed exposed to wind in snow and ice
02:53 . In other words , weathering and more erosion ,
02:55 he looked pretty much the same for millions of years
02:57 until 2000 and three when finally the whole formation tumbled
03:00 off the side of the mountain . The old man
03:02 of the mountain is a great example of how landforms
03:04 are both created and continuously changed in ways we don't
03:07 even notice until we notice them . So now maybe
03:14 , you know what I mean ? When I say
03:15 that the earth is always changing landforms as we know
03:18 them , won't look the same forever because these features
03:20 on the Earth's surface can change over time . They
03:22 can change quickly , like when a volcano erupts ,
03:24 or they can change slowly through processes like weathering and
03:27 erosion . When wind and water change the shape of
03:29 mountains or cause canyons to form and that's totally fine
03:32 with me . I can always go for a change
03:34 of scenery .



A Change of Scenery: Crash Course Kids #17.2 is a free educational video by Crash Course Kids.

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