Defining a Problem: Crash Course Kids #18.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Defining a Problem: Crash Course Kids #18.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Defining a Problem: Crash Course Kids #18.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 problems . We've all got them , you me T
00:12 . Swift Tony Stark . Some problems like forgetting to
00:15 do your homework might seem like a pretty big deal
00:17 to you , but when you compare them to other
00:18 bigger problems , they're really not so bad . Like
00:21 what kind of bigger problems ? Well the kinds of
00:23 problems engineers face , like how to safely fly hundreds
00:26 of people through the air in a small vehicle from
00:28 one country to another , or how to make an
00:30 eco friendly building in a seaside town that can withstand
00:33 hurricane force winds or how to send a bunch of
00:35 earthbound humans hurtling off into space and you know ,
00:39 get them back . That homework doesn't seem like such
00:41 a big problem anymore , does it ? Okay to
00:43 be clear , I'm not saying that you don't have
00:45 to do your homework if you didn't , it would
00:47 definitely be a problem . Just not as big as
00:49 like having to invent a spaceship and that's the kind
00:52 of stuff that engineers do . Engineers are people who
00:54 want to know how and why things work . Not
00:56 only that , they actually design and build things like
00:58 machines , systems or structures to help solve specific problems
01:02 . All engineers , whatever type they are , follow
01:04 the same series of steps when trying to solve a
01:06 problem . You'll remember these steps as the engineering process
01:10 and the first step in that process is defining the
01:12 problem . When an engineer identifies a problem here ,
01:15 she hopes to solve . But that first step isn't
01:17 as simple as you think it is . So it's
01:19 time for our big question , how does an engineer
01:22 define a problem ? Let's come up with a fake
01:28 problem to solve and we'll see what we wind up
01:30 with , pretend you're on one side of a very
01:32 big canyon and you need to get to the other
01:34 side . So that's the problem you need to solve
01:36 right how to cross this very big canyon sort of
01:39 , but not exactly , we can do better if
01:41 I was an engineer and found myself on one side
01:43 of that huge canyon . Here's how we go about
01:45 identifying the problem . I'd ask questions a lot of
01:48 questions , all the questions . Mhm . I need
01:54 to cross this very big canyon , but is that
01:57 my actual problem ? Mm This canyon is very big
02:01 and I need to get to the other side .
02:02 I know I'll cross that bridge . Wait , is
02:05 there a bridge ? Uh Yeah , there's no bridge
02:07 . Okay , can I climb down one side of
02:09 the canyon and then up the other side ? Uh
02:12 definitely not way too deep . Plus there's a roaring
02:15 river at the bottom , would have to figure out
02:17 how to cross . So I can't cross the canyon
02:19 by bridge , I can't climb down and up and
02:21 I can't swim across it . What's something I can
02:23 do that doesn't require a bridge climbing or swimming ?
02:26 I know I need to find a way to fly
02:28 across the canyon and that's my problem . More importantly
02:30 , that's my solvable problem . How do I fly
02:33 across this very big canyon ? It took a little
02:40 bit of thinking and a whole lot of questions ,
02:42 but how can you fly across the canyon is an
02:44 easier problem to address than the much less specific .
02:46 I'm on one side of a big canyon and I
02:48 want to get to the other side and I don't
02:50 know how to get across it , which strictly speaking
02:52 isn't a question , it's just complaining about a problem
02:54 really loudly . So defining the problem in a solvable
02:57 way is really key to being a good engineer .
02:59 While that first step might seem pretty easy , make
03:02 sure you treat it like the super important step that
03:04 it is , because it sets the stage for all
03:06 of the steps of the engineering process that follow .
03:08 If you don't define a potentially solvable problem from the
03:11 start , you might never well solve it . So
03:14 , an engineer asks a lot of questions to define
03:16 a problem as specifically as they can , and most
03:19 importantly as something that can be solved . So how
03:22 is engineers , Sabrina going to find a way to
03:23 fly across that gorge ? You're gonna have to solve
03:26 that problem by watching our next lesson .



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