Defining Success: Crash Course Kids #18.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Defining Success: Crash Course Kids #18.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Defining Success: Crash Course Kids #18.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 problems , problems , problems , problems . We've been
00:13 learning a lot about engineering lately and engineering always starts
00:16 with a problem that needs to be solved , but
00:18 I'm tired of talking about problems . So let's talk
00:21 about solutions instead , we've already learned about how engineers
00:24 define problems . Now it's time to discover how they
00:27 define success . I don't mean how they define success
00:30 . Like in general , like success is graduating from
00:32 a good school or success is getting a good bonus
00:34 check at work or successes , winning a lifetime supply
00:37 of macaroni and cheese . Although I'm not gonna lie
00:40 , that sounds like success to me . When engineers
00:42 define success , they do it in relation to the
00:44 problem they're trying to solve . So for example ,
00:46 what does a successful solution to my problem ? Look
00:48 like ? The big question we're asking today is what
00:51 makes a solution successful ? Okay , let's back up
00:58 a bit a solution is what again , a solution
01:00 is something that an engineer designs or builds to solve
01:03 a problem here . She has some solutions that engineers
01:05 have come up with include the telephone , a solution
01:08 to the problem of how people in different places can
01:10 communicate with each other or the refrigerator . A solution
01:12 to not being able to keep food fresh for long
01:14 periods of time or light bulbs , a solution to
01:17 not being able to see at night using something that's
01:19 safer , brighter and more reliable than an open flame
01:21 every day . Engineers design and build solutions , but
01:24 how do they decide which of the many potential solutions
01:27 that they brainstorm will be the most successful ? I
01:29 think an example would be helpful here and we've already
01:31 invented a fake problem . So why not invent a
01:33 fake solution to back to the canyon ? You know
01:35 that insanely deep one with no bridge and the raging
01:37 river at the bottom of it ? Yeah , that
01:39 one . The problem , we define that that spot
01:45 was how do we fly across this canyon ? I'll
01:47 be are standing engineer again being a good engineer .
01:50 I know it's time to identify the criteria for my
01:52 solution basically . I need to figure out what things
01:55 my solution needs to do in order to be considered
01:57 successful . Think of it like making a checklist number
02:00 one it should get me to the other side and
02:02 let me be more specific . It should get me
02:03 to the other side alive . Number two it the
02:07 thing that gets me to the other side should be
02:08 something I currently have or can easily access number three
02:12 . It would be nice if I could reuse whatever
02:13 it is . One time on the other side now
02:15 if Superman's fortress of solitude was nearby , I'd snag
02:18 him and make him fly me over this canyon .
02:20 No prob but sadly I don't have access to Superman
02:23 secret layer . So like any other engineer I have
02:26 to make do with what I have . So what
02:28 do I have ? I've got the tent that I
02:29 camp with and that's about it . You guys ,
02:32 I can make a hang glider out of my tent
02:34 . It's a resource I already have and if I
02:35 build it properly it will get me to the other
02:37 side alive . Which is ultimately where I wanna be
02:40 . Plus bonus , I can dismantle the glider on
02:42 the other side and use the pieces for their original
02:44 purpose , keeping me sheltered from lions and tigers and
02:47 bears . Oh my eye . So Superman is a
02:53 solution in that if you were real and if I
02:55 could somehow contact him to get him to carry me
02:57 over this canyon , he could get me to the
02:59 other side alive . But he's not the most successful
03:02 solution because he doesn't meet all of my criteria .
03:05 He's not currently with me and I can't easily find
03:07 him . I mean the whole point of a secret
03:09 layer is that its secret . So a hang glider
03:11 meets all of my criteria , which means that's our
03:13 solution . We'll fly across this very big canyon with
03:16 a hang glider and of all the solutions that an
03:18 engineer can brainstorm to whatever problem here she has the
03:21 most successful one . The one that meets all of
03:24 or most of the criteria is the one that engineers
03:26 actually attempt to design . Now . Actually making a
03:29 hang glider out of a tent is a different step
03:30 in the engineering process . So it's one that we
03:33 kind of fortunately don't have to mess with today because
03:35 I have zero idea about how to build or fly
03:38 a hang glider . And anyway , remember that this
03:39 is a totally fake made up solution . Don't go
03:42 jumping into a canyon or anything with a tent .
03:44 Okay , we're here to solve problems , not create
03:46 new ones .



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