The Great Picnic Mix Up: Crash Course Kids #19.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Great Picnic Mix Up: Crash Course Kids #19.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

The Great Picnic Mix Up: Crash Course Kids #19.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 summertime is picnic time with sweet iced tea and yummy
00:12 fruit salad and ants , but still yummy fruit salad
00:16 . And Hey , did you notice something ? Those
00:18 foods have something in common ? They're both mixtures things
00:21 made by combining two or more different things . Not
00:23 the ants , they're just ants . But the iced
00:25 tea and the fruit salad are mixtures . Anytime you
00:27 combine two different things , you make a mixture ,
00:30 whether it's strawberries and bananas , raspberries and blackberries or
00:33 cantaloupe and legos , which I don't recommend eating at
00:36 all . I'm just saying it's a mixture . So
00:38 let's have a little science whether picnic shall we ,
00:40 let's talk about the different kinds of mixtures we can
00:42 discover . For example , if we make sand and
00:49 water in a glass , we'll get a mixture even
00:51 though after a while the stand will settle to the
00:53 bottom of the glass . But if we stir some
00:54 sugar into the water , the sugar looks like it
00:56 disappears , but it really doesn't . The particles that
00:59 make up sugar become distributed or spread around evenly among
01:02 the particles that make up water . We call this
01:04 kind of mixture of solution solutions have two main parts
01:07 The salute , which is the stuff that dissolves in
01:09 this case the sugar and the solvent , which is
01:12 the stuff in which the salyut dissolves in this case
01:14 the water . Now , solutions can be made from
01:16 types of matter that are in different states . To
01:18 for example , the air that we breathe is made
01:20 up of a solution of gas is mostly nitrogen ,
01:22 oxygen and carbon dioxide and soda water is really a
01:25 solution of carbon dioxide , gas and liquid water .
01:28 But no matter what and this is important , mixing
01:31 things together in solutions does not make a whole new
01:33 substance . Solutions can be separated again back into the
01:36 substances that made them . So for example , if
01:38 you leave the lid off a bottle of soda water
01:40 , the carbon dioxide that's dissolved in the water will
01:42 slowly float up to the top and bubble away .
01:44 Given enough time , you'll be back to having plain
01:46 old water in the bottle , in carbon dioxide in
01:48 the air as two separate things not mixed together .
01:51 So when you take a sip of your favorite fizzy
01:52 drink , you're drinking a solution , but not all
01:55 substances dissolve easily into other substances . The ability of
01:58 something to be dissolved is called its value bility .
02:01 Sand doesn't dissolve in water , for instance . So
02:03 we say it has low soluble itty and water ,
02:05 but sugar dissolves pretty easily . So sugar has high
02:08 soluble itty and water . Still , no matter how
02:10 easily something might dissolve into another thing , you'll eventually
02:13 reach the point where it can't dissolve anymore . Let's
02:15 say you pour a whole bunch of sugar into a
02:17 small glass of water if you keep adding sugar to
02:19 it to make it even sweeter . And who would
02:21 blame you for trying ? You'll get to a point
02:23 where no more sugar can dissolve . The actual will
02:25 just sit at the bottom . This is called saturation
02:28 . The point at which no more salute can dissolve
02:29 into a solution . Saturation happens when there's just no
02:32 more room for the particles that make up the salute
02:34 . In this case the sugar to squeeze between the
02:36 particles of the solvent , the water . All of
02:39 this is making me snacking . Let's check out our
02:45 picnic table again and investigate the different kinds of mixtures
02:47 we see there . Let's start with the fruit salad
02:50 . That's definitely a mixture of different kinds of fruit
02:52 is the solution , nope , because the particles that
02:54 make it up aren't equally distributed . I can dip
02:56 my spoon in there and come up with nothing but
02:58 strawberries one time and then go back for more and
03:00 get a spoonful of only bananas . How about the
03:02 sweet tea ? The solution to that question is that
03:05 it's a solution particles of say water and sugar in
03:07 the tea are evenly distributed in the glass every bit
03:10 contains water and sugar , they're spread out evenly .
03:13 Now can the substances that make up our iced tea
03:15 solution be taken apart again , yep . If we
03:17 heat the T . So that the water and the
03:19 solution changes from a liquid to a gas , it
03:21 evaporates into the air , leaving the sugar behind .
03:27 So let's go over what we learned that our little
03:29 mixed up picnic . A mixture is made by combining
03:32 two or more substances . When the particles that make
03:34 up the substances are equally distributed . The mixture is
03:37 called the solution solutions can be made of substances that
03:39 are in the same state of matter , like gases
03:41 in the air or in different states of matter ,
03:43 like the gas bubbles in soda , the salute is
03:45 the part of the solution that is dissolved in the
03:47 solvent is the part into which the salyut dissolves and
03:50 solutions . And some other kinds of mixtures don't always
03:52 make new substances , even though it might look that
03:55 way . Now let's enjoy what's left of our picnic
03:57 before the ants carry it all away .



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