Everything Revolves Around You: Crash Course Kids #22.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Everything Revolves Around You: Crash Course Kids #22.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Everything Revolves Around You: Crash Course Kids #22.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:0-1 Hi there Sabrina here just hanging out with Mr Moon
00:02 . If you're wondering why he looks a little green
00:04 . It's because he's a little jealous . We've spent
00:07 an awful lot of time talking about the son and
00:09 what a star is and very little time on this
00:11 guy . So cheer up Mr Moon . Today's episode
00:14 is all about you . To be more specific .
00:26 Today's episode is all about orbits . Lots of things
00:29 in space are in orbit . But let's just start
00:32 by talking about things that orbit the Earth and those
00:34 are two things in particular artificial satellites which are made
00:37 by people and the moon . You should remember that
00:40 an orbit is the path that an object follows around
00:43 another object like how the Earth travels around the sun
00:46 the moon orbits the Earth in a similar way .
00:48 You should also remember a little thing called gravity .
00:51 Gravity is a force or the natural full of objects
00:53 toward each other . It's the thing that keeps you
00:56 on Earth . But doesn't that make you wonder why
00:58 gravity doesn't just pull things out of their orbit ?
01:01 I mean if gravity pulls things toward each other ,
01:03 then why don't think that orbit the Earth crash into
01:06 the Earth . Before we can answer that question ,
01:13 We should learn a little bit more about the things
01:15 that orbit our planet and the paths they take around
01:17 it . Earth has only one moon . I'm sure
01:19 you've seen it . It's covered in huge craters that
01:21 were formed by asteroids hitting it and great plains that
01:24 were likely shaped by the lava that once flowed on
01:26 its surface . We think the moon formed billions of
01:28 years ago when chunks of the Earth were blasted into
01:30 space after a planet sized objects hidden , these pieces
01:34 of Earth then came together to form our moon meet
01:37 Right now it takes the moon about 27 days to
01:39 fully orbit the Earth . The moon is not the
01:41 only thing that orbits our planet , but it is
01:43 Earth's only natural satellite . A satellite is just a
01:46 body that orbits a planet , A planet like object
01:48 or an asteroid , plenty of human made or artificial
01:51 satellites orbit our planet . To probably the most famous
01:55 artificial satellite is the international space station . Or isS
01:59 . The space station is the biggest object ever flown
02:02 in space . Lots of countries including the United States
02:05 , Russia , Japan and Canada built this satellite where
02:08 astronauts live and perform scientific experiments in near weightless conditions
02:12 . The I . S . S . Even has
02:13 a gym on it . The I . S .
02:15 S . Moves pretty fast , completing 16 orbits around
02:18 our planet every day . And it's not the only
02:20 artificial satellite up there . There are thousands of different
02:23 satellites traveling around earth . Some of them help us
02:26 forecast whether some monitor areas of drought in some sense
02:29 , signals to our phones and TVs . So thanks
02:32 for the spongebob satellites . Anyway , If all of
02:35 these things are traveling around our planet , earth's gravity
02:37 is constantly pulling things toward it , then why isn't
02:40 the Earth's surface full of fallen satellites or chunks of
02:43 moon for that matter ? I think a visual would
02:45 really help here . Let's have our moon buddy .
02:47 Show us exactly how he stays in space . Mm
02:52 hmm . Welcome back . Mr Moon . Two things
02:55 determine the orbit of a satellite . Whether it's an
02:58 artificial satellite , like the I . S . S
03:00 . Or if it's natural like the moon . The
03:01 first factor is the gravitational pull of the Earth ,
03:04 which pulls things towards the center of the earth .
03:06 The second factor is the speed and direction or the
03:09 velocity at which the object is moving . If these
03:12 forces are balanced then the satellite remains in stable orbit
03:15 around the Earth . This delicate balance is super important
03:18 . Why ? Well , the balance between an object
03:20 velocity and the Earth's gravitational pull is the cause that
03:24 produces the effect of the object remaining in orbit .
03:27 If the moon speed was much faster , it would
03:29 escape the Earth's gravity and just fly off into space
03:32 . But if the moon speed was much slower ,
03:34 the Earth's gravity would be able to pull it down
03:36 to Earth , and the orbits of artificial satellites work
03:38 the same way , even though they're located closer to
03:41 the Earth and the moon . As long as they
03:42 move fast enough , Earth's gravity won't be strong enough
03:45 to pull those satellites down to Earth . So technically
03:52 the Moon and other satellites are always falling towards the
03:56 Earth , but they're also moving so fast that they
03:59 don't hit it now . You know why things that
04:00 orbit the Earth don't crash into the Earth . If
04:03 the moon and all those artificial satellites maintain a certain
04:05 velocity , not too slow and not too fast ,
04:08 they'll avoid losing their battle against our planet's gravitational pull
04:11 . Very impressive . Mr . Moon take a bow
00:0-1 .



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