Spaced Out: Crash Course Kids #25.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Spaced Out: Crash Course Kids #25.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Spaced Out: Crash Course Kids #25.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 the universe is big . Really big , bigger than
00:14 that . No , you're not thinking big enough .
00:16 It's so massive that it makes my brain hurt .
00:19 It's so ginormous . Wee teeny tiny humans can barely
00:24 just barely get our brains to comprehend it . But
00:27 just because we can't really fully understand how big the
00:31 universe is . Doesn't mean it's not important . The
00:34 universe is our home . We should at least poke
00:36 around . So how big is the universe ? Let's
00:44 start off with our cosmic address . That's where we
00:47 live in the universe , you could say my current
00:49 cosmic address is the crash course kids studio , Toronto
00:53 , Canada , North America , Earth , the solar
00:55 system , the Milky Way Galaxy , the observable universe
00:58 . The universe . Knowing our cosmic address helps us
01:01 understand where the things in the sky are things like
01:04 stars , asteroids , planets , even other Galaxies .
01:07 Every time we go up and out A level in
01:10 our cosmic address , the actual space we're talking about
01:13 gets more spacious distances in space are so large that
01:17 scientists had to come up with a whole new way
01:19 of measuring them . You can't talk about space using
01:21 miles or kilometers . The numbers get so big that
01:24 they just sound like nonsense . That's where a light
01:27 year comes in . It sounds like a measure of
01:29 time because it has the word year in it .
01:31 But it's really a measure of distance . Light is
01:34 the fastest thing we know in the whole universe .
01:36 Clocking in at a whopping 300,000 kilometers per second in
01:41 one second , light can travel around the Earth ,
01:43 the whole Earth seven times . It's moving so fast
01:47 . Our brains can't detect that it's moving at all
01:50 . So , a light year is the distance that
01:52 light can travel in one year . Does your head
01:54 hurt yet ? Well , buckle up because we're just
01:57 getting started back to our big question , how big
02:01 is this universe of ours ? Nobody knows . Really
02:04 ? That's pretty weird . Right ? Well , that's
02:06 partly because the only part of the universe we know
02:09 about is what we call our observable universe . The
02:12 parts that we can actually see or observe in any
02:15 direction . Some things are so far away that light
02:18 from those objects haven't even reached us yet . That
02:21 is the limit of our observable universe . Beyond that
02:24 . We don't know what's out there . But even
02:26 sticking to the observable universe , we're going to need
02:29 to scale things way down to understand any of it
02:33 . Mm Let's try to visualize our cosmic address on
02:39 a scale that we can handle . Let's use this
02:41 room as our scale . It's about 10 m by
02:43 10 m the size of an average classroom . If
02:45 the sun were the size of this room , the
02:47 earth would be about this big . Okay , not
02:50 too crazy . Now , imagine our whole solar system
02:54 where the size of this room , this would be
02:56 the sun . Don't see anything . That's because it's
02:59 just a grain of salt . A grain of salt
03:02 . Yeah , that's our son . And the Earth's
03:05 orbit around the Sun would be about the size of
03:07 this disk at this scale . The Earth is just
03:09 a microscopic bacterium . We can't even see it at
03:13 this size . Our whole big huge solar system is
03:17 just a grain of salt . Now , what if
03:20 the entire Milky Way Galaxy with the size of this
03:22 room ? Our solar neighborhood would be this big boy
03:27 . Now for the finale , the biggest thing we
03:29 know the observable universe . Imagine the observable universe is
03:34 this room ? Can you spot the Milky Way ?
03:36 Nope , It's just way too small . It's not
03:38 that it's just unsuitable , it's smaller than microscopic .
03:42 The whole Milky Way . Are you dizzy ? I'm
03:44 dizzy . So that gives you an idea of the
03:46 size of the things in the universe . But what
03:49 about the size of the space ? You know that
03:51 the Sun is the closest star to the Earth ?
03:54 But what is the second closest that would be Proxima
03:57 centauri ? It's 4.24 light years away . That means
04:01 it takes light from that star four years to reach
04:04 us . By comparison . It takes the sun's like
04:07 eight minutes to get to Earth . If you want
04:09 to visit the sun's closest star friend traveling in the
04:11 fastest object humans have ever built , it would still
04:15 take 19,000 years to get there . And that's only
04:19 4.24 light years away . The observable universe is are
04:23 you ready for this , 93 billion light years across
04:27 ? Even using light years , it's so big !
04:29 It still sounds kind of like nonsense . Huh ?
04:36 So space ! It's big . Really big , mind
04:40 bogglingly big . But it's also our home , even
04:43 if we're just unbelievably small little things floating on a
04:46 speck of dust in a teeny tiny galaxy , we're
04:49 still here and we know where we are in the
04:52 universe , and that's pretty awesome . But I think
04:56 I need to go lie down now .



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