Let's Take a Hike: Crash Course Kids #30.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Let's Take a Hike: Crash Course Kids #30.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Let's Take a Hike: Crash Course Kids #30.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 This shouldn't come as a shock to you , but
00:11 I am a living thing and I am sitting on
00:14 some non living things . I'm supported by a chair
00:16 of floor and beneath that the ground . So right
00:19 now you are witnessing the exciting combination of two of
00:22 Earth's systems . Okay . Maybe not that exciting .
00:25 But just wait by now . You're super familiar with
00:29 the four spheres , the geo sphere , the biosphere
00:31 , the hydro sphere and the atmosphere . And every
00:34 day just by walking around you , you are an
00:37 example of the biosphere interacting with the geo sphere .
00:40 Most of the time we take the geo sphere for
00:41 granted . Sure , you may hoffan puff when you
00:44 walk up a hill . But do you ever stop
00:46 to think about how the geo sphere changes things ?
00:49 So today we're going to take a couple of minutes
00:51 to consider the ways in which the biosphere can be
00:54 affected by the geo sphere . Think of it this
01:01 way . All plants and animals need a space with
01:03 the right temperature , moisture and sunlight . They also
01:06 need other living things around them , right where they
01:08 belong ? It's their habitat . Now , it might
01:10 seem like the habitats of plants and animals just exist
01:13 on top of the jail sphere . But sometimes geology
01:16 can have a huge impact on those habitats and the
01:19 creatures that live in them . And sometimes those changes
01:21 just sort of happened . And we have to look
01:23 closely to notice the effect . But other times it's
01:26 a huge earth shaking event , like seriously earth shaking
01:31 to see these effects in action . Let's take a
01:33 hike . We'll visit one of the most famous hunks
01:36 of rock in the world . Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
01:39 , a country in africa , mm hmm Kilimanjaro is
01:46 a land form a natural feature of the earth's surface
01:49 . So it's part of the geo sphere and it's
01:51 covered in life grass , shrubs , trees , insects
01:55 , and other animals . It's practically a party .
01:57 Well , a very orderly party . Let me explain
02:01 . A mountain by definition is pretty vertical . As
02:05 we walk toward it , you'll notice that the ground
02:06 starts to slope up and for a while the climate
02:09 at the base of Kilimanjaro seems the same as the
02:11 area around it , a grassy kind of land known
02:14 as the savannah . The temperature here is warm year
02:17 round and it's mostly dry except for a short ,
02:19 very rainy summer season . The landscape is covered in
02:22 shrubs and the occasional tree and all our favorite Lion
02:25 King friends live there also . This land is pretty
02:28 particularly good for farming , so it's full of one
02:31 species . Humans remember people are part of the biosphere
02:35 two . But let's keep walking the slope of Kilimanjaro
02:38 forces air to move up , cooling and condensing and
02:41 precipitating or raining . So as we go higher ,
02:43 we enter a different zone , a rainforest . It's
02:46 humid rainy and totally bursting with plant and animal life
02:50 monkeys , birds and antelope . Called this part of
02:52 the mountain home . As we move even higher up
02:55 on the mountain , you'll feel the temperature starting to
02:57 cool . In general temperatures decreased . An average of
03:01 six degrees Celsius for every 1000 m . You move
03:04 up so soon we'll hit an area that's much cooler
03:06 and drier . The trees start to thin , eventually
03:09 getting replaced by scrubby grass and low lying shrubs .
03:12 It can even get frosty at night . Here you
03:14 may see an eagle fly overhead or some rodents scurrying
03:17 across the ground . This area is called the More
03:20 Land , but our hike isn't done yet . After
03:23 about six days of climbing , we're coming close to
03:25 the top of Kilimanjaro up here , water is super
03:28 scarce and it's cold . There is almost no plants
03:31 or animals and the ground is covered in ice or
03:34 just bare rock , temperatures up here can go down
03:37 to negative 18 degrees Celsius . This area gets so
03:40 little rainfall that it's an alpine desert . It's kind
03:44 of crazy . Even as we're shivering up at the
03:45 very top , we can look down and see lions
03:48 sunning themselves on the hot savannah below . So this
03:51 one land form has generated four distinct habitats . The
03:55 shape of the mountain change the kind of plants and
03:57 animals living on it . If the mountain weren't there
04:00 , we would just have flat grassy savannah everywhere .
04:03 But instead the Geo sphere created an environment where different
04:07 plants and animals could flourish . Of course , the
04:09 geo sphere can sometimes have a more drastic effect on
04:13 the biosphere . I promised excitement . What if our
04:15 peaceful mountain was really a volcano ? Well , I'm
04:18 about to blow your mind because it is , Kilimanjaro
04:22 is a dormant volcano , meaning that it's not active
04:25 . So don't worry . Scientists think it's last major
04:27 eruption was about 360,000 years ago when a volcano erupts
04:32 hot gas ashes and lava flow out , destroying all
04:36 plants and animals in their path . Sad , but
04:40 the lava isn't all bad . Volcanic soil is very
04:43 rich in nutrients . So after the volcano has gone
04:46 on its rampage plants will grow bigger and more numerous
04:49 on top . You might say that volcanoes are more
04:52 extreme . Examples of how the geo sphere can affect
04:54 the biosphere . So if you're like me and you're
05:01 a living thing , then keep in mind that lots
05:03 of non living things in the world can affect the
05:05 way we live . It may seem like the ground
05:07 is just the stage where the show of life plays
05:09 out . But we've got to give the geo sphere
05:11 more credit than that . It's not just the stage
05:14 , it's an actor too



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