Super Stars (Constellations): Crash Course Kids #31.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Super Stars (Constellations): Crash Course Kids #31.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Super Stars (Constellations): Crash Course Kids #31.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 we've spent the last few episodes talking about the effects
00:12 of the atmosphere on the geo sphere and the hydro
00:14 sphere on the biosphere , as well as solving some
00:17 pretty big engineering problems . So how about we take
00:20 a break from Earth this time and talk about space
00:23 . Now You might be thinking , but we've already
00:25 learned about stars . Well you're right or at least
00:28 you've been paying attention but we learned about individual stars
00:32 basically how they do what they do as solo acts
00:35 out there in the universe . But what happens when
00:37 a bunch of stars band together to form a supergroup
00:40 sort of like the Avengers of the night sky ?
00:43 Well then they're called a constellation . Today we'll talk
00:46 about these groups of stars and why they're so important
00:49 to astronomers besides being just plain cool or hot ,
00:53 you know what I mean ? So what exactly is
00:55 a constellation ? A consolation is a cluster of stars
01:02 in the sky that have been grouped together in a
01:04 pattern or shape and have been given a name .
01:06 But before we take a closer look at consolations ,
01:08 let's review what a star is , remember a star
01:11 is a bright object in space that gives off light
01:13 through energy that it makes in its core . The
01:15 sun is the most famous start to us earthlings .
01:18 We've already talked about a few other well known stars
01:20 though like bright Beetlejuice , astronomers use bright stars like
01:24 Beetlejuice as markers in the sky to help find other
01:26 less bright objects in space . For example , if
01:29 you are looking for a dim star like Sirius B
01:32 , you might have to look for a long time
01:33 to spot it among the many , many , many
01:37 , many other stars in the sky . But if
01:40 you're able to spot a much brighter star like Sirius
01:43 A . And you know that Sirius B . Is
01:45 located to the lower left of Serious A . Then
01:48 it will be much easier to find serious be like
01:50 I said , there are so many stars in the
01:53 sky that trying to spot just one can be tough
01:56 , especially if it's not near a bright one like
01:58 Beetlejuice or serious A . That's where constellations come in
02:01 , astronomers use constellations to help them better map the
02:04 night sky . Think of stars like cities on a
02:06 map in constellations like countries finding a large shape in
02:10 the sky made of many stars is a lot easier
02:12 to spot than trying to find one single spec .
02:14 Plus there are only 88 named constellations , which is
02:17 a much more reasonable number to deal with than a
02:20 billion . And most of the 88 recognized constellations came
02:23 from the ancient Greeks . The stars in the constellation
02:26 aren't related in any particular way . They just form
02:28 a shape that the Greeks used to tell stories about
02:31 their gods , Goddesses and mythical creatures like flying horses
02:34 and giant scorpions . Now that we know what a
02:36 constellation is ? Why don't we get to know some
02:39 of the more famous ones ? And then Harry potter
02:46 fans will recognize the name of our first constellation .
02:48 Its name means dragon in latin , and also happens
02:51 to be the name of Harry's biggest nemesis , well
02:54 , second biggest after vault . He who must not
02:57 be named . Of course , yep , It's Draco
02:59 . According to legend , Draco was a dragon killed
03:02 by the goddess Minerva and was tossed into the sky
03:05 . Draco is one of 48 constellations described way back
03:08 in the second century by Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy . People
03:11 have been seeing this dragon like shape in the night
03:13 sky for a long time . Consolations aren't just named
03:16 after creatures , though . Some are named after mythical
03:19 people , particularly gods and goddesses . One of the
03:22 more well known greek gods has his own consolation and
03:26 a Disney movie . I'll give you a hint he'll
03:28 go the distance . It's Hercules the stars and the
03:31 Hercules constellation take the shape of the mighty hero as
03:34 if he's holding a bow after just releasing an arrow
03:36 , you go . Hercules , the name of our
03:38 next notable consolation also makes an appearance in the Hercules
03:41 movie as a super cute winged horse . Say hello
03:44 to Pegasus . According to greek mythology . Hercules never
03:47 actually rode Pegasus like in the movie , but the
03:49 flying horse did spend some time with Zeus , king
03:52 of the gods . Zeus like Pegasus so much ,
03:54 he transformed him into a consolation and place him in
03:57 the night sky for everyone to see . Now you're
03:59 familiar with at least three of the 88 constellations in
04:02 our sky . Only 85 more to go as the
04:04 earth rotates . You'll see Draco Hercules and Pegasus plus
04:08 all the other constellations over the course of a year
04:10 , but more on when and where you can see
04:12 the constellations in the next episode . So now you
04:19 know what a star is and that a cluster of
04:21 stars in the sky that are grouped together in a
04:23 particular pattern is called the constellation . Besides having really
04:26 cool shapes and stories behind their names , constellations help
04:30 astronomers and us map the night sky . Since space
04:33 is so huge and massive and enormous , our map
04:37 is far from complete . So anything that helps us
04:40 navigate that vast well space of space is okay by
04:44 me . Thanks for the help constellation .



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