A Fresh Future: Crash Course Kids #33.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

A Fresh Future: Crash Course Kids #33.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

A Fresh Future: Crash Course Kids #33.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 I'm here to tell you not to panic , just
00:12 keep calm . If you watch the last episode ,
00:14 you might be a little worried because I told you
00:16 that of all the fresh water on earth , less
00:18 than 1% of it is actually accessible to us on
00:21 the surface and we are using it like we've got
00:23 an unlimited supply , which you know , we don't
00:27 . But even though humans are partly to blame for
00:29 the freshwater problems on our planet , some of us
00:31 are working on solutions to fix the damage freshwater systems
00:34 around the world . But how exactly have humans affected
00:37 the amount of fresh water in the hydro sphere ?
00:39 And what are we doing to make things better ?
00:42 Yeah , well , I'm glad you asked last time
00:48 we took a look at the falling levels of fresh
00:49 water in the Colorado River and the impact that had
00:52 on local wildlife . So , you know that fresh
00:54 water levels can definitely change , but you might not
00:57 know exactly what causes them to change . Probably the
01:00 biggest thing that humans do that negatively affects the hydro
01:03 sphere is overharvesting . Overharvesting is when people use too
01:06 much water , like on farms or factories or for
01:09 personal use in their homes or offices , basically overharvesting
01:13 is overuse pollution is another problem . When sewage or
01:17 other waste from humans gets into the water , it
01:19 can have a major impact on the animals that depend
01:22 on it to survive . In some really bad cases
01:25 , these animals can get sick or even die from
01:27 living in contaminated water . Dams are the things that
01:30 humans build on rivers that can also reduce the level
01:32 of freshwater . They're used to collect water from rivers
01:34 so that it can be redirected to different places .
01:37 But dams also keep rivers from running their full natural
01:40 course , cutting off the natural flow of a river
01:42 can affect the quality of the water and also get
01:45 in the way of the fish that migrate up and
01:46 down rivers . Okay , now , at this point
01:48 , you're probably thinking , come on Sabrina , get
01:50 to the happier stuff . Well , there are ways
01:52 to help conserve earth's freshwater . Lots of them .
01:55 But let's not just talk about how people are helping
01:57 to protect our water supply . Let's actually see some
02:01 results . Well , first visit a freshwater system that's
02:08 bouncing back from some tough times thanks to some helpful
02:10 humans . This is L . A . River in
02:12 olympic National Park in Washington state . It's looking good
02:15 , right . Yeah . Well , it didn't always
02:18 look that way though . A giant dam built nearly
02:20 100 years ago brought a lot of problems to the
02:23 L . Y . All five species of native pacific
02:26 salmon live in this river , but the damn kept
02:28 them from making their usual migration along the river every
02:30 year . With less river space to call home salmon
02:33 numbers in the L Wall began to drop . Other
02:35 fish were affected by the dam to because the water
02:37 around the dam stayed in one place for longer than
02:39 normal , the water got warmer than the fish were
02:41 used to . This was a problem for two reasons
02:44 . One most fish prefer to lay their eggs in
02:46 cold water and to warm water breeds parasites , which
02:50 led to more disease in the fish and which led
02:54 to fewer fish as the years went on . So
02:56 in 2011 , some local people decided it was time
02:58 for the dam to come down and by early 2012
03:01 it was gone and the work to fix the L
03:03 . Wa . Was underway . Since the dam has
03:04 come down , almost 160 kilometers of habitat have been
03:08 restored for the salmon species in the river . And
03:10 today the L was looking awfully lovely . Plus it's
03:12 not the only river getting a new look since 1999
03:16 about 430 dams have been torn down across the United
03:19 States , allowing rivers to return to their natural flows
03:21 , removing dams isn't the only thing humans are doing
03:24 to pitch in groups have set aside some freshwater systems
03:26 as protected areas to keep them from being polluted or
03:29 over harvested . And you can help by doing really
03:31 , really , really simple things like taking shorter showers
03:34 are turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth
03:36 . The L was still has a long way to
03:38 go before it's fully restored . But if supercool humans
03:40 keep pitching in , it might get there one day
03:46 . So while some humans in the biosphere do pollute
03:50 and over harvest our freshwater , some are doing everything
03:53 they can to protect the hydro sphere water you waiting
03:56 for , get out there and save some water .



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