Big Changes in the Big Forest: Crash Course Kids #38.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Big Changes in the Big Forest: Crash Course Kids #38.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Big Changes in the Big Forest: Crash Course Kids #38.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 last time we saw how humans change new york city
00:12 from a lush green natural habitat filled with beaver elk
00:15 and other forest critters into a concrete jungle , a
00:18 human habitat made of roads , buildings and engineered water
00:21 system and some seriously excellent pizza . I know we
00:23 don't have to tell you this , but that's a
00:25 huge change . And humans make changes like that all
00:28 over the world . In fact , we change every
00:30 habitat we touch . But remember what I said before
00:33 , all living things change their environment . All of
00:36 them don't believe me . Let's take a look at
00:38 how animals change their environment . Check out this landscape
00:46 . Something here has been engineered . Can't see it
00:49 . Look closer at that mound in the middle ,
00:51 that's no ordinary pile of dirt . It's an entrance
00:55 , It's the front door of a prairie dog burrow
00:57 . These spaces like human homes have been engineered engineered
01:01 by prairie dogs and these burrows are seriously well designed
01:05 . Prairie dogs dig burrows to suit their needs .
01:07 They don't just dig at random . They make a
01:09 home that does what they needed to do for them
01:11 to survive . To start . They need their burrow
01:13 to be pretty deep . The entrance to the borough
01:16 goes about 1 to 3 m down and then becomes
01:18 a horizontal tunnel from 3 to 5 m long .
01:21 The borough also has a number of side chambers lined
01:23 with grass for storage and for sleeping . They even
01:26 have a little chamber to use as a bathroom ,
01:28 which I guess good for them . But to build
01:31 the borrow , these industrious prairie dogs have to move
01:34 dirt , which changes their environment . The ground was
01:37 in full of tunnels before the Prairie dogs came to
01:39 town . Or take a look at these termites ,
01:41 termites build homes that can be over three m tall
01:45 , built from the chewed remnants of wood , mud
01:47 and even poo . These termite mounds are an example
01:50 of an animal building a home adding to their environment
01:54 as opposed to removing matter to create space like the
01:56 prairie dogs . Did some animals change the environment without
01:59 meaning to squirrels love nuts , but not in the
02:02 same way I love pizza . And I mean that
02:04 because I never forget where I set down my slice
02:07 . But gray squirrels bury a lot of nuts and
02:10 then they lose track of many of them . Those
02:12 forgotten buried nuts are left alone and become trees .
02:15 So without meaning to grey squirrels change the environment by
02:18 planting new trees . I know what you're thinking .
02:20 Okay , these are changes . Sure . But they
02:22 aren't on the scale of what humans did to new
02:24 york . Well , hold up . I've got something
02:26 to show you . Mhm , mm hmm . Beavers
02:33 remember those beavers that lived in new york ? Those
02:35 guys were changing things to beavers are like little furry
02:39 engineers . How cute is that beavers make major changes
02:42 to their environment . First , beavers are a little
02:44 Lumberjacks , the non trees until only a thin sliver
02:48 of the trunk is left and then they wait for
02:49 the wind to knock it down by selecting which trees
02:52 to take down their , changing the forest , altering
02:55 which trees go wear and making less space for the
02:58 animals that used to live in those trees . They're
03:00 also making more space for new trees to grow and
03:03 then they build their famous dams . The beavers use
03:06 rocks , logs , branches and mud to slow down
03:08 the flow of the stream . Then they build dome
03:11 shaped homes in the center of the pond , out
03:13 of branches and mud . Usually they can only be
03:15 reached by underwater entrances . When they're done , beaver
03:18 dams create a pool of water , turning what was
03:20 once field in forest into wetland . By damming a
03:23 river , beavers build an entirely new habitat for other
03:26 animals . Now , fish and amphibians can move into
03:29 a space where squirrels once roamed and it changes other
03:32 aspects of the water to stream ecosystems are different than
03:35 pond ecosystems because different animals and plants flourish and still
03:39 water rather than in flowing water . So the beavers
03:42 have totally altered their environment , creating an entirely different
03:46 ecosystem than what used to exist . That's a whole
03:49 lot of change . So the beavers build the habitat
03:55 that suit their needs . They build homes for themselves
03:58 and in doing that , they change the environment around
04:00 them . Does that sound like any other creature ,
04:02 you know ? Yes , humans change their environment in
04:05 big ways , but we can't forget that's the nature
04:08 of well , nature humans are just as much a
04:11 part of the natural world as all of the other
04:13 plants , animals , and other living things on earth
04:16 . You and me and the prairie dogs , termites
04:18 , squirrels and beavers were all on this planet together
04:21 , changing everything we touch , but new york style
04:24 pizza , that's strictly the work of humans .



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