Living Things Change: Crash Course Kids #41.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Living Things Change: Crash Course Kids #41.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Living Things Change: Crash Course Kids #41.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Hopefully by now you realize that our world is always
00:12 changing . Landforms change weather changes , even molecules change
00:17 with all of that change going on , living things
00:20 , I'd better be able to keep up and they
00:21 do when the world around them changes , living things
00:24 change too sometimes in a big way . So what
00:27 can happen to living things when the world around them
00:30 changes ? You may recall that once upon a time
00:37 we talked about pineapples and we said they were picky
00:40 because they could only grow in lovely , lush tropical
00:43 climates . No pineapples at the polls , right ?
00:46 That's because the environment in the tropics is perfect for
00:49 growing pineapples . An environment is made up of the
00:52 conditions around the living thing . Now that might sound
00:54 kind of like the definition of the word ecosystem ,
00:57 but the word environment is usually used to talk just
01:00 about non living things in an ecosystem like temperature or
01:03 the amount of rain or even how much pollution there
01:05 is . So while the environment at the polls isn't
01:07 great for growing pineapples , it suits other living things
01:10 just fine , like penguins in Antarctica and polar bears
01:13 at the North Pole , If we put these animals
01:15 into a pineapple field then get pretty hot and unhappy
01:18 , that's because they have adaptations for the cold .
01:20 An adaptation is a characteristic that helps an organism live
01:23 in its environment . But sometimes when environment changes ,
01:26 it upsets the delicate balance of the food chain .
01:29 In an ecosystem . For example , about 360 million
01:32 years ago , the earth looked a lot different than
01:35 it does . Now the earth was much warmer and
01:37 the land was covered with lots of forests and swamps
01:40 and the animals that live . Then let's talk about
01:42 Centipedes that were two m long amphibians over six m
01:46 long and Dragonflies that were the size of large birds
01:49 . Clearly none of these creatures are still around .
01:52 So what happened ? The environment changed over several million
01:56 years . The climate became drier and cooler and many
01:58 plants didn't have adaptations that help them to survive in
02:01 this new , cool dry environment . So they became
02:04 extinct . And that was a problem . Plants are
02:07 at the bottom of the food chain . They make
02:09 chemical energy through photosynthesis and they release oxygen . All
02:13 of those plants made lots and lots of oxygen .
02:16 There was more oxygen in the earth's atmosphere then than
02:19 there is now enough to support all of those giant
02:22 insects . But when the plants became extinct , the
02:24 animals that depended on all of that oxygen could no
02:27 longer survive . Chow , giant insects and the amphibians
02:30 and other animals that ate those insects had less food
02:32 . So they didn't do much better see a giant
02:35 amphibians . But let's take a look at how adaptations
02:37 can help a living thing fit into its environment using
02:40 another smaller insect . Mm . Meet the peppered moth
02:47 . Cute , right . And it comes in two
02:49 types light and dark as you can probably tell .
02:53 The dark colored moths are a lot easier to see
02:55 when they're resting on trees and easier to see means
02:58 more likely to become snacks for birds and other predators
03:00 . That means the light moths have an adaptation that
03:03 helps them live in their environment . So if we
03:05 went through the woods looking for moths , we would
03:07 expect to catch more dark moths than light ones .
03:10 Now what would happen if the environment changed ? It
03:13 did ? True story a couple 100 years ago people
03:16 started burning a lot of coal for fuel and this
03:18 made a lot of pollution . The pollution coated the
03:21 trees , turning them dark with soot and dirt .
03:24 The dark moths now had the adaptation that helps them
03:26 fit into the environment . They blended in with the
03:28 trees , which were now dark to the mosque that
03:31 were lighter though not so lucky in the polluted environment
03:34 , they couldn't blend in as well , so they
03:36 got eaten more often than the dark moths . The
03:38 dark moths that live reproduced to make more dark moths
03:41 . The results after the environment had been polluted for
03:44 a long time , there were more dark moths than
03:46 light one , fortunately we've gotten to be a lot
03:48 smarter about pollution over the last 50 years , the
03:51 environment has changed from more polluted to less polluted and
03:54 the trees aren't covered with dark dirt anymore . As
03:57 you can see in this diagram , the number of
03:59 light colored moths is on the rise . All living
04:05 things have characteristics that help them to fit into their
04:08 environment called adaptations . If the environment , the conditions
04:11 in which something lives changes , then the living things
04:14 change to the living things might gain different adaptations that
04:17 help them to survive in the new environment , or
04:20 the result might be more severe and affect the whole
04:23 food chain , but more on that next time .



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