Climate Change: Crash Course Kids #41.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Climate Change: Crash Course Kids #41.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Climate Change: Crash Course Kids #41.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:0-1 Hey , what's the difference between weather and climate ?
00:02 You can't weather a tree , but you can climate
00:17 , but you already know the difference between weather and
00:19 climate and if it slipped your mind , the definitions
00:23 are right there , you know that the weather can
00:25 change quickly , but climate can also change just more
00:28 slowly . And if you're good at putting two and
00:30 two together and I know you are you probably already
00:33 noticed that we use some of the same words when
00:35 we talk about climate and environment . Words like temperature
00:38 and rainfall , coincidence , I think not what science
00:42 demands . Evidence , my friends and while we've already
00:44 seen that living things can change when environments change ,
00:47 We need to ask how might a change in climate
00:51 affect an ecosystem . Yeah . First , let's talk
00:57 climates through little niece travels . We found out that
01:00 Yuma Arizona had a hot and sunny climate . We
01:03 decided this after finding out that although it rained once
01:06 or twice during my long state , most of the
01:08 days were hot and dry . Now the plants and
01:11 animals that live in humans , hot , dry ,
01:13 sunny climate have adaptations that help them live in that
01:16 desert environment . If we took a hike around huma
01:19 , we might see a cactus and if we took
01:20 a closer and careful look at the cactus , we'd
01:23 see that it's outside is kind of waxy and tough
01:25 . This adaptation helps the cactus save water by keeping
01:28 the water from evaporating into the dry air . Now
01:31 say something happened to humans . Climate save over the
01:34 course of about 20 years , there were even hotter
01:36 days and less rainfall than before . When weather patterns
01:39 change over a long period of time we call it
01:42 . Climate change , with the cactuses adaptations be enough
01:45 . Then let's find out . Mm . Let's look
01:51 at some organisms that are part of a desert ecosystem
01:54 . We have our friend of cactus , a kangaroo
01:56 rat , a rattlesnake in a desert fox . We
01:59 can use the handy dandy food chain model to see
02:02 how energy flows between living things in this ecosystem ,
02:04 it would probably look something like this . The cactus
02:07 mix energy by photosynthesis and the energy goes from the
02:10 cactus to the rat then to the snake and then
02:13 to the fox . Now , although the cactus has
02:15 adaptations that help its store and save water , it
02:18 still needs rain . If it doesn't get enough in
02:20 a drier climate , it's not going to have anything
02:22 to store and it's not going to be able to
02:24 survive . And you know what happens when we take
02:25 out the bottom of the food chain , It's like
02:27 taking the wrong block and Jenga . We throw the
02:30 rest of the ecosystem off balance , but that's not
02:32 the only problem . Less rain and hotter temperatures mean
02:35 less water to drink for all of the animals and
02:38 although they have adaptations to like scales to help them
02:40 retain water that won't be enough to let them fit
02:43 into a much hotter and drier climates and globally the
02:46 climate is changing . Scientists who study climate change think
02:49 that it's caused in part by changes to the earth's
02:51 atmosphere , an increase in gases like carbon dioxide is
02:55 trapping more heat close to the earth , acting like
02:57 a blanket and making the earth warmer . But scientists
03:00 are hard at work trying to find solutions to climate
03:03 change . For example , they're looking at ways to
03:05 keep too much carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere .
03:13 So all living things that make up the earth's biosphere
03:16 have adaptations , characteristics that help them fit into their
03:18 environment . Long term changes in the earth's weather patterns
03:21 called climate change may have effects on the living things
03:24 that make up ecosystems . Now . If only I
03:26 could change that joke I told at the beginning of
03:28 this video



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