Succeed by Failing: Crash Course Kids #42.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Succeed by Failing: Crash Course Kids #42.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Succeed by Failing: Crash Course Kids #42.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Have you ever heard of the expression ? If at
00:11 first you don't succeed . Try try again . Well
00:14 now you have and if you think about it ,
00:16 you can't try again without failing . First . Engineers
00:20 fail all the time when they're trying to find the
00:21 best solution to a problem . In fact , failing
00:24 is really important because it helps you figure out how
00:26 to make a solution that does work and to do
00:29 that , engineers need to find their failed solutions ,
00:31 failure points . So what is a failure point ?
00:35 Yeah . To answer that question , let's revisit some
00:40 of the steps we've been using to design and test
00:43 the possible solutions to a certain problem . We started
00:45 by picking out a single variable the angle of the
00:48 ball ramp . Then we did several trials where we
00:50 change the angle of the ramp each time and we
00:52 had a few failures along the way . In our
00:55 first trial , we knocked only some of the pins
00:57 down . And in the second trial we got no
01:00 pins down at all . But on our third trial
01:02 we got the outcome that we wanted strike and we
01:05 decided that our solution was a success . Now because
01:09 we took the time to pick out one variable ,
01:11 we could be pretty sure that it had to do
01:13 with why our first two trials failed . We figured
01:15 out that when the angle of the ball ramp wasn't
01:17 right , it sent the ball rolling right into the
01:19 gutter . Now in the bowling alley , our solution
01:21 pretty much either worked or it didn't . But sometimes
01:25 solutions to a problem work for a while and then
01:27 don't anymore . At this point , the point where
01:30 solution doesn't work anymore is called a solutions failure point
01:33 to explore this idea . Let's look at some different
01:35 examples . Say you're out in the woods and you
01:37 need to cross a stream . Fortunately there is a
01:40 solution handy , a small wooden bridge , you can
01:42 take the bridge safely across the stream . Right ,
01:44 Oh , but did I forget to mention that you're
01:47 also driving a bulldozer . Now that bridge might not
01:50 work at some point , Too much weight will make
01:53 the bridge collapse . And that specific amount of weight
01:56 would be the bridge's failure point . It's the point
01:58 where the solution wouldn't work anymore . It's a place
02:00 where an engineer could say , here's why the bridge
02:03 failed . Let's look into a pretty famous failure point
02:06 involving another bridge . Mhm . The Tacoma narrows bridge
02:13 crosses a body of water called the puget sound in
02:15 Tacoma Washington . As you can see , the current
02:18 bridge has two decks , one that goes in each
02:20 direction , but that's not the original bridge . The
02:23 original Tacoma narrows bridge opened in july of 1940 it
02:27 looks pretty good . Right ? It was a solution
02:28 to the problem of getting people across puget sound that
02:32 is until november of 1940 . By then , the
02:36 bridge had earned itself a nickname , galloping Gertie .
02:39 And it's easy to see why wo it turns out
02:43 that the failure point of the original Tacoma narrows bridge
02:46 was when hitting it at a certain speed and angle
02:48 at this angle and speed . The bridge would twist
02:51 back and forth , eventually it collapsed . Don't .
02:54 No one was hurt . Once engineers figured out that
02:56 failure point , they designed and built a new bridge
02:59 , one that could withstand winds , like the one
03:01 that made all Gertie gallop and that bridge is still
03:04 standing . Thanks to what engineers learned from the failure
03:07 point of galloping Gertie suspension bridges are stronger and safer
03:10 than ever . It's a success story that started out
03:14 in a failure . So sometimes solutions have a point
03:20 where they don't work anymore . Engineers call these failure
03:24 points and engineers try to find them as they develop
03:26 solutions for a problem . Really , they want to
03:29 identify these points before the final solution is put in
03:32 place . That saves lots of time and money and
03:35 sometimes live . And sometimes failure points are pretty easy
03:38 to find and sometimes they're harder to figure out .
03:41 But when engineers do find them , they learn from
03:44 them to find even better solutions to a problem .
03:46 You wonder how they do that . Exactly . That's
03:49 another story for another time . Don't fail to meet
03:52 me back here soon .



Succeed by Failing: Crash Course Kids #42.1 is a free educational video by Crash Course Kids.

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