Gas Giants Weather: Crash Course Kids #43.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Gas Giants Weather: Crash Course Kids #43.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Gas Giants Weather: Crash Course Kids #43.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 I hope you held onto your all weather spacesuit from
00:11 last episode because the weather in this episode gets even
00:15 weirder , weirder than super powerful dust storms and acid
00:18 . Right ? So say goodbye to Earth and the
00:20 other rocky planets with solid surfaces . Today is all
00:23 about the weather on gas giants . Yeah , Before
00:30 we take flight though , let's get a little refresher
00:32 on what weather is . We learned a few weeks
00:34 ago that weather is the condition of the air or
00:36 atmosphere on different parts of the planet , Even though
00:39 there's only one atmosphere on earth , the weather isn't
00:41 the same everywhere . Obviously , things like temperature ,
00:44 humidity and wind can change the atmosphere in a certain
00:47 area and together they determine what the weather is like
00:50 there . But when you're talking about patterns of weather
00:53 for a certain area , over long periods of time
00:55 , you're talking about that areas , climate and as
00:58 we saw firsthand Earth and the rocky planets all have
01:01 both weather and climates . Who could forget about the
01:04 extremely high and low temperatures on mercury and the heat
01:07 and acid rain on venus and the crazy dust storms
01:10 on mars , I'm still sweating from our trip to
01:13 venus . Good thing . The gas giants are a
01:15 little cooler . But how else is the weather different
01:18 on the planets farther from the sun ? Let's take
01:20 a virtual trip to jupiter , Saturn , uranus and
01:22 Neptune to see how extreme their weather is . First
01:30 up jupiter , you might want to bring your storm
01:32 gear for this planet and be prepared to keep it
01:35 on for years and years and then a few more
01:38 years . Jupiter is a big planet and its weather
01:41 is equally big . It doesn't just have storms ,
01:44 It has a storm that's because the planet is surrounded
01:47 by jet streams or fast moving winds , some of
01:50 which are flowing in different directions . When these opposing
01:53 air flows meet , they create big , long lasting
01:56 swirling storms , storms like the giant red spot ,
01:59 a storm that's been brewing on the planet since possibly
02:02 the 1600s , the 1600s . To make things even
02:07 more interesting , the storm shrinks and grows in size
02:10 and doesn't always stay in the same spot , although
02:12 it always rotate in a counterclockwise direction below the planet's
02:15 equator . And you thought storms on earth could get
02:18 wild . Let's take cover on our next planet Saturn
02:21 . Not that Saturn is less extreme . In fact
02:23 , it's awfully windy here . To the winds on
02:25 this planet can get up to 1800 kilometers an hour
02:29 , The strongest winds on earth only get to about
02:31 400 km an hour . These insanely fast Saturn winds
02:35 , combined with heat from the planet's interior , are
02:37 actually responsible for the yellow and gold bands we see
02:40 in Saturn surrounding atmosphere so cold , but pretty next
02:44 stop . Uranus , much like its gas giant neighbors
02:46 . It's cold . The temperatures on uranus can dip
02:49 as low as negative 220 degrees Celsius . And like
02:52 jupiter , it has pretty big storms with winds almost
02:55 as strong as those on Saturn . But it has
02:57 one weird weather trait . Get this diamond rain .
03:01 How does that happen ? Well , the atmosphere on
03:04 Uranus has a lot of gas called methane in it
03:06 . Methane is a greenhouse gas that explodes when you
03:09 light it . The methane on Uranus is put under
03:11 lots and lots of pressure , which splits the gas
03:14 into carbon and hydrogen . The carbon is then compressed
03:17 under all that pressure into diamonds , which are pulled
03:19 down or rain down into the planet's core . So
03:23 if you ever need to get rich , quick head
03:24 down to your knees and check out its diamond stash
03:27 . You know , if you have the time to
03:28 do a little space travel on to our final gas
03:31 giant Neptune . Oh , what a surprise Neptune also
03:34 has extremely high winds , powerful storms and cold temperatures
03:38 , um , sensing a pattern here . But on
03:40 earth , the sunlight drives our weather Neptune gets about
03:43 1000 times less unlike than we do . So how
03:46 do we explain its wild weather ? We don't at
03:49 least not yet . Scientists aren't sure how this planet
03:52 gets the energy for its intense storms and winds ,
03:54 which is fine by me . I love a good
03:56 mystery , especially a good space mystery . So if
04:04 you're traveling to the gas giants , brace yourself for
04:07 crazy storms and winds on jupiter , Saturn , uranus
04:10 and Neptune and maybe bring a big bag to stuff
04:12 all those diamonds in . But keep in mind just
04:15 like the rocky planets . The gas giants have weather
04:17 sort of similar to what we have on Earth .
04:19 Just , you know , really amped up . I'm
04:22 off to look for a warm wind , free spot
04:24 to spend my afternoon and just in case maybe I'll
04:27 keep my eyes peeled for diamonds falling from the sky
04:30 , you never know .



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