PITFALLS of *ineffective* tutor-search: know 80/20RULE - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

PITFALLS of *ineffective* tutor-search: know 80/20RULE - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

PITFALLS of *ineffective* tutor-search: know 80/20RULE - By TucsonMathDoc

00:0-1 at some point in your child's life , they will
00:02 need a mass twitter , some extra help which is
00:06 so normal now , most parents I work with tells
00:10 me that well I used to think finding someone who
00:13 is good at math that will be good enough twitter
00:16 for my child . Right . Not so You say
00:19 finding a Twitter is easy , but finding the right
00:23 one takes a little more work . Hi , I'm
00:25 dr phoenix panda performance culture at George math . We
00:28 use math to build confidence Today . I want to
00:31 share with you my tips on how to find a
00:35 good tutor and what the pitfalls for this process .
00:38 So you can benefit and find the right one for
00:41 your child . All right , let me introduce you
00:44 my 8020 rule . What is that ? Okay ?
00:47 So that 20% is really Finding someone who is good
00:52 at math to write on that one , but the
00:54 80% is what I really want to focus on today
00:58 . Um The 80% is really actually finding someone who
01:03 can help your child learn how to learn now .
01:06 That may be a new concept , maybe not .
01:08 So what do I mean by that ? So when
01:10 it comes to learning , especially like math , we
01:14 all have our own unique styles for some kids is
01:19 I learned through stories . They need to grab the
01:21 stories to be engaged . Some kids need a big
01:24 picture , so they want to see how this concept
01:27 fits in . Why am I learning this particular one
01:30 for other kids that they take comfort in repetition ,
01:35 That it gives them a sense of security . Still
01:38 others , maybe they need to talk through it .
01:41 They need to hear it first . Right ? So
01:43 a good tutor really needs to tune into your child
01:47 . It's not always easy thing , but with this
01:49 extra effort putting in finding the right person for your
01:52 child is so worth effort . All right , So
01:56 what does it look like if you can't find this
01:59 person ? Let me paint some pictures for you ,
02:02 what it looks like . Now , before we go
02:04 there , let me cover the pitfalls . You see
02:06 normally who you think is a good candidate for your
02:09 child As a math tutor might not be someone like
02:12 your child's Here's some entire retired engineers Or a math
02:19 teacher maybe lived down the street from you . Now
02:22 , those people know math , but that might not
02:25 be a good candidate for your child . Here's why
02:28 knowing math is only 20% . Remember What was the
02:33 other 80% . What would look like ? What you're
02:35 really looking for is actually someone who is good communicator
02:39 . So three things , right ? Let me go
02:42 through the first one , adaptive to child , which
02:45 is really important , adaptive to child . Second one
02:48 , the tutor who really want to identify with you
02:52 child struggle because when a child is struggle , it's
02:55 already a sore spot . It's a sensitive someone who
02:58 is good at math . Thin struggle through it may
03:02 not appreciate the kind of struggle your child is going
03:06 through and what a waste the opportunity that is because
03:09 a child can use that struggle . Actually turn the
03:12 thing around and build confidence with the struggle . Right
03:17 ? All right . Three things to suggest that I
03:20 pass on to the clients I work with . Once
03:23 you find this person , how do you make the
03:25 most out of it ? three things . The first
03:28 one is make sure you're sitting in a sessions .
03:32 Don't just drop your child and say bye and then
03:34 an hour later , pick them up when you want
03:36 to sit in there to observe the interaction . Second
03:40 thing , when you do sit in the session ,
03:43 listen carefully . Who is doing the most talking working
03:47 ? Because whoever is doing the most talking working is
03:50 doing the most work right ? If the tutor is
03:53 doing it on your child is not learning because the
03:56 tour is doing the work . But if your child
03:59 is doing the most talking , then what you don't
04:01 want to hear is what kind of question the quality
04:04 of the question your child is asking . For example
04:07 , I don't get it versus I see number three
04:11 and four step , you're doing this number five and
04:14 six . I'm little not quite sure . Can you
04:17 explain that again ? That's a good one . That's
04:19 what you want to hear for . And lastly make
04:23 sure you tell the twitter upfront , be frank ,
04:26 be honest with me if it's not working , let
04:29 me know as soon as possible . So you can
04:32 actually take your child and your child's math struggle get
04:36 it addressed elsewhere if needed . All right , so
04:40 here's the three tips . There anything else I want
04:43 to share with you ? Um This little opportunity don't
04:49 waste it . Childhood expires . So a mass struggle
04:53 is not an obstacle is actually an opportunity . If
04:57 you use the right , you can actually turn around
05:00 . So let me encourage you thinking think of this
05:05 mass struggle and finding a tutor as an opportunity ,
05:08 not an obstacle . Alright , on that note ,
05:12 thank you for watching . Come back for more tips
05:15 and insights and join our door to math community Until
05:19 next time . Happy parenting .


I make short videos so learning math can be easy and fun.


PITFALLS of *ineffective* tutor-search: know 80/20RULE is a free educational video by TucsonMathDoc.

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