Formula to ask EFFECTIVE questions using Six *magic* WORDS - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Formula to ask EFFECTIVE questions using Six *magic* WORDS - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Formula to ask EFFECTIVE questions using Six *magic* WORDS - By TucsonMathDoc

00:0-1 Hey kids , this is probably fourth . Wait ,
00:02 could you still stuck at home and I hope you
00:05 start hanging in there . Now . We all know
00:07 you still have homework to do and hand it in
00:11 online or not . So it could be a little
00:14 bit of stressful . Um So today I want to
00:18 give you a little bit of tipo . I share
00:19 at work with the kids I work with , how
00:22 to make that homework a little bit easier for you
00:25 , by the way . Did you know that stressed
00:27 spelled backward is actually desserts ? Yeah . All right
00:32 , I'm dr phoenix panda performance coach at door to
00:35 math . My goal is to help kids just like
00:39 you . So , if you find this one valuable
00:41 hit that like button for us and subscribe the channel
00:44 . Alright , so back to what I was talking
00:47 to you about before . If you like most kids
00:50 who I work with at work right now , you're
00:53 probably finding a little better challenging working with adults in
00:57 your life . I mean , they got a lot
01:00 on their mind , don't they ? So , um
01:03 , but let me let you in on a little
01:05 secret I share with the kids I work with .
01:08 And that's this . Most of the adults in your
01:11 life probably don't know how to help you the way
01:15 you want to be helped anyway . And it is
01:17 your job , actually to help them to help you
01:21 do better . So , stay with me in just
01:23 a few minutes . I'll give you a really ,
01:25 really , really simple three step process to help the
01:28 adults in your life to help you better . But
01:31 first , let me ask you a question . Are
01:33 you a dandelion or an orchid child ? Let me
01:38 explain what I mean by that , a dandelion child
01:41 just like the plants , the name it sounds .
01:44 They are not bothered by changes or not too much
01:48 anyway , by the environment around them . Or could
01:51 child . However the routine and the environment are very
01:56 important to you . You like the things just the
01:59 way they are . So you can learn best .
02:02 So which one are you done lying or curd ?
02:06 I mean , you know right ? You know which
02:08 one you are ? So figuring this out is actually
02:12 pretty important because it helps you to know what you
02:16 need . Now , once you figure out which one
02:19 you are and you understand that it's your job ,
02:22 it's up to you to help your itself by helping
02:27 the adults in your life . Let me share you
02:30 with that simple three step process . I was telling
02:34 you earlier , it's really , really , really simple
02:37 . It's just a six words in the sequence .
02:40 It's I know blah blah blah blah . But I
02:44 need blah blah blah blah because so the six words
02:47 as I know , but I need because give me
02:52 , let me give you two examples . So let's
02:55 say you go to your mom and you say ,
02:57 hey listen mom . I know we're all stuck at
03:00 home , but I need a space just for my
03:04 work because it will help me a lot if I
03:08 don't have to pack the stuff up every time when
03:12 I need to work right ? You ask for more
03:15 space or you can say look dad , I know
03:22 you want me to finish all the homework in one
03:24 setting , but I need to break it up a
03:27 bit because it will help me . So I don't
03:30 get zoned out . I mean you get the idea
03:33 right ? So relate to your parents . I know
03:36 blah blah blah blah , but I need to speak
03:39 up for yourself because what's your reason ? So you
03:44 come out thinking it through , right ? It's a
03:47 pretty simple thing . I know , but I need
03:49 because you get the idea so don't forget to reward
03:54 yourself and of each work session now you're at home
03:57 so that next time it's a little bit easier to
04:00 go back and start the work again . All right
04:03 . That's it for this week . Heavy math and
04:06 good luck high in there .


I make short videos so learning math can be easy and fun.


Formula to ask EFFECTIVE questions using Six *magic* WORDS is a free educational video by TucsonMathDoc.

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