What is Soil (and Why is it Important)?: Crash Course Geography #17 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

What is Soil (and Why is it Important)?: Crash Course Geography #17 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

What is Soil (and Why is it Important)?: Crash Course Geography #17 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 before 1960 the Aral Sea was one of the four
00:02 largest lakes in the world and covered 68,000 square kilometres
00:06 . It was supplied by the waters of the Amu
00:08 Darya and Syr Darya rivers and the soil nearby grew
00:11 a lush variety of plants . But during the soviet
00:13 era , fields of cotton and rice took over the
00:15 region , using most of the waters of these rivers
00:17 and their tributaries , And by the 1980s only a
00:20 trickle of New River water made it to the Aral
00:22 Sea , so it began to shrink as the liquid
00:24 water molecules evaporated , they left behind all the salt
00:27 that had been dissolved in this water . This salinization
00:30 covered the newly exposed soil in a salty white crust
00:33 , which then blocks plants from being able to absorb
00:36 water and nutrients in the nearby fields . Aral sea
00:38 water would still be pumped in for the crops ,
00:41 but rapid evaporation continued to leave behind a thick crust
00:44 of salt on the soil , so the sea was
00:46 being destroyed to grow crops . But the crops couldn't
00:48 grow because of more salinization . As the Aral Sea
00:51 continued to shrink and more sediment was exposed . The
00:54 salt and dirt , along with fertilizers , pesticides and
00:57 other pollutants that built up over time , whirled into
00:59 massive dust storms and were transported far and wide .
01:02 All that stuff eventually spread over thousands of square kilometres
01:06 . An endangered valuable cotton and other crops elsewhere in
01:08 the region and what once was a fertile area by
01:11 the Aral Sea looks like a desert with scrubby vegetation
01:14 and a salty crust coding the land . The destruction
01:16 of the Aral Sea has been called the worst environmental
01:19 disaster of the 20th century . And one moral of
01:21 this real life parable is that the soil is a
01:23 living , dynamic and precious substance that's deeply affected by
01:27 how we manage our land and resources , with the
01:29 right composition care and natural cycling . Soil supports entire
01:33 ecosystems so we shouldn't take it for granted . I'm
01:36 al is a career and this is crash course geography
01:46 , soils bring together all four spheres of physical geography
01:50 and understanding soil composition is kind of like baking like
01:53 a rich carrot cake that needs just the right amount
01:55 of flour , water , spice , carrot and cream
01:58 cheese frosting . To make a delicious treat , soils
02:01 are a complex collection of minerals , organic material ,
02:04 air and water is just the right proportions for plants
02:06 to thrive . The flower in our soil cake is
02:08 the parent material , rocks that are broken down by
02:11 plants , animals , wind and water . The size
02:13 of these rock particles determines the soils texture and structure
02:17 like sandstone is very strong , so it makes a
02:19 chunky coarse textured soil . All the non living in
02:21 organic soil minerals come from the parent material rocks So
02:25 we usually end up with elements commonly found in rocks
02:27 like silicon , aluminum , oxygen , and iron .
02:30 And we get different compounds of those elements as chemical
02:32 processes break down the rocks unlike the inorganic minerals ,
02:35 the organic material in soil or humus comes from living
02:39 things like leaves and partly decomposed plants and animals .
02:42 Human supplies , energy and nutrients and influences the color
02:45 , texture , structure and chemical properties of the soil
02:48 and how much water and air it can hold .
02:49 The organic material is like chunks of carrots and walnuts
02:52 in our cake . And just like in a cake
02:54 , the right amount of water and air helped create
02:56 the perfect texture . Let's cut a wedge of our
02:59 soil cake to see how it all comes together .
03:01 This slice is a soil profile with layers called soil
03:04 horizons that each have different properties on the surface is
03:06 the o horizon made of some of that humus like
03:09 extra chopped walnuts . We Sprinkle on top of our
03:11 cake , soils rich in humus are workable , which
03:14 means they have good porosity or capacity for holding water
03:16 Below . This is the A horizon commonly called topsoil
03:20 , which is like the top layer of our cake
03:21 , with a rich cream cheese frosting slathered on top
03:24 . It has tons of nutrients and decomposed organic material
03:27 . So like if we lived in a world where
03:29 frosting is nutritious , the O . And A horizons
03:31 hold a vast hidden world of biodiversity , or all
03:34 different plants , animals and microbes that exist . In
03:37 fact , a quarter of our planet's biodiversity is made
03:39 up of soil organisms in the ground , small land
03:42 mammals , borough and redistribute the soil earthworms , aerate
03:45 soil and improve soil structure and microscopic organisms break down
03:48 organic material hold important nutrients or bind soil particles together
03:52 . But this teeming Life in soils wouldn't be possible
03:55 without precipitation . Just like a cake would be dry
03:57 without liquids . Water absorbs minerals in the soil and
04:00 become soil water carrying nutrients farther down so plants can
04:04 absorb them with their roots . Any extra soil water
04:06 that feeds and sticks to soil particles is called capillary
04:09 water , which plants can use during dry periods ,
04:11 but soil water doesn't stop at plant roots . It
04:14 can filter down to deeper levels and keep leeching or
04:17 depleting the nutrients from the top soil . A well
04:19 made cake is moist but also light and fluffy ,
04:22 so the spaces between soil particles not filled with water
04:25 . Hold soil air , which supplies oxygen and carbon
04:27 dioxide necessary for life below the A horizon are layers
04:31 of basically all the extras from the topsoil . Certain
04:34 soils have an E horizon made up of course sand
04:36 and silt here , finer clay and iron oxide particles
04:39 are leached and carried even further down with the soil
04:42 water . This process is alleviation , which is where
04:44 the E . Comes from . All leached materials from
04:47 the A . And E . Layers accumulate in the
04:48 B . Horizon , which is kind of like the
04:50 storage center for minerals and nutrients that get leeched down
04:53 . Scientists usually only use the word soil to talk
04:56 about the A . Through B . Horizons , that's
04:58 where plant roots are and the layers actively changed through
05:00 interactions with weather , nutrients , plants and animals .
05:04 But our full soil cake is bigger . The next
05:06 layer is the sea horizon or regular , which comes
05:09 from partly broken down parent material . This layer is
05:11 pretty unaffected by all the stuff happening above and finding
05:14 plant roots or even soil microorganisms here is pretty rare
05:17 and the our horizon is the lowest layer made of
05:19 unbroken parent material or bedrock , it's kind of like
05:22 the plate the cake sits on . If the plate
05:24 were made of hardened flower or something much older than
05:26 the soil , the inorganic minerals and rocks in upper
05:29 layers might have come from breaking down some of the
05:31 bedrock or they could have been carried by streams ,
05:33 glaciers , waves and wind from far away . A
05:36 soil profile is a complicated recipe to develop , but
05:39 I think paul Hollywood would give a star baker and
05:41 maybe even a Hollywood handshake . In a non cake
05:45 ecosystem . A few centimeters of prime farmland soil may
05:48 require 500 years to gather nutrients and build a rich
05:51 topsoil . But from Iowa to china peru to Ethiopia
05:55 and the Middle East to the Americas , the topsoil
05:57 is being worn away faster than new soil can form
05:59 and there are record levels of soil loss happening .
06:02 As of 2021 plants can't grow . An entire economies
06:05 are changing like from the salinization of the Aral sea
06:08 , It's a hard problem that we've given soil scientists
06:10 who are kind of like doctors and look after soils
06:13 to prevent such disasters from happening again . They map
06:16 and analyze soil types , determine their suitability for different
06:19 uses and lead conservation efforts using science from all sorts
06:22 of fields like physics , mineralogy , hydrology , climatology
06:26 and more to best understand the way to protect soils
06:29 . Understanding the different characteristics of soil across earth can
06:32 help . Like if we could walk along the 20
06:34 degree meridian , we'd see many specific soil forming processes
06:38 as we moved between climates . We'd start in the
06:40 shady cool of the congo rainforest under a dense canopy
06:43 of tall trees . In this rainforest climate rocks break
06:46 down rapidly and minerals are decomposed as part of a
06:49 chemical process called lateralization . We call the soil that
06:52 forms laterally meaning brick like because it's mostly a hardened
06:55 B horizon made of iron rich clay mixed with courts
06:57 and other minerals . In fact , it's so hard
07:00 , it's used as building material . Moving north ,
07:02 we find ourselves in the tropical grasslands which transitioned into
07:05 semi desert scrub and then the true desert of the
07:08 Sahara as there's less and less moisture in climates like
07:11 these when there's not a lot of moisture for trees
07:13 to grow . But grasses thrive . The soils form
07:15 through calcification over thousands of years , calcium carbonate leaches
07:20 down to the B . Horizon and creates a hard
07:22 layer called colucci . And more calcification happens as grasses
07:26 drop calcium from a horizon and return it to the
07:28 soil when they die , crossing the mediterranean sea and
07:31 heading into the alps . The topography or shape of
07:33 the land influences soil development . Like on steep slopes
07:37 , water quickly flows downhill without absorbing into the soil
07:40 and because of increased erosion , soils also have less
07:42 time to develop . The sun also plays an interesting
07:45 role in the highland climates of the mountains , south
07:48 facing slopes in the northern hemisphere that received the sun's
07:50 rays at a steeper angle are warmer and their soils
07:53 are drier . After crossing the alps , we reach
07:55 the coniferous forests of northern europe . Here , the
07:58 soil forms from pods realization , which is a word
08:00 that comes from the Russian word puzzle , which means
08:03 ascii . As pine needles decompose , they make the
08:05 soil more acidic , which leaches out aluminum and iron
08:08 compounds from the A horizon . The remaining silica gives
08:11 the horizon a distinctive ash gray color that was just
08:14 one little stretch of one meridian , but even there
08:17 no to , soils are alike and their development and
08:19 distribution depends on spatial factors like climate , vegetation ,
08:23 topography , parent material and time . No matter where
08:26 we are , soils are the foundation of life on
08:28 earth . From the local ecosystems of plants and animals
08:31 to the crops we grow and food , we eat
08:34 good , fertile soils are like gold . We seek
08:36 out at any risk like planting crops in the shadows
08:38 of volcanoes or in the flood zone on the banks
08:40 of rivers . The U . N . Food and
08:42 Agriculture Organization celebrates december five as world soil day because
08:46 soil should be celebrated . But also because our soils
08:49 are at risk , soils are a bridge between all
08:51 four of earth's physical geography systems but especially the biosphere
08:55 and the little sphere or earth solid realm which forms
08:58 a platform for plant , animal and human life .
09:01 The little sphere is shaped by internal and external processes
09:04 that build it up and wear it down . And
09:06 we'll start exploring that next time when we look at
09:08 how rocks and minerals are formed . Many maps and
09:11 borders represent modern geopolitical divisions that have often been decided
09:14 without the consultation permission or recognition of the land's original
09:18 inhabitants . Many geographical place names also don't reflect the
09:21 indigenous or aboriginal peoples languages . So we , at
09:24 Crash course want to acknowledge these people's traditional and ongoing
09:27 relationship with that land and all the physical and human
09:29 geographical elements of it . We encourage you to learn
09:32 more about the history of the place you call home
09:34 through resources like native land dot C . A .
09:36 And by engaging with your local indigenous and aboriginal nations
09:39 through the websites and resources . They provide thanks for
09:42 watching this episode of Crash Course Geography , which was
09:45 filmed at the Team Sandoval Pierre studio and was made
09:47 with the help of all these next people . If
09:50 you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone forever
09:52 , you can join our community on Patreon



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