Animals Working Together: Crash Course Zoology #10 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Animals Working Together: Crash Course Zoology #10 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Animals Working Together: Crash Course Zoology #10 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 like most people , I hate having a cold or
00:02 the flu , but being sick gets slightly better when
00:06 a friend drops off some classic movies or goes out
00:09 for a snack and comes back to throw it up
00:11 all over me . Wait , that's bad feeling ,
00:15 cared for . Makes me feel better even if I'm
00:18 still sick and vampire bats cheer up their sick friends
00:21 by going out , drinking some blood , coming back
00:25 and barfing it all over them , you know ?
00:27 So the sick bat doesn't have to go out .
00:29 We humans and bats are pretty social creatures , but
00:34 like you might have noticed with pretty much everything we
00:37 talk about in this course , there's a whole range
00:40 of ways that animals work and live together , social
00:44 behavior , like caring for our young , fighting off
00:47 rivals , joining a pac or even fusing together into
00:50 a huge super animal . Like the power rangers adds
00:54 a whole other layer of complexity to the lives of
00:57 animals and even raises questions about being culture and what
01:02 it means to be an individual . It's time to
01:05 put the meta in Meadows Owen I'm hank Green and
01:09 this is crash course philosophy just kidding , I'm way
01:14 younger than hank . I'm Raymond Grant and this is
01:17 crash course sociology with a hint of philosophy . Mhm
01:22 . Mhm . Yeah . Yeah . Mhm . All
01:31 animals , not just butterflies have some level of social
01:35 nous that influences how they interact with other animals in
01:39 their species formally , sociology is how much individual animals
01:45 tend to associate with other individuals in groups where they
01:49 cooperate together towards a shared goal like raising young or
01:53 hunting down food . We can think of sociology like
01:57 another layer of multicellular charity or being made up of
02:00 many different cells which is one of the four key
02:03 animal traits having more than one cell enables specialist tissues
02:08 and organs like a grain and opens up new ways
02:11 of life that bacteria can only dream of well if
02:16 they could dream because , you know , no brain
02:18 except in sociology . Instead of individual cells working together
02:23 , there are individual animals , many insects , a
02:27 few crustaceans and exactly two mammals practice the most extreme
02:32 form of social reality . They're are you social ,
02:35 which is a term first used by american entomologist Suzanne
02:38 Batra , who's known for her work on bees .
02:41 Use social societies have three essential characteristics . Many generations
02:47 are alive at the same time , there's an extreme
02:50 division of labor where individuals focus on just one specialized
02:54 task and older animals cooperatively raise younger ones , termites
03:00 might actually have been the first use social animals to
03:03 evolve . There's also an example of use social animals
03:06 so highly organized that the entire society functions like a
03:11 single super organism where groups of individuals function more like
03:15 different systems in the body that work together to keep
03:19 the overall organism alive . But use social reality isn't
03:23 the only way animals work together . Pre social animals
03:26 maintain close family relationships and maybe live together or cooperate
03:31 to raise young , but not as dramatically as truly
03:34 use social animals . Pre sociology is pretty common and
03:38 covers a huge range of behaviors . So scientists divide
03:42 animals further into categories and subcategories , two of which
03:47 are sub social and para social , which are the
03:50 ones most other animals fall into . In sub social
03:54 animals . Parents take care of their young for at
03:56 least a little bit . This includes a fair number
03:59 of animals , fish , many arthropods and yes ,
04:02 even some analysts like leeches , all mammals are at
04:07 the very least sub social since mothers feed their young
04:10 milk , but often mammals have more complex social lives
04:14 . Mammals can be para social animals that live together
04:18 in a single place and take care of their kids
04:20 for some amount of time . Sometimes they'll help their
04:23 buddies out with their kids or show mild versions of
04:26 some use social traits . Lions might be a familiar
04:29 example , but there are also social millipedes and even
04:33 spiders . And at the other end of the spectrum
04:36 , we've got solitary animals which live alone except for
04:40 times when they have to be around other animals to
04:43 mate or raise their own young . A lot of
04:46 solitary animals will wander a vast territory and have young
04:50 that grow up pretty quickly . But remember we humans
04:54 use all these categories to understand how non human animals
04:58 interact with each other , but they're pretty fuzzy .
05:01 Many animals have complicated social lives or change how they
05:05 interact with others in the species as they grow .
05:08 And we're still working on understanding what all those complexities
05:11 are , including how and why social behavior evolved in
05:17 the first place in the 19 sixties and seventies ,
05:20 evolutionary biologists who study how animals change over time and
05:24 how those changes resulted in the diversity we have today
05:28 connected altruism with the evolution of social behaviors . Altruism
05:33 is when an animal does something that benefits another at
05:37 its own expense , Like donating to a charity or
05:40 our vampire bat puking up blood in particular . We
05:44 believe animals engage in reciprocal altruism , meaning that when
05:48 they do something nice , they expect something in return
05:52 . Our vampire bat was nice to the sick bat
05:55 , not out of friendship , but in case it
05:57 got sick and needed blood vomit one day . To
06:00 specifically , it could be that some animals are driven
06:04 by inclusive fitness , which is when an individual can
06:08 increase its evolutionary fitness by supporting its non offspring relatives
06:13 . Like in this case it makes sense to give
06:15 up a small cost , like sharing your lunge for
06:18 a bigger benefit to relatives because their success , as
06:22 far as your genes are concerned , is still your
06:25 success . So as long as altruistic or inclusive fitness
06:29 behaviors are a net benefit for the genes involved ,
06:33 they'd show up more and more often in a population
06:36 and they could eventually lead to the evolution of complex
06:40 societies and social behaviors . But evolution has actually given
06:45 the world a social lifestyle so extreme . It gets
06:48 its own concept beyond sociology . Let's live a day
06:53 in the life of a colonial organism . The Portuguese
06:57 Man award allow me to introduce by saliyah faisal is
07:02 the man a war . It floats across the atlantic
07:06 indian and pacific oceans , sailing on the winds and
07:10 currents and dragging its long , stinging tentacles behind it
07:15 like a net , snatching up prey as it goes
07:19 . The man a war is are made up of
07:23 physically connected interdependent clones , basically the individual building blocks
07:30 that make it up are actually many animals called Zoidberg
07:35 or Raymond's instead of just individual cells . So we
07:40 call it a colonial organism like they're ours avoids that
07:45 make up the gas bladder that the manner were uses
07:47 to float around the steroids even pump out their own
07:52 carbon monoxide gas to inflate it . Others opioids form
07:56 the tentacles with little venomous barbs to paralyze prey with
08:02 their meal , trapped the tentacles pull the prey upward
08:05 , delivering the prey to others . Opioids that secrete
08:09 digestive proteins . There are also those opioids responsible for
08:14 making sperm or eggs and sums opioids called jelly polyps
08:19 probably do something . We just don't know what yet
08:23 . All those opioids look and act differently because even
08:28 though they all have the same genes , some have
08:31 turned different ones on or off . It's like when
08:35 you skip certain steps in a recipe , even if
08:38 you have the exact same instructions and ingredients , you
08:41 can get very different results . We call the whole
08:45 man a war , the Zune or Janet . And
08:48 for it to work as one unit , the Zoe
08:51 roids have to communicate with each other . We know
08:54 nerves help coordinate movement , but exactly how colonial organisms
08:59 work on a day to day basis remains mysterious .
09:05 Have a nice day or days . Man a war
09:09 corals and mana . Wars are the most well known
09:12 colonial organisms , but there are others like salps and
09:16 Pyrrhus OEMs . Colonial itty is such an extreme form
09:20 of sociology . We even consider it its own thing
09:24 and it's evolved independently multiple times . With some lineages
09:29 having more intense modularity or a division of labor between
09:33 the individual animals that make them up than others .
09:36 Some scientists hypothesize that colonial city is like an evolutionary
09:41 . If you can't beat them , join them .
09:43 Super intense competition for space , made an extreme division
09:47 of resources and cooperation a good strategy and being able
09:51 to grow and adapt indefinitely because each piece of a
09:55 colonial organism acts like its own independent subsection is a
09:59 plus . It's urban sprawl , but in animal form
10:03 . But even at the extremes , evolution makes no
10:07 commitments . Some previously colonial organisms , like some hard
10:11 corals and one group of the otherwise colonial to the
10:15 core fila of brio Zohan have returned to the single
10:19 ish life over time though . Why they quit on
10:23 colonial Itty is something that scientists are trying to figure
10:26 out . But maybe it's a similar explanation as to
10:30 why evolution reverts to something simpler in other traits being
10:34 colonial just wasn't beneficial enough to keep doing regardless of
10:39 how extreme the lifestyle , from our human perspective animals
10:44 forming what looks like societies or colonies brings up some
10:47 big philosophical questions that we really don't have good answers
10:52 for yet . Like take beehives and ant societies that
10:56 form super organisms or any colonial organism . What exactly
11:01 counts as the individual animal and who is evolving here
11:06 ? The individual or the whole society or both ?
11:10 And it gets more complicated . Some colonial organisms like
11:15 briareos Owens reproduce in two different ways they sexually reproduce
11:21 between Zunes . But the individuals opioids are produced by
11:25 a sexual reproduction which is why they're clones . And
11:29 a 2020 paper by researchers from the US . and
11:32 Panama found that only traits passed between Zunes and not
11:37 individuals . Opioids could be inherited which means natural selection
11:42 and evolution like we see in other animals only applies
11:45 to the super organism and not the individuals making it
11:49 up . So is the zohar Oid or the Zune
11:52 the animal ? Yes . The lines really are that
11:56 murky . The other big question is whether animals have
11:59 culture or the collection of behaviors , customs and knowledge
12:03 of a group that has something in common like an
12:06 ethnic origin or location where they live . Culture is
12:10 passed down not by genetics but through learning culture seems
12:14 like a human thing , but animals like orcas speak
12:17 different dialects and use different hunting techniques depending on what
12:21 part of the world they're from , which looks like
12:24 a culture to me . So there's so much more
12:26 to learn in zoology . Animals live far richer social
12:30 lives than us . Humans give them credit for .
12:33 They consider if it's worth their trouble to help each
12:36 other out , hold specific jobs within their society and
12:40 some work so closely together that it's impossible to tell
12:44 where one animal ends and another begins . Their complex
12:48 social behaviors can even go way beyond anything us humans
12:53 are capable of . Next week , we'll talk about
12:56 a very different type of interaction between animals . That's
12:59 a lot less altruistic . If you want to learn
13:02 more about the man a war , we did an
13:04 entire episode on it . In bizarre beasts in this
13:07 series , hosts Hank green and Sarasota introduce you to
13:11 a new bizarre beast and explore what makes these animals
13:14 so weird to us . From birds whose babies have
13:18 claws on their wings to lizards with glowing bones ,
13:21 The show examines the how and why of some of
13:24 the world's most amazingly strange critters . And if you
13:29 want to take a bizarre beast home , check out
13:31 the bizarre beasts pin club . The links for the
13:34 channel and the pin club are in the description below
13:37 . Thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course ideology
13:40 , which was produced by complexity in partnership with PBS
13:43 and Nature . It's shot on the team Sandoval Pierre
13:46 stage and made with the help of all these nice
13:48 people . If you'd like to help keep Crash Course
13:51 free for everyone forever , you can join our community
13:53 on Patreon . Yeah .



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