What is a Natural Log Ln(x)? - Part 1 (Logarithm w/ Base e - Euler's number) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

What is a Natural Log Ln(x)? - Part 1 (Logarithm w/ Base e - Euler's number) - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

What is a Natural Log Ln(x)? - Part 1 (Logarithm w/ Base e - Euler's number) - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello , welcome back . The title of this lesson
00:02 is called the natural logarithms part one . Now I'm
00:05 really excited to teach this lesson because what usually happens
00:08 in math is you go through algebra , you go
00:10 through trig and Pri Khao and calculus and right around
00:13 that time you start to bump into these logarithms all
00:16 the time . And then more specifically when you get
00:18 in the calculus you start bumping into the natural algorithm
00:21 all the time . I mean almost every problem ,
00:24 especially in advanced math ends up involving a natural log
00:27 or an exponential function with this base E that we've
00:30 been talking about uh over and over and over again
00:33 . So it just kind of comes out of nowhere
00:35 . Now as we discussed in the last lesson ,
00:37 the number E oilers Number E is a 2.71 in
00:41 an infinite decimals , infinite non repeating decimals . After
00:44 that it's a number that has equal stature with the
00:47 number pi it's just , we don't usually learn about
00:49 E until later on in math because you're usually not
00:52 learning exponential functions . In fifth grade fifth grade you
00:55 have to learn about pie because you have to learn
00:57 about circles and now that we're learning about exponential ,
00:59 you're never ever going to get away from this number
01:01 E . It's just that important . All right ,
01:04 so in this lesson , what we're gonna do ,
01:05 I'm gonna do a brief recap of where the number
01:07 comes from . We already covered that extensively in the
01:10 last lesson , but it's worth saying in a little
01:12 condensed version again what that is . And then we're
01:15 going to dive more specifically into the natural logarithms .
01:18 So , you know exactly what it looks like exactly
01:20 what the shape of that curve is , where it
01:22 comes from and how it relates to the exponential function
01:25 there . And then we'll solve a few problems dealing
01:27 with the algorithms that have this natural uh this natural
01:31 not this natural number . This uh this this irrational
01:34 number E as the base , the natural algorithm .
01:37 Now , the good news is all of the laws
01:39 of logarithms that we studied , all of them .
01:42 They all apply to natural algorithms . Never ever forget
01:45 that a natural algorithm is just a regular old law
01:48 algorithm . It's just that it has a very special
01:51 number E for that base . Now , let's do
01:53 a little recap . I'm gonna say recall because we
01:57 did cover this , I did an entire lesson on
01:59 where the number E comes from . There's this number
02:01 E in math , it's just as important as pie
02:04 and it's approximately equal to 2.71828 dot dot dot dot
02:10 dots . Mean that this is an irrational number .
02:13 I can compute e 2 50 million decimal places and
02:16 I will never get a repeating pattern in the decimals
02:19 . The decimal will go on forever , but they'll
02:21 never repeat just like pie . So that's why it's
02:23 irrational . Then as it's called , uh , the
02:27 number E comes from the fact that mathematician by the
02:29 name of Oiler calculated this number and we went through
02:33 the calculation in the last lesson , I'll kind of
02:35 recap it for you here . But basically the number
02:38 E comes from looking at how money grows exponentially .
02:41 So you start off with that exponential growth of money
02:44 and we look at compounding the interest rate more and
02:48 more and more often , eventually compounding every nanosecond compounding
02:52 continuously and out of those calculations fall out this and
02:55 this number eight . Let me take a little bit
02:58 of an aside . A lot of students will say
03:00 , well why is that number E 2.718 to 8
03:04 . And why is it that exact number ? That's
03:05 a weird number . I agree with you . It's
03:07 weird but you then you have to turn it around
03:09 and say , well why is pi the number that
03:12 it is 3.14159 and the infinite decimal places after that
03:15 ? Why is pi equal to that ? Why is
03:18 pie not 3.17 ? And then a bunch of numbers
03:20 at some point in math , you have to just
03:23 accept that our universe has certain numbers and certain characteristics
03:26 that are just the way that they are in our
03:29 universe . The number pi comes about from looking at
03:32 the circumference of a circle and the diameter of the
03:35 circle . The that conversion ratio there in circumference equals
03:39 pi times diameter . That's what comes about there .
03:42 For the definition of pie . It has to do
03:44 with the geometry of our universe . That's why Pie
03:46 is the way that it is . Why is the
03:48 number Either way it is . It has to do
03:50 with the way things grow exponentially in our universe .
03:53 And the laws of physics and mathematics of our universe
03:55 governed things growing exponentially . And this number , it
03:58 is a very special number that yields a very special
04:02 exponential growth curve with very special characteristics . Why is
04:05 it exactly that number ? Nobody knows . But it's
04:07 the way it is in our universe . And so
04:09 we have to kind of just accept that and start
04:10 to use it going forward . You're never gonna get
04:12 away from the number E . It's just too important
04:16 . All right . So this number E is important
04:18 because of a few things because once I know what
04:22 this number is , then I can define a function
04:26 . This is an exponential function E . To the
04:28 X . Remember we can define exponential functions with any
04:31 base I want , I can make a function F
04:33 of X is equal to 10 to the power of
04:35 X . Or f of X is equal to five
04:37 to the power of X . Or f of X
04:38 is equal to 37 to the power of X .
04:40 When I say F of X is E to the
04:42 X . All I'm saying is the base is equal
04:44 to this really special number 2.718 to 8 . And
04:47 then infinite can never write them down because it goes
04:49 on forever to the power of X . And I'm
04:52 gonna draw a graph to show you why this is
04:53 so special in just a second . Now , as
04:56 you know , exponential function , we can take the
04:59 inverse of this function . And from that we can
05:03 get the the inverse of the exponential function . And
05:07 you all know now that the inverse of an exponential
05:09 ysl algorithm , that's what algorithm is . So then
05:13 if you say that the law algorithm with a base
05:16 E because it's the inverse of this guy is given
05:19 by this . We have this come up so often
05:21 a math that we actually give it a new name
05:23 . We don't call it longer than base E f
05:25 X . We call it natural logarithms of X .
05:28 So if you see Ln of X on your calculator
05:31 , what it means is that's just a log a
05:33 rhythm with this very special number E as a base
05:36 . Don't get so worried about the fact that he
05:37 is a decimal . You can have any number you
05:40 want as long as it's positive to be and you
05:42 want to stay away from the number one . We
05:43 talked about why one can't be a base either ,
05:45 but any positive number other than one can be a
05:47 base decimals can be a base fractions can be a
05:50 base . And this is just so happens to be
05:52 international number and it has very special properties that cause
05:56 it to pop up in nature so much . So
05:59 why is he important ? Because we define this exponential
06:02 function . This pops up everywhere in nature and because
06:04 this pops up then it's inverse . The natural log
06:07 or log base E pops up . We never ever
06:09 say log base E . We always just call it
06:12 natural log rhythm of X . Now again , I
06:14 want to do a little bit of a recap .
06:15 Where does the number this number come from ? Well
06:18 if you look at the uh exponential growth of money
06:23 , then we look at the compound interest formula and
06:26 we start compounding more and more and more often and
06:29 so on . And what comes from that is the
06:31 definition of E if you look at a text book
06:34 , it will be defined like this . It'll be
06:36 what's called the limits as in approaches infinity . Don't
06:40 let this word limit scare you . It's actually really
06:41 simple to understand of the following thing . One plus
06:45 one over N . To the power of end .
06:48 Now when you first look at this equation it looks
06:50 like what is this ? This doesn't this doesn't make
06:53 any sense at all . Now what I did is
06:56 I broke that out into a previous lesson in the
06:59 previous lesson . I go in excruciating detail exactly where
07:02 that comes from . That comes from the compound interest
07:05 formula . We've been doing problems with compound interest .
07:08 If you remember one of the , one of the
07:10 parts of the compound interest formula was . How often
07:13 are you compounding it ? That was what we called
07:15 in . Right . Are you compounding yearly than in
07:18 is one ? If you're compounding quarterly in is 44
07:21 times a year . If you're compounding every day ,
07:23 then in is 365 because you're doing 365 compounding periods
07:28 . But in the course of mathematics development people started
07:31 looking what happens if you start compounding every nanosecond ?
07:34 What about every incredibly tiny fraction of a second ?
07:38 What about if you compound all the time ? What
07:40 if you slice the year up into so many little
07:42 pieces that I'm compounding that interest rate all the time
07:46 . In that case the interest , the number of
07:47 compounding periods would go to infinity . You can never
07:50 actually reach infinity , but you can approach infinity .
07:53 That's what this means . And then this is really
07:55 the compound interest formula . So if you start plugging
07:58 in numbers here , for instance , if you put
08:01 the N . Is equal to 1000 into this equation
08:06 , grab a calculator one over 1000 plus one and
08:09 raise that to the power of 1000 . Then what
08:11 you're gonna get is 2.71692 All right . If you
08:16 make and get closer to infinity 10,000 , then the
08:20 number that you're gonna get is 2.71815 . If you
08:24 say it is going to be equal to 100,000 ,
08:28 Then you get 2.71827 . You see it's approaching a
08:32 number as N gets bigger and bigger and bigger ,
08:35 this number doesn't change very much at all . And
08:37 so what ends up happening is when in the what
08:39 we call in math in the limit , that means
08:42 you can never get to infinity . But if I
08:44 sat in front of my calculator and kept putting bigger
08:47 and bigger and bigger numbers for n until the end
08:50 of time I would have enormous numbers . But this
08:53 number wouldn't be changing very much and eventually it would
08:55 reach a limiting number when that limiting number is what
08:59 we call E and it's approximately equal to 2.71828 dot
09:04 dot dot . The reason the dot dots are there
09:06 is because the decimals go on and on forever .
09:08 Non repeating . So getting closer and closer and closer
09:11 . But this is the actual value of you .
09:14 This is what you will see in a algebra book
09:17 and a calculus book in a trig book . And
09:19 it all comes from the exponential growth of money and
09:22 looking at the compounding periods . We discussed that in
09:24 great detail in the last lesson now because this number
09:29 is so special , then we give it us own
09:32 letter and we define an exponential number with that base
09:35 . And because of that we can define the inverse
09:37 of that , which is a law algorithm with that
09:39 base as well . Let's take a second to sketch
09:43 out uh sketch a couple of graphs . What I
09:46 want to do is sketch this exponential formula uh graph
09:50 talk about the characteristics of what's so special about it
09:52 . And then on another graph , I want to
09:54 sketch this natural algorithms so you can see what the
09:56 shape of that looks like and what's so special about
09:59 that . At the conclusion of all of that ,
10:01 then we'll have enough under our belt to solve a
10:03 couple of quick problems with using with the natural algorithm
10:06 . But the punch line is you just use the
10:08 regular laws of logarithms . It's just another algorithm with
10:11 a base E . It's just one that you're never
10:13 gonna be able to shake going here and here .
10:15 Here On out from math . We're never gonna get
10:17 away from natural algorithms or base E exponential . They're
10:20 never ever gonna go away . You will constantly be
10:22 using them . All right . So what I want
10:25 to do is do one graph up here in one
10:27 graph below . And I'm gonna do it freehand ,
10:29 which could be a disaster . But I'm gonna try
10:31 to do it in a way that you might graph
10:33 it yourself because , you know , computers are great
10:37 . I love using computers , but sometimes it's just
10:39 nice to grab uh to grab a piece of paper
10:42 and sketch it out . So we know that this
10:44 thing is F of X . What I want to
10:46 graph is E to the power of X and E
10:48 s 2.718 to 8 . And then a bunch of
10:51 decimal points after that . So if I put the
10:54 number zero for X in there then I'm gonna get
10:56 you to the zero which is one . So I'm
10:58 gonna call this the number one and I know that
11:00 I have a dot right there . It always crosses
11:03 at the number one . And if this is my
11:04 scale then here's the number two and then here's the
11:07 number three and I can even go up to here
11:08 being the number four . Okay ? So I know
11:11 I have a dot through here , I know this
11:13 is an exponential . I know it's gonna go through
11:15 this point and it's gonna go up but we need
11:17 probably one more point in order to get it right
11:19 . So what I'm gonna do is look at the
11:21 number will put one here will put two here .
11:24 Three here , we'll put four here . What if
11:27 I put the number one in here then ? E
11:29 to the power of one E . To the power
11:31 of one is just E . But I know the
11:33 about 2.7 2/7 roughly about here . So I'm going
11:37 to say that this point is basically somewhere right around
11:41 there . Is this exact No it's not . But
11:42 it is trying to be the number E right here
11:47 , Which is 2.71 , 8 - eight or whatever
11:50 . So here's my two points . It needs to
11:51 go through here and it needs to go through here
11:53 . So let me go ahead and switch colors an
11:55 attempt to draw this , it's probably not gonna look
11:58 too good . I'm sorry about that . I'm just
12:00 gonna lips already messed up . I'm gonna try to
12:02 go through there as best I can hugs . The
12:05 the guy right down here goes through hooks north and
12:09 then something like actually I'm pretty happy with that .
12:11 That's pretty close to what the actual exponential curve looks
12:14 like . Maybe there's a little , it's a little
12:15 sharp right here , but you get , the idea
12:17 goes through here and it goes through here . Now
12:19 . The question is , or the thing that we
12:22 want to talk about is why is this so special
00:0-1 ?


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