01 - What are Equivalent Fractions? - (Calculate & Find Equivalent Fractions) - Part 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

01 - What are Equivalent Fractions? - (Calculate & Find Equivalent Fractions) - Part 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

01 - What are Equivalent Fractions? - (Calculate & Find Equivalent Fractions) - Part 1 - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back . The title of this lesson
00:02 is called finding equivalent fractions . This is part one
00:05 . I'm actually really excited to teach this lesson because
00:08 here we're starting on a new sequence of lessons covering
00:12 all manner of information about the really important concept of
00:15 what we call fractions . Right fractions give students in
00:19 many cases a lot of problems . But by going
00:22 through these lessons and by walking with me step by
00:24 step , I promise that not only would you understand
00:27 what fractions are , but you'll understand in your bones
00:31 what they actually mean , you'll understand what fractions really
00:34 represent , you understand as we go through the lessons
00:37 , how to add and subtract fractions and do other
00:39 operations with fractions . Uh in fact this one here
00:42 is called finding equivalent fractions . So we'll be starting
00:45 our journey there . But at the end of it
00:47 , what I want you to really understand is that
00:48 fractions can be worked with and be used just like
00:53 everyday numbers that you understand . But the reason why
00:56 fractions give some students problems is because you have a
00:58 number on the top and the number on the bottom
01:01 , like one half is one with a fraction bar
01:04 in the number two . And when you start manipulating
01:06 and working with fractions , it can get confusing .
01:08 So let's hear , start our journey and break down
01:11 the barriers and make it all very easy to understand
01:14 . So we have this idea of a fraction ,
01:15 let's work with a fraction that we all understand one
01:18 half if you have a pizza or a peanut butter
01:21 and jelly sandwich or whatever , and you cut it
01:23 in half . Everybody here knows what half of a
01:26 pizza looks like , cut the thing in half ,
01:28 and when I take half , one out of those
01:30 two pieces away , that's what we call the fraction
01:32 one half . So let's take a look at that
01:35 . We talk about the idea of one half as
01:38 being one with a fraction bar here and then the
01:41 number two . Now in the past we've talked about
01:43 this but we haven't really labeled very much . So
01:46 I want to spend a minute to understand and label
01:48 some things . When we have the number one half
01:51 , we ? Re read it as one out of
01:53 two pieces anytime you see a fraction , I want
01:56 you to think about it as the top number and
01:58 the bottom number , you read it as one out
02:00 of two pieces . So if you consider this being
02:04 a whole pizza , right ? This this circle here
02:07 being a whole pizza , then this is one .
02:10 And if you cut this guy in half so you
02:12 have two pieces , the bottom number tells you how
02:14 many pieces you have total . And the top number
02:17 is how many pieces you have taken away to eat
02:19 . So this is one out of two pieces ,
02:22 that's what fraction one half . And this is also
02:24 one out of two pieces as well . So this
02:27 is half of the pizza and this is half of
02:29 the pizza , one out of two pieces . So
02:32 actually if this were the whole pizza then if I
02:35 only have one of those two pieces this is what
02:38 we call one half of the pizza . This is
02:39 what you all think about when you think about pizzas
02:42 and think about cutting it in half it's one out
02:44 of two pieces . Cut the thing in two pieces
02:46 , take one piece away . Now the top number
02:48 here is a one and we have a word for
02:51 that in math . This is called the numerator numerator
02:57 right ? It's a big fancy word in math .
03:00 Sometimes we have big fancy words but I don't want
03:03 you to get scared of . The of the word
03:05 . All it means is top number . So when
03:07 you think of the numerator just think of the top
03:09 number . All right . The bottom number here is
03:11 a two and this has a special name also .
03:14 It's called the denominator denominator . So we have to
03:21 talk about these labels because in math sometimes they'll say
03:26 you know , multiply the numerator by three . Or
03:28 what is the numerator of this fraction ? What is
03:31 the denominator of this fraction ? Don't let the words
03:34 scare you . Numerator means top number , denominated ,
03:37 denominator means bottom number . All right . So the
03:40 numerator is one , denominator is to in this fraction
03:43 . So we know that this fraction is equal to
03:46 half of the pizza . We know that that's what
03:48 it is . The topic of this lesson is finding
03:50 equivalent fractions , right ? So we can actually make
03:54 the fraction look and appear to be different . But
03:57 in fact it's exactly the same amount of pizza as
04:00 one half as we have talked about here . So
04:03 one with a fraction bar to we can change it
04:06 to look different but actually it represents exactly the same
04:09 thing and I'm gonna show you exactly what we're talking
04:11 about uh in just a moment as we actually solve
04:14 a bunch of problems . So it turns out that
04:16 with fractions you can think of this bar that goes
04:19 here , you can think of it as like a
04:20 balance . So think of like a seesaw like you
04:23 know , is in balance right ? If everything is
04:25 in balance , I can multiply the top and the
04:28 bottom of this fraction , the numerator and the denominator
04:31 by any number I want . As long as I
04:34 do that to both the top and the bottom of
04:37 the fraction the numerator and the denominator . If I
04:39 multiply the top by two , I must also multiply
04:43 the bottom by two to keep it balanced right ?
04:46 I can multiply the top by five . As long
04:48 as I also multiply the bottom by five . I
04:50 can multiply the numerator by 1000 . I can multiply
04:54 the numerator by 10 million . As long as I
04:56 also multiply the denominator by the same number by 10
05:00 million . So I can multiply the top and the
05:02 bottom by any number I want . And I mean
05:05 any number as long as I do it to the
05:07 top and the bottom and that keeps everything balanced .
05:10 So let's see what happens if I actually do that
05:13 . Let's say that I take the fraction one half
05:17 and I'm going to extend the little bar here .
05:19 And let's say that I actually take and I multiply
05:23 the top of this fraction by two . But I'm
05:26 gonna multiply the bottom by the fraction also by two
05:28 because it's like a balance right ? If I multiply
05:31 the top by to its imbalance . As long as
05:33 I also multiply the bottom by two , what would
05:37 I have as an answer on the top ? What
05:39 is one times two ? And by the way in
05:42 math now we have to start using the dots ,
05:44 right ? Because in the past you've been thinking of
05:46 multiplication with exes . But that gets confusing because later
05:50 on we'll be using X is for other things in
05:53 math , we'll be using them for what we call
05:55 variables . So we're gonna stop using excess . You
05:58 can if you want put an X . There .
06:00 Ok . I'm not gonna like count it off or
06:02 say it's wrong . I'm just saying we're gonna start
06:05 using these dots to mean multiplication because excess can get
06:08 confusing . So here we have one times to what
06:11 is one times two that's equal to two On the
06:14 bottom , we have two times two . What does
06:16 that equal to four ? What I am saying is
06:20 that the fraction one half here ? I'll put an
06:22 equal sign here and I'll put one half . The
06:25 fraction one half is exactly the same as the fraction
06:28 2/4 because I've taken the numerator , the top number
06:32 , and I've multiplied by two and I've also taken
06:34 the denominator and I've also multiplied by two . So
06:37 because I did the same thing to both , I
06:40 actually get something that looks different , but it's actually
06:43 the same thing . Let's see if it makes sense
06:45 here . So here I'm going to bring up what
06:48 I have down here at the bottom to help us
06:50 here . So now the pizza is not cut into
06:53 two pieces . The pizza is cut into four pieces
06:57 . So you can see that right here we have
06:59 uh the pizza cut into 1234 pieces . So this
07:03 is one out of four pieces , two out of
07:05 four pieces , three out of four pieces , four
07:07 out of four pieces . This is 1/4 another 1/4
07:10 another 1/4 another 1/4 because it's one out of 41
07:13 out of 41 out of 41 out of four .
07:15 So all together they make a whole pizza . But
07:18 the fraction here is saying I have two out of
07:20 four pieces . I've cut the pizza into four pieces
07:23 , but I actually have two of them . So
07:26 I'm going to kind of tilt this or I should
07:28 say take away these two pieces , I'll kind of
07:30 remove them because I only have two out of four
07:33 pieces . I'm gonna pull these down and look at
07:36 how much pizza I have . I have this much
07:38 pizza , right ? And if I were to eat
07:41 this much pizza all together , these two out of
07:43 four pieces , it will be exactly the same amount
07:45 of pizza is if I had eaten this much you
07:48 see one half represents this amount of pizza to force
07:53 represents this amount of pizza , it's actually two pieces
07:55 , but we put them together and it's the same
07:57 amount This you can see is exactly the same as
07:59 this . In fact I can lift it up and
08:01 put it right on top and I can show you
08:03 that it's exactly the same amount of pizza . So
08:06 I want you to burn in your mind this idea
08:09 that I can take a fraction , I can multiply
08:11 the top and the bottom by any number I want
08:14 and I will change the way the fraction looks .
08:18 But I don't change what the fraction means . That's
08:21 really important . I'm gonna say it again , I
08:24 can change the way the fraction looks . But that
08:26 doesn't change what it actually means right . The reason
08:30 these are the same thing is because here when I
08:34 went from one half to 14 to 2/4 I have
08:37 had in this case I had the pizza cut into
08:39 two pieces . In this case . Over here I
08:43 had the pizza cut into four pieces . So I
08:45 doubled the amount of pieces I have over here .
08:49 So I doubled the number of slices , right ?
08:51 But at the same time I actually doubled the amount
08:54 of slices that I took away . So of course
08:57 I'm going to eat the same amount of pizza if
08:59 I double the amount of slices . But I also
09:01 double the amount of slices I take away from the
09:04 pizza . that's why they are the same thing ,
09:06 that's why they're equivalent because I've increased the amount of
09:10 slices total . But I've also increased the number of
09:13 slices that I took away by the exact same factor
09:16 by the exact same amount I doubled in both cases
09:19 . Why did I double because I multiplied by two
09:22 . The number of slices and the number of slices
09:24 that I took away To eat . It's really important
09:27 for you to understand that . And that's why I
09:28 repeated about three times . So we multiply the numerator
09:33 and the denominator of this fraction by two . And
09:36 we get a new fraction called 2/4 and it's exactly
09:40 the same amount that one half also represents . Now
09:45 I'd like to play with the fraction one half a
09:47 little bit more because it's really really , really important
09:50 . Let's instead slide are one half down here and
09:53 let's say also what would happen if we take one
09:55 half and we multiply it by instead of multiplying by
09:59 two ? Let's multiply top and bottom by a different
10:02 number . Let's multiply top and bottom by the number
10:04 three multiple . Top by three in the bottom by
10:06 three . Remember I said you can multiply a fraction
10:10 by anything . You want any number as long as
10:14 you multiply the top and the bottom of the numerator
10:16 and the denominator by the same number by the same
10:20 number here . What do we have ? We have
10:24 to have a different color here . What do we
10:26 have on the top one times three is three ,
10:29 two times three is six . And what I'm claiming
10:32 is that one half looks totally different than 36 but
10:35 it actually represents the same amount of pizza . So
10:39 let's go and grab this up here and let's take
10:42 a look here , I have now a pizza cut
10:44 into six slices because that's what the denominator represents ,
10:48 it's how many slices I cut the pizza into 123456
10:53 . But Notice that this is 16 , this is
10:56 once this is one out of six pieces , one
10:57 out of six pieces , one out of six pieces
10:59 , one out of six pieces , one out of
11:00 six pieces , one out of six pieces . But
11:02 in this fraction I have three out of six pieces
11:05 . So what do I have ? I have ,
11:07 I have these three pieces , I have 123456 but
11:11 I'm only taking away three of those six pieces .
11:14 So I have this amount of pizza so I will
11:17 slide that away , that's gone . So what we've
11:19 said now is that one half is exactly the same
11:22 as 3/6 . And you can see why it's exactly
11:26 the same . It's because this time I had the
11:28 pizza into two pieces , cut into two pieces .
11:31 Here , I triple the amount of pieces I cut
11:33 into . And I tripled it so that now I've
11:35 cut the pizza into six pieces , but at the
11:38 same time , I triple the amount of slices that
11:41 I took away . So I take a pizza I
11:44 triple the amount of slices . But then I triple
11:47 the amount of slices I'm taking away . So I
11:49 have exactly the same amount of pizza . If I
11:51 eat this amount of pizza or I eat this amount
11:53 of pizza , I'm actually eating exactly the same amount
11:56 of pizza . These two fractions are equivalent . They're
11:59 exactly the same thing . All right , we're gonna
12:02 play with us a little bit more , and eventually
12:04 we're gonna drop the uh we're gonna drop the the
12:08 magnets here in a second . But let's take a
12:09 look at what if we do instead of one half
12:12 here . Let's move our guy down here , our
12:14 little one half . Let's , instead of multiply by
12:17 three . Let's multiply by . What do you think
12:20 we're going to do ? Let's try multiplying by four
12:23 And we'll multiply by four right here . What do
12:27 we get on the top ? Multiply the top and
12:30 bottom by the same thing . One times four is
12:32 four . What do we get right here ? Two
12:34 times four is eight . So what we're claiming is
12:37 that the fraction 484 out of eight pieces of something
12:41 is exactly the same amount as one out of two
12:44 pieces . Let's see if that is actually true .
12:47 Let's see if that's actually true . So we need
12:50 a pizza cut into eight pieces . Here's a pizza
12:52 cut into eight pieces , 12345678 Actually to give myself
12:57 room , I'm gonna slide these over like this and
13:00 slide these over like this . Just give me a
13:01 little more room to think I'll turn this one sideways
13:05 later . Um What do we have here ? Four
13:07 out of eight pieces , 12345678 We have 1/8 1
13:12 8th , 1/8 1 eighth all the way around .
13:13 But I have four out of eight pieces so I'm
13:17 gonna take away these four , I have 1234 out
13:20 of 123456784 out of eight pieces . So I'm gonna
13:24 take this and slide it away because it isn't going
13:27 to affect the rest of this . Sorry about that
13:29 little distraction down there but you can see that one
13:32 half is exactly the same as 123 4/8 because this
13:37 pizza is exactly the same amount as this pizza .
13:40 So again the fraction one half , it's the same
13:42 as 4/8 . And I'm only gonna do one more
13:44 here and I promise we won't do quite as many
13:47 for the next problem . But I do want to
13:49 um I want to drive the point home . Let's
13:52 say we have one half And let's multiply it by
13:56 five . Uh Let's multiply it by five . So
14:00 we'll multiply the numerator by five and will also multiply
14:03 the denominator by five . Remember we can do whatever
14:07 we want , multiplying a fraction as long as we
14:09 do it to the top and the bottom , what
14:11 do we have ? One times five is five and
14:15 two times five is 10 . So what we're claiming
14:19 is that the fraction one half , one half of
14:21 a pizza is exactly the same as the fraction three
14:25 or 5/10 . Let me turn that sideways and getting
14:27 up out of my way and now I'm gonna grab
14:29 a pizza that's cut into you guessed at 10 pieces
14:32 . Let me get some of these other ones out
14:34 of our way here . So this one's cut into
14:37 10 pieces , 123456789 10 . Each of these slices
14:43 is one out of 10 pieces each of these slices
14:45 of 1 10 . So I have 12345 maybe double
14:50 check 12345 out of 10 . So these pieces go
14:54 away . This is what I actually have five out
14:57 of 10 pieces . If I cut a pizza into
15:00 10 equal slices , but I take five , it's
15:02 exactly the same amount of pizza as the one half
15:06 , which is exactly the same amount of pizza as
15:08 the 4/8 which is exactly the same amount of pizza
15:11 as the 36 which is exactly the same amount of
15:14 pizza as the 2/4 . They're all the same .
15:17 You see I can take a fraction and I can
15:19 multiply it by anything I want and I will change
15:22 the way the fractions look right , I will change
15:24 the way they look , but that won't change what
15:26 they mean . That's what equivalent fractions are multiply numerator
15:31 and denominator by six if you want , no problem
15:33 , want to multiply top and bottom by 17 if
15:35 you want , no problem , want to multiply top
15:37 and bottom by 27 if you want . No problem
15:40 . You will change the numerator and the denominator but
15:43 you will not change what the fraction represents . That
15:46 is the point of this example . So what I'm
15:48 gonna do is a few more with the magnets and
15:50 then we're going to drop the magnets completely . Hopefully
15:53 you'll kind of believe me that this is the way
15:55 it works . And then going forward will just multiply
15:58 top and bottom to get an equivalent fraction . All
16:02 right , So let's go over to the next board
16:04 . Let's start with the fraction 3/4 . And I
16:11 want to change this fraction . I want to multiply
16:14 the numerator and denominator by the number two to find
16:17 an equivalent fraction because I can I can find any
16:19 equivalent fraction I want by multiplying by anything but what
16:22 I want . But in this problem let's try to
16:24 change it by multiplying the top and bottom by two
16:27 . So what does that mean ? I have to
16:29 make a longer fraction bar And I'm going to multiply
16:33 The top of the fraction by two in the bottom
16:35 of the fraction by two to try to change it
16:39 . What am I going to get ? Three times
16:40 two is six , and four times two is eight
16:44 . Four times two is eight . So what we're
16:46 claiming is that 3/4 is exactly the same fraction as
16:50 6/8 . They look different , but they're the same
16:53 thing because I've doubled the amount of slices I've cut
16:56 the pizza into , but at the same time I've
16:58 doubled the amount of slices that I take away to
17:00 actually eat . So I have exactly the same amount
17:04 of pizza . Let's see if this is correct .
17:06 So let me grab My fourths here , this is
17:09 1/4 , this is another 14 so that's 2/4 .
17:14 This is 3/4 and this is 4/4 . So that
17:17 means a whole pizza here . Right ? So three
17:19 forces three out of four pieces , 123 out of
17:22 four pieces . So this can go away , This
17:25 is three out of four pieces . 3/4 that's what
17:28 represents here . Uh up above now , I have
17:32 six out of eight pieces of something . So I
17:34 need a fraction with the denominator of eight . So
17:37 I'm gonna grab my blue ones here and we'll take
17:39 me a second to transform over . So let me
17:42 let me do it right , let me move it
17:43 all over here . And what we're going to find
17:46 out is that even though they look different , they're
17:48 actually exactly the same thing . So here are my
17:50 eighth . Right ? Let me go in and line
17:53 them up first . I want to show you that
17:55 it makes a whole pizza . So you can see
17:57 you have the whole right here and it's cut into
18:00 eight pieces . The bottom number . The denominator means
18:03 how many pieces I'm cutting into . How many pizza
18:06 pieces am I going to actually eat ? Six pieces
18:08 ? So that's gonna be 123456 So , if make
18:13 sure you agree 123456 out of eight pieces . This
18:17 is the amount of pizza I have . So I'm
18:19 gonna take and put those away . What we're claiming
18:21 is that these two fractions are the same . It
18:24 may not look like it , but let me kind
18:26 of tilted like this and then let me move them
18:28 close together or kind of I guess put them in
18:31 the middle . Let me do it like this .
18:33 Let me put it like this and I'll move this
18:34 one a little bit closer . Do you agree that
18:36 those are the exact same amount , That is the
18:38 exact same amount of pizza . If I eat this
18:41 much pizza and if I eat this much pizza ,
18:43 it's exactly the same amount of pizza . So I
18:44 can multiply a fraction by any number . I want
18:48 to change the way it looks . But they're actually
18:50 exactly equivalent . All right ? So let me move
18:53 this down here And I want to do one more
18:56 with the fraction 3/4 . Let's say what if I
18:59 have 3/4 ? See ? And I want to multiply
19:04 numerator and denominator instead of buy to let me multiply
19:07 top and bottom by three . I can multiply by
19:11 whatever I want . But what am I going to
19:13 get on the top ? I'm going to have three
19:15 times three is nine and four times three is 12
19:18 . So what I'm claiming is that the fraction 9
19:21 , 12 is exactly the same thing as 3/4 .
19:24 So what I need to do is let's move this
19:26 under the 3/4 like this . We all know that
19:29 this is 3/4 . Now I have a pizza cut
19:32 into 12 pieces , 12 equal slices . Let's double
19:35 check this . 123456789 10 , 11 , 12 pieces
19:41 . That's how many pieces I've cut this pizza into
19:43 but I only have nine of them . So 123456789
19:50 Make sure you agree that this is nine out of
19:54 12 , 123456789 out of 10 , 11 , 12
19:59 pieces . So I'm gonna take and put these away
20:01 . This is the amount of pizza I'm actually going
20:03 to eat . Now , if I rotate it like
20:05 this and kind of bring it closer , you can
20:07 see that this is exactly the same amount of pizza
20:09 as this , right ? So 3/4 is exactly the
20:13 same thing as 9 12 . And you can always
20:16 know that it is the case by using these fraction
20:19 magnets . But after a while we're going to stop
20:22 using the magnets and you'll just have to believe that
20:24 when you multiply the top and the bottom by any
20:26 number you want , no matter what the end result
20:28 looks like . It's going to represent the same amount
20:32 of material , of pizzas , of pies , of
20:35 whatever it is you're talking about . That's how fractions
20:37 work . All right , we're gonna do one more
20:41 with magnets and then we're going to call it a
20:43 day and just start solving some more problems . Let's
20:46 take the fraction 2/3 and let's multiply the fraction two
20:51 thirds by the number five . Let's actually let's multiply
20:56 by the number two first . Let's multiply by the
20:58 number two because I'm gonna get an equivalent fraction no
21:01 matter what . Let me pick the number two to
21:03 multiply by . What do we get here ? Two
21:05 times two is four and three times two is six
21:08 . So what we're claiming is that the fraction two
21:11 thirds is exactly the same as the fraction 4/6 .
21:15 So let me go ahead and grab my magnets and
21:17 let's prove to ourselves that that is the case .
21:20 All right . The fraction two thirds means I have
21:23 a pizza cut into 123 pieces , but I only
21:26 actually have two of them to eat . So here
21:29 is two out of three pieces . I'll take that
21:31 and throw that away . This is how much pizza
21:33 I actually have to try to eat . I'll kind
21:36 of arrange it like , you know , like like
21:37 this right ? And then I have another pizza that's
21:41 cut into six pieces , but I only have four
21:43 of them , 123456 pieces total , but I only
21:47 have four of them . Make sure you understand that
21:50 . This is 1234 out of 56 pieces total ,
21:54 so I'll throw that away . What we're saying is
21:56 we think that this is both exactly the same amount
21:58 of pizza . Let's see if we agree it looks
22:01 a little bit different , but when I arrange it
22:03 like this , I think you can convince yourself that
22:05 it's the same . If I could put this on
22:08 top , you can see it covers that perfectly and
22:10 then another equivalent piece is going to go down here
22:13 and cover this one perfectly as well . So that
22:15 is exactly the same amount of pizza . So we've
22:19 used the magnets to to prove to you , you
22:21 know , I don't like just telling you to do
22:23 things . We're going to do one more with the
22:26 magnets and then after that we're going to drop them
22:28 all together and stop using them and you'll just have
22:31 to at that point , hopefully believe that this is
22:34 the way it works . Let's say we have 2/3
22:40 And let's multiply the top and bottom instead of by
22:43 two . Let's multiply by four . What do we
22:48 get ? Two times four is eight and three times
22:50 four is 12 . So here we have 2/3 and
22:59 we just take and multiply the top and the bottom
23:01 by four . Now this is two thirds . This
23:04 is the amount that it covers . And now I
23:06 need to grab my pieces of 12 over here and
23:09 I'm gonna I'm gonna build a pizza out of 12
23:11 over here . So there's three there's four there's 56
23:19 Yeah 78 Here's nine There's 10 there's 11 , there's
23:26 12 . They put them all together . Mhm .
23:29 And you can see that this pizza is now cut
23:32 into 12 equal pieces 123456789 10 , 11 , 12
23:37 . But I only have eight of them . So
23:39 what do I have ? 12345678 out of 9 ,
23:42 10 , 11 , 12 . Let me throw those
23:44 away . This is the amount of pizza , I
23:46 have eight pieces out of 12 , and whenever I
23:48 rotate them and put them uh next to each other
23:51 , you can see that this is also exactly the
23:54 same amount of pizza there . So two thirds is
23:56 exactly the same thing as 8 12 . So now
24:01 we have used our magnets , we have learned how
24:05 to make equivalent fractions . And now for the rest
24:09 of the problems , we're not going to use any
24:10 magnets , it's going to go much faster . We're
24:13 just going to multiply the top and the bottom by
24:15 whatever number I tell you to and get an equivalent
24:18 fraction . And now we are going to understand that
24:20 they really are the same thing , even though they
24:22 look different . So let's take our 2/3 And let's
24:27 multiply that by five . So if we have 2/3
24:32 and we multiply it by five , we have to
24:35 multiply the numerator and the denominator by five . What
24:39 am I going to get ? Two times five is
24:40 10 and three times five is 15 . So what
24:44 we're saying here is the fraction 25th is exactly the
24:48 same as two thirds . Now , I don't have
24:49 a magnet cut into 15 pieces , But if you
24:53 make a circle and you cut it into 15 pieces
24:55 but only take 10 of them , that's gonna be
24:57 exactly the same amount as the two thirds that we
25:00 have been playing with this entire time . All right
25:04 now the rest of these problems are going to go
25:06 way , way , way faster because we're not going
25:08 to be dealing with the actual magnets here . Let's
25:13 take the fraction 1/5 . And let's change it into
25:17 an equivalent fraction by multiplying the top and the bottom
25:19 by the number three , you have to multiply the
25:22 top and the bottom by the same exact number .
25:25 So we'll take the 1/5 . Let's change it by
25:28 multiplying the top and the bottom , numerator and denominator
25:31 by the number three . What are we going to
25:32 get ? one times 3 is three , five times
25:36 three is 15 . So now we know that the
25:39 fraction 3 , 15 is exactly the same thing as
25:42 1/5 . And now we can cruise along because we're
25:46 not we don't have to use the magnets for every
25:48 time we now know that these are equivalent and why
25:50 they are . Let's take a look at 3/12 .
25:53 Let's find an equivalent fraction where we multiply numerator and
25:56 denominator of this fraction by the # two . So
26:00 we're going to multiply 3,53 , 12 Numerator and Denominator
26:05 by the # two . What do we get ?
26:09 Three times two is six and 12 times to from
26:12 your multiplication tables is 24 . So if I had
26:16 a pizza cut into 24 pieces , but I only
26:18 took six of those pieces , it would be the
26:20 same amount of pizza is if I cut a pizza
26:23 into 12 pieces but only took three . And the
26:26 reason is because I doubled the amount of pieces I
26:28 cut it into but at the same time I doubled
26:31 the amount of pieces that they took away . That's
26:32 why they're the same thing . All right . See
26:36 they're going much faster now Let's take a look at
26:39 the fraction 1/3 . And let's now multiply the top
26:44 and the bottom of this fraction by the # nine
26:46 . And let's get an equivalent fraction . Let's multiply
26:49 top and bottom numerator and denominator by the number nine
26:53 . What would be the equivalent fraction we would get
26:55 one times nine is nine , three times nine is
26:59 27 . The fraction 9 , 27 9 out of
27:02 27 pieces is exactly the same as one out of
27:05 three pieces . Okay , What about the fraction to
27:13 fifth ? Let's change it . Find an equivalent fraction
27:17 by multiplying top and bottom by five . So we'll
27:21 take 2/5 and will multiply top and bottom by the
27:24 number five multiply the top by five , multiply the
27:27 bottom by five have to do it to the top
27:29 and the bottom two times five is 10 , 5
27:33 times five is 25 . And now we know that
27:36 the fraction 10 , 25th is the same thing as
27:40 the fraction 2/5 . If I have a pizza cut
27:43 into 25 pieces , but I only take 10 of
27:45 them , I'll have exactly the same amount of food
27:48 is if I cut a pizza into five pieces ,
27:50 but only take two of those . All right ,
27:54 we're actually very close to being done . Let's take
27:57 the fraction 1/8 . And let's find an equivalent fraction
28:01 by multiplying top and bottom by the number two .
28:04 So let's go ahead and say uh what's not one
28:07 half ? Let's take the fraction 1/8 . And let's
28:12 multiply numerator and denominator by the number to multiply top
28:17 and bottom by the number two . What do we
28:18 get on the top one times two is two and
28:21 eight times two is what ? 16 ? So ,
28:24 the fraction to 16th , two pieces out of 16
28:28 total is the same thing as the fraction 1/8 ,
28:31 1 out of eight total . All right , now
28:35 , we're gonna go do our final problems on this
28:36 board over here . We only have two more .
28:39 So , we're almost done . Let's take a look
28:42 at 36 and let's change it . Let's find an
28:46 equivalent fraction by multiplying top and bottom by the number
28:50 four by the number four . So let's multiply the
28:53 top by four in the bottom by four . We'll
28:56 get an equivalent fraction three times four Is 12 ,
28:59 6 times four is 24 . So the fraction 12
29:04 out of 24 , 12 , is the same as
29:06 the fraction 36 . Even though they look different .
29:10 All right . And finally , our very last problem
29:14 , let's take the fraction 1/6 . And let's multiply
29:17 the top and bottom by the number six . So
29:19 , we'll take the 1/6 multiply the top by six
29:22 and the bottom by six . What do we get
29:24 ? One times six is 66 times six is 36
29:30 . So the fraction six , is the same as
29:34 the fraction 16 . So if I cut a pizza
29:36 in the 36 pieces , but take six of those
29:38 pieces , I'll have exactly the same amount of food
29:41 is if I take another pizza cut it into six
29:43 pieces and only take one of them . So this
29:46 was a long lesson , but it's actually a really
29:48 , really important lesson . This idea of equivalent fractions
29:51 . We're going to use it like a lot ,
29:54 right ? We're going to use it here for these
29:56 problems , but we're also going to use it to
29:57 add and subtract fractions later on . I don't want
30:00 to get into why we need to worry about that
30:02 , but just trust me , we're going to use
30:04 this process to compare fractions among each other and also
30:09 to add and subtract fractions . So it's never going
30:11 to go away . That's why I really want you
30:13 to understand that you can have two fractions that look
30:15 different , but they actually can represent the same exact
30:18 thing . And the way that you can find an
30:20 equivalent fraction is by taking any fraction you want and
30:23 multiplying by Top and bottom numerator and denominator by any
30:28 number you want . You will get a new looking
30:30 fraction but they'll actually mean exactly the same thing and
30:33 be equivalent . It's extremely important . I'd like you
30:36 to go through this again so you fully understand ,
30:38 get the correct answers to all of these . Follow
30:40 me onto part two . We'll get a little bit
30:41 more practice with equivalent fractions .


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