Where did the extra dollar come from? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Where did the extra dollar come from? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Where did the extra dollar come from? - By tecmath

00:00 Good day . Welcome to Tech Math channel . I'm
00:02 josh . This problem has been touted as the world's
00:04 toughest riddle in that way that Clickbait titles go see
00:07 . What do you think this is the problem ?
00:10 So I start with $50 from this . $50 I
00:14 spent $20 so 50 take away 20 . It leaves
00:17 me with a balance of $30 from this . $30
00:20 I spent $15.30 take away 15 . That leaves me
00:23 with a balance of $15 from this balance of $15
00:27 . I spend $9.15 take away Nine . This leaves
00:30 me with a balance of $6 and then finally I
00:34 spend this last $6 which leaves me with a balance
00:37 of nothing . Now I go through a total of
00:39 the amount of money I've spent here , 20 plus
00:42 15 plus nine plus six . You'll see that .
00:44 This sums up 2 $50 . If I didn't say
00:48 my balance column here , 30 plus 15 is 45
00:51 plus six , This gives me an answer of $51
00:55 . So this is your problem . Where did this
00:57 extra dollar come from ? Was started with 50 .
00:59 I spent $50 here . But in the balance this
01:02 adds up to 51 . Where did this extra dollar
01:04 come from , pause this video . If you'd like
01:06 to give this problem and try and when you're ready
01:08 to see how to solve it , started up again
01:15 . Yeah . Yeah . Mhm . Okay , time's
01:21 up , geo did you manage to solve it ?
01:23 Where did that extra dollar come from ? Well ,
01:25 here's the answer is going to get some anger in
01:27 the comments , I'm sure , but it didn't come
01:28 from anywhere . There is absolutely no relation between the
01:31 total amount spent here and the total of the balance
01:34 . This problem is fooling us into comparing the amount
01:37 spent into something which is essentially meaningless . That is
01:40 the total balance . But by having the totals of
01:42 these columns really close to one another , it appears
01:45 that the total balance here actually has a meaning which
01:48 it doesn't . And I'll show you this right now
01:50 , just by changing up the riddle a little bit
01:52 and changing some of the figures involved . So if
01:54 I was to get rid of the amount that we
01:55 spend here and I'll get rid of our totals ,
01:58 okay , Say I spend $1.50 take away one .
02:02 This would leave me with a balance of 49 .
02:05 Okay , now what I do is I spend another
02:07 dollar . Okay , so 49 take away one and
02:11 now leads me with 48 you can see straight away
02:13 there's no way that I'm going to get these guys
02:15 eating up to 50 I've already passed 50 . And
02:17 if I keep spending my $50.1 dollar at a time
02:20 when my balance is going to go 49 48 47
02:23 46 it's going to sum up to a number that's
02:25 absolutely enormous way over the number 50 . So this
02:28 is the thing , the spend column is always going
02:30 to add up to the number 50 but the balance
02:32 column won't . And adding the balance is a completely
02:35 logical thing to do If you're trying to determine how
02:37 much money you started with , I guess I'll give
02:40 you one more example of where you might be able
02:41 to see this , but maybe you'll see this straightaway
02:45 . Say I got my $50 and I spent it
02:48 all in one fell swoop $50 . Take away $50
02:52 . My balance is $0 . Now let's work out
02:54 these totals . Well , the amount spent is $50
02:57 . No surprise there , but the balance is now
03:00 $0 . This column here is always going to add
03:03 up to 50 and this column here . Well ,
03:05 to sum it up actually doesn't really give us any
03:08 meaningful information so it's a pointless exercise . And it's
03:11 not always gonna up to 50 it's gonna add up
03:13 from anywhere from zero right up to whatever the sum
03:16 of all those 50 plus 49 plus data that are
03:20 his . So that was today's problem . Let me
03:22 know what you thought of it . I know a
03:23 few people are going to get angry about that ,
03:26 but that's just the way it is . But I
03:27 can tell you it's one of those ones , if
03:29 you ask a lot of people they will spend their
03:31 entire time getting confused about it because sometimes what we
03:34 have to watch is actually what we are adding up
03:36 . Whether they actually do mean anything . I think
03:38 it's a great example of that anyway . Thank you
03:41 for watching and I will see you next time .
03:43 Bye .



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