Order of Operations - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Order of Operations - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Order of Operations - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 with a new school , you're just getting started .
00:02 Some of you may have done a little back to
00:03 school shopping . So let's say you bought Five t
00:07 shirts that were $12 each and three pairs of pants
00:12 that were $40 each . How much did you spend
00:16 ? Oh sorry I forgot uh the T shirts were
00:19 on sale . There were $3 off each one .
00:23 And your dear Aunt Sally , I gave you a
00:28 gift certificate for your birthday worth $50 . Now .
00:32 How much did you spend ? Welcome to anywhere .
00:53 Math . I'm Jeff Jacobson . And today you may
00:55 have guessed we're talking about order of operations . Now
01:00 let's talk about that back to school shopping . Uh
01:02 Let's start with the t shirts . The t shirts
01:04 if you remember we're $12 Each to begin with .
01:09 But then they were on sale there were $3 off
01:11 each of them . So if we subtract three that
01:15 would give us $9 for each t shirt . Right
01:19 uh you bought five of them . So the t
01:22 shirts Cost $45 , mm . Okay that's the t
01:28 shirts . Well how about the pants ? The pants
01:33 were $40 . We bought three of those . No
01:39 sale unfortunately . So those were $120 . Yeah if
01:44 we had those two up that's pants If we add
01:50 those two up we get $165 . But your dear
01:56 aunt sally gave you a gift certificate on your birthday
01:59 worth $50 . So we're gonna subtract 50 which gives
02:04 us a grand total of 115 dollars . Now we
02:12 could solve the same problem using a numerical expression and
02:16 the order of operations . But first let's talk about
02:20 what these order of operations are . As the name
02:23 suggests , it's basically an order that you do the
02:27 operations and that's all it is . It's a set
02:30 of rules that we use so that when we get
02:32 a problem a an expression uh everybody will get the
02:36 same answer if they do it correctly , people won't
02:39 do it two different ways and get two different answers
02:42 . Um So the operation that we do first is
02:46 anything in parenthesis ? Mhm . What this is after
02:57 you do anything in parentheses ? Next if you have
03:01 any exponents mm you take care of those after that
03:08 . The next operation is multiply or divide . Now
03:12 notice I say or Multiplying doesn't always come before the
03:19 division . It's whichever one multiply or divide comes first
03:24 going left to right , multiply or divide left two
03:30 right . And finally uh we either add or subtract
03:38 again or see or add or subtract going from left
03:46 to right . Mhm . So these are the order
03:53 of operations and this is what where you are going
03:56 to use uh to evaluate numerical expressions . Okay ,
04:01 for our first example let's evaluate a numerical expression .
04:05 Let's do the exact problem about the back to school
04:09 clothes . So first let's write the actual expression .
04:13 uh if you remember we talked about T shirts were
04:16 $12 but then there were $3 off , so 12
04:20 minus three . That's going to represent the cost of
04:24 the t shirts . Uh We bought five of those
04:28 , so we're gonna multiply that by five . Okay
04:31 then we also Have to add the cost of the
04:35 pants . We bought pants . Uh that were what
04:39 were they ? $40 each And we bought three of
04:42 them , so three times 40 each . But then
04:46 at the end we had our gift certificate from Old
04:48 Deer and sally . Um And so we're gonna subtract
04:53 $50 , that's how much we had worth of a
04:55 gift certificate . Here is our numerical expression . If
04:59 you look at the instructions , evaluate the following numerical
05:03 expression . If you remember from the last video evaluate
05:06 just means to find the value . All we do
05:10 is this is kind of complicated . We're gonna break
05:12 it down until we get one value . Um A
05:16 numerical expression . Well numerical oh just means it has
05:21 numbers . And an expression is just like a phrase
05:25 a mathematical phrase in this case a numerical expression .
05:29 Uh More specifically has numbers and operations . It has
05:34 to have operations . So you see we've got multiplication
05:37 , subtraction addition . Uh Those are the operations .
05:40 So that's what a numerical expression is . So what
05:46 are we going to do first ? Well hopefully you
05:48 remember we need to use those order of operations .
05:52 And a quick and easy way to remember is please
05:56 excuse my dear aunt sally see if you got that
05:59 joke from earlier . Um Pen does . For sure
06:04 . Parentheses . Mhm . Exponents multiply or divide now
06:09 . Multiplication doesn't always come before division . So I'm
06:12 gonna write it like this because we don't know which
06:16 ones coming first we have to go left to right
06:18 and then finally . Mhm . Addition or subtraction .
06:22 So some people remember penda . Some people remember please
06:26 excuse my dear aunt Sally who gave us that gift
06:30 certificate . So let's do it . First up parentheses
06:34 . Do we have any parentheses ? Yes We do
06:37 right here . So that's what we got to take
06:39 care of first . So 12 -3 . It's not
06:43 the key when solving order of operations problems are evaluating
06:48 numerical expressions Is to do one step at a time
06:53 . The most common mistake I see students do is
06:56 they try to do too many things at once and
06:59 that gets them in trouble . So try to just
07:01 do one step at a time . So I'm only
07:03 doing the parenthesis . So the five is still there
07:07 , plus the three times 40 -50 . Okay ,
07:13 parentheses are done . So now we're gonna go to
07:15 exponents . Well if we look there are no exponents
07:18 , so we're done with that . Now multiply or
07:21 divide , whichever comes first left to right . So
07:25 if I'm going left to right , Here's multiplication ,
07:28 five times 9 Is 45 . I still have the
07:32 plus three times 40 -50 . Am I done with
07:38 multiplication or division ? No , I have another multiplication
07:42 here . So now 45 stays the same plus three
07:47 times 40 , which is 120 minus 50 . We're
07:52 done with multiplication division . So now our last step
07:55 is addition or subtraction . Whichever comes first left to
07:59 right . So notice we have both . But this
08:02 edition comes first going left to right . So I'm
08:04 gonna add 45 and 120 , which is 165 -50
08:11 . So our final uh Uh the difference here is
08:16 115 , which is exactly what we got when we
08:22 did it the first time . Let's try another example
08:26 . All right , here's example to we got to
08:28 evaluate this numerical expression and feel free to pause the
08:32 video if you want to try this on your own
08:34 first . Well to do this , we got to
08:37 remember the order of operations obviously and we know that
08:40 parentheses come first . Well if you look we have
08:44 two things that we could possibly do inside the parentheses
08:48 , we have addition . We have an exponent when
08:51 you have parentheses and you have more than one operation
08:54 inside the parentheses , you use the order of operations
08:58 inside the parentheses to figure that out . So we
09:02 know that exponents would come before addition . So that's
09:06 what we're gonna do again . I'm gonna do one
09:09 step at a time and I'm always going down to
09:11 help stay organized . So 30 divided by seven plus
09:17 well to cube . Hopefully from the last video .
09:20 Remember to cube means two times two times two .
09:23 Which is hey , I still have that time six
09:27 at the end . My parentheses aren't done . I
09:30 still got to do this edition . So I still
09:32 have that . 30 divided by seven plus . eight
09:35 is 15 times six . Now parentheses are done .
09:40 There's no exponents here . We already did at the
09:43 beginning . Uh now were to multiply or divide going
09:47 left to right . We had division and multiplication but
09:51 left to right . This division comes first . So
09:55 30 divided by 15 is too and two Times six
10:01 is 12 . Here's something to try on your own
10:11 . Okay , let's do another example . So evaluate
10:13 this numerical expression , uh , same thing or of
10:16 operations . We're gonna do parentheses first and again if
10:19 you want to pause it and do it on your
10:21 own , go for it . So parentheses I'm gonna
10:24 do six plus one which is seven . I'm gonna
10:30 keep those parentheses there because I have a number right
10:32 next to the parentheses and we haven't talked about that
10:36 yet but we'll get to it . Uh So now
10:39 after parentheses there's nothing I can do inside the parentheses
10:43 . So I'm going to leave it alone and next
10:45 would be exponents . So to square it is just
10:48 two times two which is four . So 15 minus
10:51 47 divided by four . Now this is new when
10:58 you have a number next to parentheses . That's just
11:01 a way of showing multiplication . Uh It's kind of
11:04 just a shortcut . Instead of drawing uh an ex
11:09 for multiplication or a dot , we can just put
11:11 it next to the parentheses . Um And you'll see
11:14 that a lot when you when you get into algebra
11:16 , Pre algebra and algebra . So that means multiplication
11:20 and now we have multiplication division going left to right
11:25 . That multiplication comes first . So I've got 15-4
11:29 times seven Is 28 divided by four . I'm not
11:34 going to do this attraction because I have division which
11:37 comes before . So 28 divided by four is 7
11:43 And 15 -7 . Is they ? Okay ? Thanks
11:53 for watching . And if you like this video please
11:55 subscribe .



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