The Power of learning a Language with someone else - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Power of learning a Language with someone else - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

The Power of learning a Language with someone else - By Learn English with

00:0-1 Hey everyone . Welcome to the monthly review The monthly
00:03 show on language learning where you discover new learning strategies
00:09 , motivational tips , steady tools and resources by the
00:13 way , all the lessons and bonuses you're about to
00:15 see can be downloaded for free on our website .
00:19 So click the link in the description right now to
00:21 sign up for your free lifetime account . Okay .
00:24 Today's topic is can you learn a language faster with
00:28 a study partner ? If you're like most learners starting
00:31 out , you're doing this on your own , trying
00:34 to figure out a foreign language . But what if
00:36 you learned with someone else , it doesn't even have
00:39 to be a native speaker . What if you learned
00:42 with another learner ? Did you know that it could
00:44 help you learn even faster in this episode , you'll
00:47 discover the five benefits of learning with a study partner
00:51 , how you can make fast progress with someone who's
00:54 on your level and how to use a program with
00:57 someone else . But first listen up here are this
01:03 month's new lessons and resources . First , the how
01:07 to talk about time . Pdf cheeky days of the
01:10 week , months , seasons , time related vocabulary ,
01:14 you'll learn it all with this principle . Pdf cheeky
01:17 download it now for free . 2nd , the most
01:21 common adjectives . PDF e book , You'll master over
01:25 90 common adjectives with this bonus PDF picture e book
01:29 you can download and review it on any device .
01:32 Third must know ST Patrick's day vocabulary . Can you
01:36 talk about ST Patrick's Day in your target language ?
01:39 You'll be able to with this quick one minute vocabulary
01:42 lesson . Fourth , the top 20 words for positive
01:46 emotions . If you want to talk about your good
01:48 feelings , check out this next bonus . It will
01:51 give you 20 positive emotion words in just a few
01:54 minutes access it right now . Fifth , can you
01:57 tell someone what your favorite color is ? If not
02:00 , you'll be able to soon . This next bonus
02:03 will teach you vocabulary for all the common colors .
02:06 To get your free resources , click the link in
02:08 the description below . Right now . They're yours to
02:11 keep forever . Okay let's jump into today's topic .
02:15 Yeah . Can you learn a language faster with a
02:20 study partner ? It would be ideal if we all
02:23 had a native speaker next to us to help us
02:26 as we learn a language , but that's not always
02:28 possible . Some people are able to pay a tutor
02:31 or enroll in a school . Other people may be
02:34 able to find a language partner in the city where
02:36 they live . But what about learning with someone who
02:39 isn't a native speaker , studying a language with a
02:42 fellow learner can boost your progress and make the learning
02:45 process much more fun . Part one The benefits of
02:49 learning with a study partner first it's more engaging when
02:53 you're learning alone , it's just you inside your head
02:56 and while you can talk out loud to yourself with
02:58 another person , you have no choice but to engage
03:01 with someone . And when you're engaging in using the
03:04 language you tend to remember it better than if you
03:06 just kept it inside your head . This brings us
03:09 to the next point 2nd , you can learn more
03:13 how you can read through a phrasebook all by yourself
03:16 and forget the phrases 10 minutes later . But if
03:19 you're learning with someone , you're interacting and applying the
03:22 things you're learning right away , you're able to practice
03:25 and quiz each other , which is probably more than
03:27 you would do if you were studying by yourself ,
03:30 this means you end up retaining more . Also ,
03:33 if you explain a grammar rule to your study partner
03:36 , you'll end up understanding it better . Teaching others
03:39 is a great way to improve your own understanding .
03:43 Third learning is more enjoyable and this is the best
03:46 part about it . The purpose of learning another language
03:49 is communication with other people . If you study with
03:52 someone else , you'll be able to share your challenges
03:55 and your mistakes and give each other tips for how
03:57 to make progress . Yes , but you'll also create
04:00 a lot of fun memories by succeeding and laughing together
04:03 as you work through the learning process . Fourth ,
04:06 the other person can hold you accountable . If you
04:10 have a language learning routine going with someone , then
04:12 both of you will expect results from one another .
04:14 If they notice you're having trouble with a certain grammar
04:17 rule and pointed out , then you're much more likely
04:19 to get it right next time . Fifth you can
04:23 make it competitive , which also speeds up your progress
04:26 . If you're learning with someone who's a bit better
04:28 at something than you then you have something to aim
04:31 for to reach their level . This can be super
04:33 motivating . If you're working with someone who is at
04:35 the same level as you . You can think of
04:37 fun challenges to do together to encourage one another to
04:40 improve rapidly . So what are some ideas you can
04:43 use to learn with someone else ? Part two ,
04:46 How to learn with our language program if you're using
04:50 our program , here are a few ways you can
04:52 use the program with another person . However , you
04:55 can easily apply these tips to other resources as well
04:58 . One take the audio and video lessons . Just
05:02 press play on a lesson and listen to the audio
05:05 or watch the video lesson together to role play the
05:09 lesson conversations . Most of our lessons start with a
05:12 quick conversation . You and your learning partner can take
05:16 the roles of the speakers in the conversations then switch
05:18 roles to practice speaking and three quiz each other .
05:22 Use the lesson vocab section to quiz each other on
05:25 the lesson vocabulary to see how much you remember .
05:28 You can try saying a line from the conversation and
05:31 see if your partner knows what it means . Or
05:33 you can quiz your partner on the grammar rule introduced
05:36 in that lesson . Ask them to explain it .
05:39 The benefit of quizzing someone else is that you get
05:42 to reinforce your understanding of the grammar as well .
05:44 So to recap having a study partner can boost your
05:49 learning progress just by having another person around . You're
05:52 more engaged . You retain more , you enjoy the
05:54 process more and you can motivate one another while holding
05:57 each other accountable . Now over to you . Are
06:00 you learning on your own ? Do you have a
06:02 steady partner ? Do you want to find a study
06:04 partner ? Now leave us a comment . So thank
06:07 you for watching this episode of monthly review . Next
06:11 time we'll talk about how to speak more with can
06:14 do checklists . If you enjoyed these tips , Hit
06:17 the like button , share the video with anyone who's
06:19 trying to learn a language and subscribe to our channel
06:22 . We release new videos every week . And if
06:25 you're ready to finally learn language the fast , fun
06:27 and easy way and start speaking from your very first
06:30 lesson , get our complete language learning program . Sign
06:33 up for your free lifetime account right now , click
06:36 the link in the description . See you next time
06:38 . Bye . Yeah .



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