Fast Math Trick - How to multiply numbers under twenty faster than a calculator - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Fast Math Trick - How to multiply numbers under twenty faster than a calculator - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Fast Math Trick - How to multiply numbers under twenty faster than a calculator - By tecmath

00:0-1 Good day . Welcome to Tech Mouth channel . Look
00:01 at one of my favorite math calculation tricks today ,
00:03 where I'll show you how to multiply two numbers in
00:06 their teens instantly . That's a nice , easy trick
00:08 to learn . And I'll have you smashing out these
00:10 calculations and putting the wind right up your teacher .
00:13 A quick smart alright , here goes . And you
00:15 got three seconds to answer this . Do remember this
00:17 is a mental trick . So do try to do
00:19 this in your head . So the first example here
00:21 is 14 times 12 . Now time's up . Did
00:26 you get the answer of 168 If you do ,
00:30 congratulations . If not , I'm going to show you
00:32 how to do this in your head . Okay .
00:35 And it's fairly simple . All right . I'm gonna
00:36 get rid of the answer here and I'll show you
00:38 on my thought processes as we do this . The
00:40 first thing we do is I look at both the
00:43 units numbers for our 14 and 12 here , so
00:45 we have a units number before and for the 12
00:48 we have a units number over two . The next
00:51 thing I do is I would add one of these
00:54 , the two either head of the 14 or the
00:56 four to the 12 . It gives us the same
00:57 answer . So say 12-plus 4 . This 16 I
01:01 think this is our tens number . So I think
01:03 this is 160 . Okay , 16 becomes 160 .
01:08 The second thing I do is for our units part
01:10 is I would multiply these two numbers . Okay ,
01:13 so four times two is eight . And then what
01:17 I do is I just add these guys together .
01:19 So what we have is 160 plus eight . Really
01:23 easy to do in your head is 100 and 68
01:26 . All right , pretty simple . Right , Okay
01:30 . What about we go through another example . You
01:32 probably notice with this as well . You can do
01:34 these in your head . You do not need to
01:35 be writing these down . So I'm writing a little
01:37 bit extra when I do this . Okay , so
01:39 let's go through another harder example now and see how
01:43 you go . I'm going to give you five seconds
01:44 to answer this one . Um And What about we
01:48 give this one to go ? 16 time 17 .
01:55 All right . Okay . I reckon five seconds is
01:57 up . So the very very first thing I do
02:00 is I look at the units numbers we have a
02:02 six and we have a seven . The next thing
02:05 to do is I'm going to add either the seventh
02:07 . I'm just going to add is seven to the
02:08 16 here , Which is 23 which has a tens
02:11 number becomes 230 . All right . 6 7 42
02:16 . So 230 plus 42 . We get our answer
02:20 of 272 . Like I said , really , really
02:25 simple . Okay . What about I give you another
02:30 example and then what we'll do is we can go
02:31 through and look at why this particular trick works .
02:34 Okay . So all right . What about 15 times
02:38 19 ? Okay . We have a five . We
02:43 have a 99 plus 15 is 24 . So we
02:47 get 240 . Is that tens number that we're starting
02:50 in our head ? Five nines are 45 . So
02:53 240 plus 45 is 285 . And that is the
03:00 how you multiply numbers in their teens with one another
03:04 really , really easily in your head . Okay .
03:06 So why does this work ? Let me show you
03:08 . Okay , so first off , you're gonna think
03:10 about these numbers here . I'll just give you an
03:12 example . Say we were multiplying 12 times 18 ,
03:17 okay ? And you can probably work this out in
03:19 your head , but I just want to show you
03:20 what's going on here . I'm going to think about
03:22 this being a number 10 plus A . In this
03:26 case 10 plus A is equal to two . Okay
03:29 ? And we're multiplying this by 10 plus B .
03:32 In this case B is equal to eight . But
03:35 these numbers can obviously vary . All right . So
03:38 , we were to multiply this out . Okay .
03:40 The first thing we get is 10 times 10 ,
03:42 Which is 100 . Okay ? 10 times a .
03:46 Which is 10 a . We have to that we're
03:49 gonna add 10 times b . And to that A
03:53 times B . All right . So , we expand
03:55 those brackets out . This is what we get .
03:58 All right . So , what we can do now
04:00 is we could Basically divide this number by 10 .
04:03 We could put this number in brackets by 10 .
04:05 I'll show you what I mean . This these three
04:07 numbers all have 10 going to it . So ,
04:09 we can basically are shortness out . We can say
04:11 this is 10 times 10 plus A plus B plus
04:17 a B . You see what I did there ?
04:19 Because 10 times 10 is 110 times A is 10
04:22 8 . 10 times B is 10 B . And
04:24 we have the baby . Now , what's going on
04:26 here ? And let's put this in terms of about
04:28 12 times 18 here . Okay . So , the
04:30 very first thing we have is we could think about
04:32 this . Yeah , A&B is two and 8 .
04:35 Okay . The very first thing we have is say
04:38 12 plus eight . You know when we say ,
04:39 okay , this is 12 and they were basically gained
04:42 10 plus two plus eight . Okay , So 12
04:44 plus 18 for instance , is 20 . All right
04:47 . So I'll put this over here . The 20
04:49 becomes 200 . Okay , the next thing we have
04:53 is a B . Here . Okay . Because we
04:54 multiply that by 10 . The next thing you have
04:56 is a B . A . Times B is two
04:59 times 83 times eight . Is that part 16 ?
05:02 216 . Yeah . So that's why this particular trick
05:06 works . Okay . That's a proof of how it
05:09 works . Anyway , if you like this video ,
05:12 please remember to like and subscribe . Hopefully you do
05:15 like it . It's a really , really simple trick
05:16 in . Hey , just a big shout out to
05:18 my latest patron . Dave . Thanks . Thanks .
05:21 Thanks . Thanks . Thanks . You patrons are being
05:24 really , really great . Okay . You're helping keep
05:26 the mats free and that's a really awesome thing .
05:28 So anyway , really making a few more of these
05:30 math trick videos . I'm updating a few of them
05:32 . I have a few that are sitting pretty old
05:34 , but the sound quality is a bit rubbish and
05:36 things like that . So hopefully we can fix those
05:39 up , make the sound quality bit better . Put
05:40 him in HD and uh , you know , engage
05:43 your brand new audience in loving maths . Anyway ,
05:46 thanks for watching . We'll see you next time .
05:48 Bye .



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