How to Convert Binary to Decimal - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to Convert Binary to Decimal - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

How to Convert Binary to Decimal - By tecmath

00:00 get a welcome to the Tech Math channel . This
00:02 is a really quick video explanation on how to convert
00:05 from binary numbers across their decimal equivalents . It's a
00:09 really simple thing to do , a couple of steps
00:11 and you are done a more thorough explanation of this
00:14 is given in a video that I've made previously .
00:16 I'm going to put a link for that right now
00:18 and I'm also going to put that in the video
00:19 description , but this is just a quick description on
00:21 how to do this . So let's launch straight into
00:23 it . An example of this is what is 10110
00:30 as a decimal . I've given myself a bit of
00:33 space there now . The way that you convert these
00:35 across fairly simple , we're going to start underneath this
00:39 far right number here and we're going to put a
00:42 one and then as we move progressively left we are
00:45 going to double so one double that is to double
00:49 two is four , double four is eight and double
00:52 eight is 16 . Now , what we're going to
00:55 do is anywhere there is a one here , we
00:57 are going to circle that particular number . So 16
01:02 4 and two . And then what we're gonna do
01:04 is literally just add these guys together . So what
01:07 do we get ? 16 plus four is 20 plus
01:11 two is 22 . And that is what ? 10110
01:17 is in decimal . Pretty easy . Right ? What
01:20 about to give you a couple of examples . Okay
01:23 , so these are the two examples I'll give you
01:24 . What about 1011 will convert that across . And
01:29 what about 1 , 1011 and we'll see what the
01:35 deaths more that is . Okay . So start underneath
01:38 the right most number here with the one and start
01:42 doubling 1248 So the number's going to be adding together
01:48 are eight Plus two which is 10 Plus one .
01:52 The answer is 11 . Alright for this number here
01:57 , 1248 16 . So the numbers we're gonna be
02:03 adding , we're gonna add 16 plus eight which is
02:05 24 Plus two , which is 26 plus one ,
02:10 which is 27 . Anyway . It's a really ,
02:14 really simple thing how to do , right ? And
02:15 that's how you convert binary to decimal . Really simply
02:18 tell us what you thought of that video . Please
02:20 hit the like button and subscribe . And if you
02:23 want a more detailed explanation of why this works ,
02:25 which I really recommend . Just so you can really
02:28 internalize this . Check the video out which I have
02:31 linked to in the description . Okay ? We'll see
02:34 you next time . Bye .



How to Convert Binary to Decimal is a free educational video by tecmath.

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