Square numbers and square roots - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Square numbers and square roots - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Square numbers and square roots - By tecmath

00:0-1 good day in this lesson . What we're going to
00:01 be having a look at is square numbers , squares
00:03 and square roots . And these are pretty easy ,
00:05 but a really important thing for you to understand when
00:07 you're doing maths . So first off a square number
00:11 , a square number is a number which is multiplied
00:14 by itself . And they call it a square number
00:16 . Because if you can imagine a square , I'll
00:18 draw a square . Okay , So we have a
00:20 square there and we were working at the area of
00:23 this number . What we do is we go the
00:24 length times the width . Yeah . So say the
00:27 length of this number was two m and the width
00:30 of it was two m . The way we work
00:32 this out as we go to times too , and
00:35 this would be equal 24 Okay , so this is
00:38 what a square number is . It's just a number
00:40 multiplied by itself . But we have a bit of
00:42 a shortcut for this using index notation . What we're
00:46 saying is we would say here that this is too
00:49 to the power of two , which is equal to
00:52 four . Okay , This is to multiply by itself
00:55 two times . So what about another example here ,
00:59 another example of a square number we could think of
01:02 say being uh , what's this ? How would you
01:06 write ? Seven squared ? So you could say ,
01:09 okay , this is seven squared , which is equal
01:12 to seven times seven . Okay , pretty simple .
01:15 Which is equal to 49 . And that's all square
01:18 numbers . Are there fairly simple ? Don't get too
01:20 thrown by them . But it's a very , very
01:22 important thing to do . I think a lot of
01:24 mistakes a lot of students make is they look and
01:26 go , this is just seven times to know .
01:28 We wanted to write seven times to weed right seven
01:30 times to this means Seven multiplied by itself two times
01:35 seven times 7 . So the opposite of a square
01:38 number is a square root . So let me show
01:41 you the way that these look here . So we
01:43 know that seven squared equals seven times seven which is
01:46 equal to 49 . The square root would be written
01:50 like this , so pretty much a square root of
01:52 49 would be equal to seven . What number do
01:56 we multiply by itself To get 49 here ? And
02:00 that's what we're asking with ? The square root .
02:02 What number do we multiply by itself to get that
02:05 number here ? So I'll give you another example here
02:08 . What is the square root of 100 ? What
02:12 number do you multiply by itself to get 100 ?
02:16 And you could say , Okay , the answer of
02:18 this is 10 because 10 Times 10 is equal to
02:23 100 here . Okay , and we could write this
02:25 10 times 10 as 100 squared . So hopefully you
02:29 got that . It's a nice , simple little idea
02:32 , but really Easy 1 to get muddled up with
02:35 just once again , understand that this squared here means
02:39 10 multiplied by itself . Okay ? Thanks for watching
02:44 . We'll see you next time .



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