Only 2% of people can solve this. Are you a genius? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Only 2% of people can solve this. Are you a genius? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Only 2% of people can solve this. Are you a genius? - By tecmath

00:0-1 Good day and welcome to the Tech mouth channel Problem
00:02 I have for you today is we have a triangle
00:04 . In fact , we have two triangles . We
00:05 have a little triangle sitting inside a bigger triangle .
00:09 We know the following . We know this little angle
00:11 here is 20 degrees . We know this angle here
00:14 is 80 degrees . We also know that this length
00:17 here is equal to this length here . What we're
00:20 trying to find and this is your challenge is can
00:23 you find this unknown angle here ? Using only basic
00:27 geometry ? You're not allowed to use trigonometry on this
00:29 one ? You have to use basic geometry . So
00:32 can you go about and do that Anyway , pause
00:34 the video and see how you go and I'll come
00:37 back with the answer . Okay , so time's up
00:53 . Did you manage to solve it ? I'll tell
00:54 you what , I'm going to go through how to
00:55 work out this answer right now . So the first
00:58 we're going to do is I'm going to label the
01:00 different corners of this triangle just to help us with
01:04 the explanation . So we have this corner here ,
01:06 I'm going to call a this corner here . I'm
01:08 going to call be this corner here . I'm going
01:10 to call C . And this part here , I'm
01:13 going to call D where this intersection here occurs .
01:16 So the first we're going to work out to solve
01:18 this is what this angle is down here . We
01:20 know that we have a triangle here and we have
01:23 an angle of 80 and an angle of 20 .
01:26 Now , angle A . B C . That is
01:28 , this angle down here is going to equal 180
01:32 minus these two and also 180 degrees minus 80 degrees
01:38 minus 20 degrees because in the entire of a triangle
01:41 there is 180 degrees , so 180 minus 80 minus
01:46 20 is equal to 80 . So we know this
01:48 angle down here is equal to 80 degrees . So
01:52 what does this tell us if this angle here is
01:55 80 degrees and this angle here is 80 degrees .
01:57 What this means is our triangle is an isosceles triangle
02:01 . This triangle , A , B C . Is
02:05 ice oscillates . That means we have to equal angles
02:08 and on top of that we have to equal length
02:10 here . So we can actually mark these on .
02:12 I'm going to mark these two equal lengths on right
02:15 now . We have this length here and we have
02:17 this length here . The next thing we're going to
02:20 do to solve this problem is we are going to
02:22 draw an equilateral triangle that comes off this line here
02:25 . An equilateral triangle has equal side lengths and equal
02:28 angles . So an equilateral triangle would come out up
02:30 here and it would go down to this park here
02:34 . I'd had a side length here and these side
02:37 length would be the same and this side length here
02:39 would also be the same . Now we can also
02:41 label the angles on our equilateral triangle here . We
02:44 know that this angle up here , I'm going to
02:45 call this E R . P . R . We
02:47 know that this angle is going to be equal to
02:50 60 degrees because 180 divided by three is equal to
02:53 60 . We could work out this little part of
02:56 the angle here because if this entire angle here is
02:59 60 degrees , well 60 take away 20 that would
03:03 tell us that this angle here is 40 degrees .
03:06 The last thing we're left with is this angle here
03:08 , which is also 60 degrees . So the next
03:11 thing we're going to work out is this angle here
03:14 ? This angle E . B . C . Okay
03:17 , I'll destroy it in there . Now , what
03:19 do we know about this particular area ? We know
03:22 that A . B . C . Is equal to
03:24 80 degrees . This entire angle here , we also
03:27 know that on our collateral triangle this is equal to
03:31 60 degrees . So this little angle , this E
03:34 B C is going to equal 80 degrees minus 60
03:38 degrees . So a t minus 60 . This is
03:41 going to equal 20 degrees . All right . So
03:45 let's get up to the next step . Now ,
03:47 we're going to draw a line between C and the
03:53 and this gives us a triangle A C . E
03:56 . Now , what do we know about triangle ?
03:58 A . C . E . Well , we know
04:00 it is also an isosceles triangle . What makes me
04:04 say that ? Or we have this line here at
04:08 this lawyer here Of equal length . So straight away
04:11 this tells us we have an isosceles triangle . So
04:14 now what we can do is we can work out
04:16 a few of our unknown angles here , using this
04:19 , what we know is this angle here and we
04:21 work that out well , pretty simply right because we
04:24 know this angle down here is 40°. . A triangle
04:28 in total has 180°, , so we go 180° -40°.
04:34 . And then we divide our result by two ,
04:37 dividing at least two angles here . It will tell
04:40 us how big this angle here is . So 180
04:43 minus 40 is 100 and 40 divided by two .
04:47 This angle is 70 degrees and we've almost solved this
04:51 problem because what we've managed to create is two congruent
04:54 triangles . That is to say two triangles that are
04:57 similar in form . Okay , can you see where
05:00 they are ? Okay , we're going to use information
05:03 from one and transfer it across the other and use
05:05 this to solve our problem . If you have a
05:07 look at the first triangle here , we're going to
05:10 have a look at the B . C . Okay
05:13 , we have this length here and it has a
05:16 20 degree angle and this shorter length here . Okay
05:21 . We have triangle the B . C . Can
05:24 you spot the triangle that it is congruent to maybe
05:27 you did . We have the long length from be
05:29 going across A . We have this 20 degrees and
05:32 then we have this shorter length here . It's going
05:34 to be covered over there . So you might not
05:36 have seen it where it goes off from A two
05:38 D . Okay , so this is B . A
05:41 . D . These two triangles are congruent one another
05:44 there are identical . So we know this little angle
05:48 here . We can find out what it is because
05:50 we know it's the same as this angle here which
05:53 is 80 Plus 70 . So what's 80 plus 70
05:56 , 80 plus 70 is equal to 150° in a
06:02 straight line , there is 100 and 80 degrees .
06:04 So we've got our final angle , our angle that
06:07 we have to solve this is going to be equal
06:08 to 180 degrees minus 150 degrees , which is equal
06:15 to 30 degrees . And that is our answer .
06:18 Our answer is 30 degrees . So how did you
06:22 go ? Did you manage to solve this problem before
06:24 me without using trigonometry ? If you did let us
06:26 know in the comments below and if you like this
06:28 video , please also let us know in the comments
06:30 below and hit the like button and subscribe for more
06:33 problems and our math tips and tricks to come along
06:36 . Anyway , thank you for watching and we'll see
06:38 you next time . Bye .



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