Circumference of a circle - math lesson - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Circumference of a circle - math lesson - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Circumference of a circle - math lesson - By tecmath

00:0-1 Good day and welcome to the Tech Math channel .
00:01 I'm josh in this video . We're going to be
00:03 looking at how to work out the circumference of the
00:05 circle that is the perimeter , the distance around the
00:08 outside of this circle . So we start out with
00:11 our circle here and we're just going to label the
00:13 major parts of the circle . So we have this
00:15 distance from the center here to the edge , this
00:19 is the radius or just write that in and we
00:22 often give that the letter of our , we also
00:25 have this distance here which goes from one end of
00:27 the circle to the other edge of the circle going
00:30 through the center and this is the diameter . Okay
00:34 . And this is going to be often drawn down
00:36 as a deep . We also have this distance around
00:40 the outside which is what we're going to be working
00:42 out , which is the circumference , that is this
00:45 distance going right around the outside of our circle here
00:51 . Okay . And this is often written as a
00:54 C . So now we've got all that . How
00:57 do we go about working this distance at this distance
00:59 of the circumference ? Well , there's a formula that
01:02 quite often gets used and it's this one here .
01:04 The circumference is equal to two times pi times are
01:09 okay , poem get to in a second . But
01:11 this can be rewritten as something even easier . You'll
01:14 probably notice that two times the radius here is equal
01:17 to the diameter . So this can be rewritten as
01:20 a circumference is equal to the diameter times pi .
01:24 All right , So what is pi pi is equal
01:27 to the circumference divided by the diamond , as you
01:30 can see if you rearrange is but it's always 3.1415
01:35 bigger is to say the circumference is always pi times
01:38 bigger than the diamond . Now look , you're probably
01:41 gonna have a button for pie in your calculator .
01:43 But it's around about the following . It's around about
01:45 3.14159 . So what I'm really saying here is that
01:51 the circumference of any circle is around about 3.1415 ,
01:56 9 times bigger than the distance across that circle .
01:59 So , if you want to work out how far
02:01 the distance is around , Measure the distance across and
02:04 multiply by this 3.14159 . This pie . All right
02:08 , so let's try this . Now , for our
02:11 first example , we're going to look at a circle
02:12 whose diameter is six centimeters and we're going to work
02:15 out the circumference . First off , what we're going
02:18 to work out is roughly what the circumference is ,
02:20 and then we're going to work out exactly what the
02:22 circumference is . So , roughly what I'd be doing
02:25 is I go , okay , we know the diamond
02:26 r is equal to six centimeters and pi is equal
02:29 to about 3.1 . Force would multiply that by three
02:33 and just a little bit three and a bit .
02:35 So what is six times three ? And a little
02:37 bit you can say okay , this is gonna be
02:39 roughly equal to 63 to 18 , so maybe 18
02:43 , maybe a bit in the 19 . So it's
02:44 gonna be a little bit over 18 . What is
02:46 it going to be exactly ? So if we go
02:48 what is six times pi and you'll have pie in
02:52 your calculator , this is going to be 3.14159 .
02:55 So on and so forth , The more decimal places
02:58 you use , the more exact you'll get here ,
03:00 you would see that this is going to be equal
03:02 to 18.85cm . Okay , Roundabouts . And as you
03:08 can see here this is between 1819 . We have
03:11 a good answer here . It's not a bad idea
03:13 with this . Just to give it a bit of
03:14 an estimation what it might be first . So that's
03:17 the way I go about working out the circumference of
03:20 the circumference at distance , around the outside is going
03:23 to be 18.85 cm . Okay , what about we
03:26 do another one . So for our second example we
03:29 have a circle whose radius is four centimeters and we're
03:33 going to work out the circumference to do this .
03:36 I'm going to first work out the diamond er and
03:38 then I'm going to go from there , I'm going
03:39 to work out an estimation and then I'm going to
03:41 work out the exact amount . So first off ,
03:44 what is the diamond going to be ? The diamond
03:46 is going to be twice that of four centimeters ,
03:48 So twice a four cm is eight cm . The
03:53 circumference then is going to be eight centimeters multiplied by
03:58 three and a bit . Three and a little bit
04:00 . So what's it going to be ? Well Eight
04:03 times three is roughly 24 . So we're gonna expect
04:05 an answer above 20 for maybe 25 , maybe 26
04:09 sort of thing . So now let's work out the
04:12 circumference exactly . The circumference is going to be equal
04:16 to eight times not three and a bit , it's
04:18 eight times exact pie , which is pi 3.14159 blah
04:23 , blah blah . And that is going to be
04:25 equal to 25.13 centimetres . Once again , the more
04:31 exact that you use pi , the more exact that
04:34 your answer is going to be and sometimes you don't
04:35 need exact answers . Sometimes near enough is okay and
04:39 sometimes your teacher is going to want you to be
04:41 really , really exact , so obviously use it as
04:43 much as you need to as you go along here
04:46 sooner . I hope you like that explanation on how
04:48 to work out the circumference . Once again , depending
04:51 on how exact you need to be , you're either
04:52 going to be multiplying that diamond by three and a
04:55 bit or you're going to be multiplied by pi exactly
04:58 3.1415 Anyway , thank you for watching . If you'd
05:01 like to support me making videos on Youtube , please
05:04 consider following me on Patreon where you can donate as
05:06 little as a dollar for each video made and the
05:09 link is in the description or you can probably see
05:11 the link on screen right now . Also a life
05:14 could be nice as well as a comment . We'll
05:16 see you next time . Bye .



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