Highlights from Jennifer's Patreon Member-only Playlist - JOIN today! - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Highlights from Jennifer's Patreon Member-only Playlist - JOIN today! - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Highlights from Jennifer's Patreon Member-only Playlist - JOIN today! - By JenniferESL

00:17 Yeah . Hi everyone , I'm jennifer from english with
00:21 jennifer . This is a short but fun video about
00:25 laughter . How often do you laugh ? They say
00:29 that people who laugh a lot from the heart live
00:31 happier lives laughter is a form of stress relief .
00:36 Of course , cruel laughter isn't good for anyone .
00:39 So surround yourself with healthy forms of humor . A
00:48 joke that's a little funny , but not terribly funny
00:51 . Might make me chuckle . That's a low ,
00:56 quiet laugh often with our mouth closed . Mhm .
01:03 If I'm feeling silly , I might giggle , giggling
01:08 is quick and high pitched . It's a series of
01:11 laughs . People of all ages might giggle when they
01:15 feel nervous . So it's not always a positive form
01:18 of laughter . Mm Hi everyone , I'm jennifer from
01:28 english with jennifer in this lesson . We're going to
01:31 talk about inversion . Do you know what it means
01:34 to invert something ? I'll give you a hint .
01:40 Yeah . What did I do with the hourglass ?
01:44 I inverted it . Mhm . When you invert the
01:49 hourglass , the sand pours down into the bottom part
01:56 . How about this photo ? Can you see it
01:58 properly ? Probably not . Let me invert it all
02:04 rotate it and put it right side up . Okay
02:07 , now , can you see it in grammar ?
02:13 If we invert two parts of a sentence , we
02:15 reversed their positions , you already know how to do
02:19 this . We invert the subject and verb when we
02:22 form questions . Have you ever seen such clear blue
02:26 water ? Yes , I have . I've seen beautiful
02:32 water in the Bahamas . Yeah , we can also
02:40 invert the subject and verb in sentences that use negative
02:44 adverbs . We do this when the negative adverb is
02:47 in the initial position , that means it starts the
02:50 sentence . We don't usually do this in spoken english
02:55 . It's more typical of written english because it's a
02:58 more formal structure . So you can expect to see
03:01 in version with negative adverbs more in academic writing and
03:07 literary writing . Yeah , let's practice together . Look
03:17 at this sentence first , identify the negative adverb .
03:25 Never right will move it to the beginning of the
03:29 sentence next will switch , will invert the subject and
03:34 verb only the first part of the verb will use
03:38 the helping verb first . So what's the new sentence
03:46 ? Never have I seen such clear , beautiful water
03:55 . Mhm Hi everyone , I'm jennifer from english with
04:02 jennifer . How comfortable are you saying long words in
04:06 english ? Well in this video I'll help you say
04:09 and use at least one of those words comfortable and
04:15 everyday american english . We say this word with three
04:18 syllables , comfortable stresses on the first , comfortable .
04:25 It sounds like I'm saying comfortable . Let's say it
04:28 again , we'll say it slowly and then fast ,
04:31 comfortable , comfortable . You may hear some american english
04:40 speakers say this word with four syllables , comfortable ,
04:45 comfortable . But I think this variation is a little
04:48 less common . Hi everyone , I am jennifer from
04:54 english with jennifer , you may know that I've played
04:57 a lot of card games in my life . I
05:00 grew up playing popular games like blackjack , slap ,
05:04 jack , go fish and some less common games like
05:08 steal the pile and 500 . I hope that card
05:13 games don't die out because of video games and entertainment
05:16 apps . There are a lot of idioms related to
05:20 playing cards and they sure make a lot more sense
05:23 if you've actually played these games In this lesson ,
05:27 I'll share four expressions . Mhm mm mm to play
05:37 your cards right ? Means to do things in the
05:39 best way possible in order to be successful and get
05:43 what you want or get something of value . We
05:47 often use this in an if clause if you play
05:52 your cards right , you might get a promotion in
05:54 one or two years , He's a good athlete and
05:59 he could get a scholarship if he plays his cards
06:02 . Right ? Mhm Hi everyone , it's jennifer from
06:14 english with jennifer and outside in front of my home
06:18 , I live in the suburbs and this is pretty
06:20 typical for a suburban home . We have a mailbox
06:24 at the end of our driveway . This is where
06:26 we get and send our mail . If I want
06:28 to mail a letter , I put it in the
06:31 mailbox and I put up this flag to signal the
06:35 mail carrier to stop . She usually stops anyways because
06:39 we get a few letters every day if I want
06:42 to send a bigger envelope or a package , I
06:45 have to go to the post office . Now ,
06:48 some people like to decorate their mailboxes for the different
06:51 seasons or a special holiday . I decorate the mailbox
06:54 just for christmas . Hi everyone . I'm jennifer from
07:00 english with jennifer . It won't surprise you to know
07:03 that I believe everyone should know at least a little
07:06 bit of grammar . Grammar is all about patterns and
07:10 following the usual patterns helps us have clear communication .
07:17 Yeah . What's the difference between a word and a
07:24 phrase ? A word is a single piece of language
07:30 . Cat girl sing singing beautiful beautifully to from here
07:44 , A Phrase is a group of two or more
07:46 words . A beautiful girl sing beautifully for me ,
08:03 phrases aren't complete ideas . They don't have both a
08:07 subject and a verb . Sometimes we speak in phrases
08:12 if the rest is understood . What do you see
08:17 A pretty cat ? A clause is a group of
08:22 words with the subject and a verb clauses can be
08:26 short or long . The girls sang songs , entertain
08:35 us . Birds are common pets in many countries around
08:42 the world . Inside a clause , you may find
08:48 a number of phrases , some clauses can stand alone
08:59 . We call them independent clauses . An independent clause
09:04 is a simple sentence . Other clauses are dependent clauses
09:09 . We have to join these dependent clauses with an
09:12 independent clause to form a complete sentence . If you
09:19 don't know what to do with this , I can
09:21 show you . Hi everyone . I'm jennifer from english
09:36 with jennifer . Try saying Toy Boat five times fast
09:42 . Toy boat , toy boat , toy boat ,
09:44 toy boy , toy boat . It's not easy is
09:47 it ? But if I slow down , I can
09:51 do it . Toy boat . Toy boat , toy
09:54 boat , toy boat . Toy boat tongue twisters can
09:59 be short or long , but they're all designed to
10:02 twist our tongue . We can untwist it and speak
10:05 clearly . If we slow down just enough to stay
10:09 in control of our pronunciation . Mhm . Yeah .
10:59 Follow me on facebook twitter and instagram . Yeah ,
11:11 yeah .



Highlights from Jennifer's Patreon Member-only Playlist - JOIN today! is a free educational video by JenniferESL.

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