All Your First Steps when Learning English - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

All Your First Steps when Learning English - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

All Your First Steps when Learning English - By Learn English with

00:0-1 want to speak real english from your first lesson ,
00:02 sign up for your free lifetime account at english class
00:05 11 dot com . When you decide to learn a
00:09 language it's exciting . But there are lots of different
00:11 ways to approach your studies . What can you do
00:14 to make sure you start things off in the best
00:16 way for yourself . In this video will cover six
00:19 things for you to consider to get you started on
00:21 the right foot first . What is your reason for
00:25 learning ? Thinking about your why for studying a language
00:30 can be so important . If you know why you're
00:33 doing something , it becomes easier to create goals .
00:36 There are lots of reasons to learn a language travel
00:39 , family , friends , love and even the experience
00:42 of living in a new country , Clarifying your reason
00:45 for learning helps you define your mission and gives you
00:47 motivation right from the start . Some reasons for learning
00:51 may be stronger than others . If you live in
00:54 a country that speaks the language you need to learn
00:56 , you're probably highly motivated to study because your progress
00:59 will directly affect your daily life and relationships . If
01:03 however your reason for learning is something like I want
01:05 to be able to watch tv shows in that language
01:08 , your motivation might not be as high as the
01:10 person in the first example , but that's okay .
01:13 Everyone has a different , unique reason for wanting to
01:16 learn a language , take some time to understand what
01:19 you want to get out of your studies . This
01:21 is a helpful first step . 2nd , set the
01:25 right goals . Once you've clarified your reason for learning
01:29 , it's time to set your goals . Don't make
01:32 goals . Like I want to be fluent one day
01:35 . This type of goal is problematic because there's no
01:37 deadline for the goal , no clues about how you'll
01:40 achieve your goal and no way of knowing when you've
01:42 reached fluency , your goals need to be small ,
01:45 measurable , realistic and have a deadline . Try making
01:49 monthly goals instead of yearly goals saying I want to
01:52 be fluent one day isn't helpful . Instead make a
01:56 goal like be able to speak for one minute by
01:58 the end of the month . A goal like this
02:00 gives you a target , a skill to develop and
02:02 a deadline , you have one month to practice your
02:05 speaking skills enough to be able to talk for one
02:07 minute . You can set a timer and track how
02:10 long you're able to speak . This is also a
02:12 realistic goal . Learning enough to speak for one minute
02:15 in one month is reasonable . You can even think
02:18 of how you might reward yourself for achieving the goal
02:20 . Third , reward yourself for achieving your goals .
02:25 You can determine your rewards . When you determine your
02:28 goals , rewards are powerful motivators , you should be
02:32 working consistently towards your goals . But there will undoubtedly
02:35 be times when the work isn't fun and you need
02:38 something to push you through . When you come home
02:40 after a long day of work or school on a
02:42 rainy day may be the last thing you want to
02:44 do is open a book and start studying . It's
02:47 so much easier to turn on netflix or scroll social
02:50 media . But if you have a reward , you
02:52 can use it as a motivator as mentioned before .
02:55 It's important to remember why you're learning a language and
02:58 what your goals are . For many people thinking about
03:01 the rewards , they'll get along the way , boost
03:03 their motivation . If you give yourself something to look
03:06 forward to , it can help you get through the
03:08 times you may not feel like putting in the work
03:11 Fourth match your routine to the study medium . The
03:15 word routine here refers to your everyday routine . You
03:19 need to understand your personal schedule and your personality to
03:22 make a study schedule . That's right for you .
03:25 It may come as a surprise that this is a
03:27 step where many people fail . They think they can
03:29 do a lot more than they actually can get overwhelmed
03:32 and quit in the end . The people who give
03:36 up after just a few weeks of hard study are
03:38 only able to do a fraction of what they plan
03:40 to be able to do . It can be tough
03:42 to understand your own limitations . We all like to
03:45 think we're capable of doing anything . We put our
03:47 minds to at any time on any day , but
03:50 the reality is there will be times when we're tired
03:53 , bored or just don't feel like studying . We
03:56 need to be able to plan for times like these
03:58 to do that . We need to understand our own
04:00 limitations . Try this right at your weekly schedule .
04:04 Where do you have some existing time that you can
04:07 spend on studies ? For example , maybe you have
04:10 some time on your commute every day or sometime during
04:12 a lunch break if you're super busy , like most
04:15 people look for places in your day , that naturally
04:18 makes sense . Instead of trying to create a whole
04:20 new block of time to devote to your studies ,
04:23 maybe it's when you visit a cafe or when you're
04:25 on the bus or train , see if there's a
04:27 place where you can match the medium , the learning
04:30 method to your existing routine . For example , on
04:34 your commute in the morning , you can listen to
04:36 an audio lesson twice a week or listen once a
04:39 week after dinner at home while you do chores break
04:41 out some vocabulary flashcards during lunchtime , Maybe you can
04:45 even find a weekend class which brings us to our
04:48 5th fifth anchor points . These are the connections you
04:54 make to a language that boost your motivation and keep
04:56 you attached or anchored to your goal . For example
05:00 , maybe you have friends or relatives to speak the
05:02 language and if you're around them and you're exposed to
05:05 the language , you're more likely to learn . If
05:08 you don't know anyone who speaks the language , consider
05:10 making a monetary investment , like a textbook or a
05:13 learning program by paying for something . You make a
05:15 commitment to yourself to use it . six assessment ,
05:20 it's good to know where you are in your studies
05:23 and determine if you're making progress if you're not moving
05:26 forward . Maybe the methods you're using aren't quite right
05:29 for you . Or maybe you need to find new
05:30 ways to add studying into your routine to give you
05:33 more opportunities to learn but don't do assessments so often
05:37 that you don't actually have a chance to learn .
05:40 For example , if you take a test once and
05:42 get a score you're not happy with , don't immediately
05:45 take the test again , give yourself time to study
05:48 and develop your skills more , then you can come
05:50 back and try again . Assessment is a great way
05:53 to keep yourself on track . But don't let tests
05:55 take over your studies . In this video , we
05:58 talked about six things to consider when you start learning
06:01 a language , figure out your reason for learning ,
06:03 set good goals and choose rewards . Have anchor points
06:07 and make sure to match your routine with the medium
06:09 of study . And finally make sure you have the
06:12 proper approach to assessment of your progress and for more
06:15 ways to get started learning on the right foot ,
06:18 check out our complete language learning program . Sign up
06:20 for your free lifetime account by clicking on the link
06:23 in the description . Get tons of resources to have
06:25 you speaking in your target language . And if you
06:27 enjoy these tips , hit the like button , share
06:30 the video with anyone who's trying to learn a new
06:32 language and subscribe to our channel . We release new
06:34 videos every week . I'll see you next time .
06:37 Bye .



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