Using Small Talk Phrases in English - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Using Small Talk Phrases in English - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Using Small Talk Phrases in English - By Learn English with

00:0-1 Hi everybody , my name is Alicia . Welcome back
00:02 to top words in this lesson . We're gonna look
00:04 at the top 20 useful phrases for small talk before
00:08 we get started . A quick note , you can
00:10 find for free from the link below this video .
00:13 In the Youtube description , a bunch of pdf conversation
00:16 and phrase cheat sheet . So if you want to
00:18 work on building your vocabulary or building your everyday phrase
00:22 knowledge , you should check these out . I think
00:24 this survival phrases one is a pretty good one for
00:27 today's lesson . You can use these expressions around your
00:30 town throughout the day and of course , there are
00:32 many other topics to look at too . So don't
00:35 forget to check this out . You can find this
00:37 from the link below the video on Youtube . Okay
00:40 , let's get on with the video . You look
00:42 great . You look great , so you look great
00:47 , is a good way to great . Another person
00:49 . You should use this when someone has had a
00:52 new haircut or maybe they have a new shirt or
00:56 something cool that they're wearing . You want to express
00:58 that someone looks really nice , you can say you
01:00 look great . Next is how are things ? How
01:05 are things ? So how are things ? Is like
01:09 a more casual way of saying , how are you
01:12 ? How are things means like how are things in
01:15 your life ? Things here means everything . Your job
01:19 , your work , whatever , your school , your
01:21 relationships , your family . How are things in general
01:25 ? Okay , let's go to the next phrase .
01:28 What a coincidence . What a coincidence . What a
01:34 coincidence is . Used to express surprise . So this
01:37 word is spelled kind of strangely , it's pronounced coincidence
01:41 , coincidence . It means that two things , two
01:43 or more things that you might not expect to happen
01:46 at the same time or in the same way did
01:49 happen . So , for example , if you meet
01:51 a coworker unexpectedly when you're shopping or you go to
01:54 a coffee shop and you see someone you know there
01:57 , you might say , wow , what a coincidence
01:59 . So you didn't expect this thing to happen ,
02:01 but here you are . So you can express your
02:03 surprise with this expression , like , well , what
02:06 a coincidence . I ran into you at the coffee
02:08 shop , who'd a thought , Okay , let's get
02:11 on to the next expression . That's great , That's
02:15 great . Okay , so that's great . Is good
02:19 to know . It's a super basic expression , but
02:21 you can use it to respond to someone else's good
02:24 news . Someone shares something positive , happy , good
02:27 , whatever it is , just say that's great ,
02:29 you can change great out for awesome or super or
02:32 whatever it is you feel like , but that's great
02:35 , is a good basic phrase you can use just
02:37 about anytime . Okay , let's get to the next
02:40 expression . Next is good for you , good for
02:45 you . Okay , so good for you is used
02:49 to express like happiness for another person's good news .
02:53 So this is different from that's great because good for
02:57 you is like kind of noting that someone made an
03:00 improvement in their life . Someone did something that was
03:04 good for them specifically . So maybe someone started a
03:07 new exercise habit and it's really positive or maybe they
03:11 ended a bad relationship or they started a new job
03:14 at a good place in those cases where someone has
03:17 made some personal improvement , you can say good for
03:20 you , good for you , Okay , onto the
03:22 next expression , How are you ? How are you
03:28 ? So how are you ? Is this super basic
03:30 greeting ? You can use it with anybody in your
03:32 life ? Really ? How are you ? Is generally
03:35 not replied to seriously . We usually just say I'm
03:38 good , I'm fine , I'm okay . How are
03:41 you ? So you don't really need to take this
03:43 expression too seriously ? But just say how are you
03:46 to show your thinking of the other person ? Okay
03:49 . On to the next expression next . Is is
03:53 everything going fine ? Is everything going fine ? So
03:58 this expression and one that I personally would use ,
04:01 I would probably say is everything going okay is used
04:05 if maybe you think the other person might be struggling
04:09 with something or they might have some kind of challenge
04:11 or maybe some kind of problem . It's kind of
04:14 used to say like do you want to talk about
04:16 something or do you want to discuss something ? You
04:19 could use it if you're concerned . You can also
04:21 just use it as like an everyday greeting . Like
04:24 hey , how are you ? Is everything going okay
04:26 ? So just to show that you're thinking of the
04:28 other person's life . But yeah , if you use
04:30 a more concerned tone with this , like is everything
04:33 going okay ? You can show that you've maybe noticed
04:36 something about the other person to you might want to
04:39 show it's okay to talk about it . So depending
04:42 on your intonation , you can communicate some different ideas
04:45 with this expression . All right onto the next one
04:47 . Okay , you won't believe this , You won't
04:52 believe this , Okay , You won't believe this is
04:55 used before you share like some kind of surprising information
04:59 or exciting information . You might also hear you're not
05:03 gonna believe this , which is a reduced form of
05:06 you are not going to believe this , You won't
05:08 believe this , but is very common . So it's
05:11 like saying I have something so surprising that you probably
05:15 will not believe the information . But here it is
05:19 . So you can share something surprising or exciting with
05:22 this phrase . Okay , onward . Next is I
05:27 haven't seen you for ages . I haven't seen you
05:30 for ages . Okay , so use this expression instead
05:35 of long time . No see or you can use
05:37 them together like a long time . No , see
05:39 I haven't seen you for ages . So an age
05:42 is a very long time . The word age .
05:45 So ages is therefore a very , very long time
05:49 , multiple ages . So when you say I haven't
05:51 seen you for ages , it means I haven't seen
05:54 you in a very long time . You use this
05:56 as a greeting as I said , Hey , long
05:58 time . No , see I haven't seen you in
06:00 ages . How have you been , for example ?
06:03 Okay , next expression , the next expression is that's
06:07 terrible . That's terrible . Okay , so when someone
06:12 shares bad news , something bad that happened to them
06:15 , you should respond with something that shows you understand
06:19 their point of view say that's terrible or that's awful
06:22 or that's too bad . So terrible means very bad
06:26 . So if you want to sound like really caring
06:29 about something bad that happened to another person , use
06:33 this expression , you lost your job . That's terrible
06:36 . I'm so sorry to hear that . Okay .
06:39 On to the next expression , Okay . I'd better
06:42 let you go . I'd better let you go .
06:47 Okay . I better let you go . This is
06:49 the reduced form of I had better let you go
06:53 . We use this when we're talking to someone on
06:56 the phone or maybe when we're having an in person
06:58 conversation in the office to let someone go means like
07:03 to release them from something in this case to release
07:06 them from a conversation . So when you say I
07:09 better let you go . It's showing , I think
07:12 you're busy . It's showing the other person you understand
07:15 they're busy and they have something to do . So
07:18 if you're talking to a busy person and you realize
07:20 , oh my gosh , we talked for so long
07:22 . We've been talking for a long time . You
07:25 can say sorry , I better let you go ,
07:27 meaning I recognize you're a busy person and you need
07:30 to do other things . So use this to end
07:32 the conversation quickly . Of course , you can also
07:35 use this to escape a conversation you are ready to
07:37 be finished with . Okay , let's go to the
07:39 next expression . Next is did you catch the news
07:43 today ? Did you catch the news today ? So
07:48 use this as a greeting or as a way to
07:50 start a conversation if you want to talk about current
07:53 events . So did you catch the news today or
07:56 did you see the news this morning is also okay
07:59 . It just shows you want to talk about recent
08:01 events with someone . So use this maybe with someone
08:05 that you're okay to talk about . These kinds of
08:07 topics with okay on to the next phrase , okay
08:11 , nice day outside , isn't it ? Nice day
08:14 outside , isn't it nice day outside ? Just refers
08:19 to the weather so you can use any kind of
08:21 weather and follow it with , isn't it ? You
08:23 can use rainy today , isn't it ? Or windy
08:26 today , isn't it ? So that isn't it shows
08:29 you're looking for confirmation from the other person Nice day
08:32 outside , isn't it ? And of course you can
08:34 drop outside if you really want to . Of course
08:37 the weather is outside , but this is just an
08:39 expression that we use are Nice day today would also
08:43 be okay . So you're just starting a conversation by
08:46 talking about the weather and finding a small point you
08:48 can both agree upon . Okay on to the next
08:51 expression . Okay , next . Is have you been
08:55 waiting long ? Have you been waiting long use ?
09:00 Have you been waiting long when you are supposed to
09:03 meet another person and maybe they arrived before you and
09:07 you're worried that they waited a long time for you
09:11 . So if you , for example , we're supposed
09:13 to meet at one o'clock and you arrive at 1
09:16 15 , you might say to the other person ,
09:18 have you been waiting long ? So you don't know
09:21 how long that person has been waiting ? Maybe they
09:23 got there 15 minutes early , you're showing that you
09:26 have concern for their time with this expression . Have
09:29 you been waiting long ? Sorry ? Okay . Next
09:32 is it's good to have you here . It's good
09:36 to have you here use this expression when you're hosting
09:41 a party , hosting an event or maybe you have
09:44 a guest in your office . Someone who's not usually
09:47 around is in your circle for the day . You
09:50 can say it's good to have you here or it's
09:52 nice to have you here . That shows that you
09:55 recognize that they are a new person , but you
09:57 want them to feel welcome . It's good to have
09:59 you here , you could use this at a house
10:01 , party and dinner event and so on . Okay
10:04 , next expression is what brings you here ? What
10:09 brings you here ? Okay , so this question is
10:13 a much softer way of saying why are you here
10:16 ? So if you say why are you here ?
10:18 It might sound a little too direct . Instead ,
10:21 say what brings you here ? You could say maybe
10:24 why did you decide to come to this event if
10:27 you want ? Or you could ask , what brings
10:29 you here today specifically ? So these are always to
10:33 say why did you come here ? But they sound
10:35 much softer and less aggressive . Okay , on to
10:39 the next expression . Do you mind me asking ?
10:44 Do you mind me asking ? Okay , do you
10:48 mind me asking is used before ? A topic Before
10:52 ? A question that might be a little bit sensitive
10:56 . So if you want to ask about a person's
10:58 age maybe , or if you want to ask about
11:00 maybe where a person works or maybe where they're from
11:04 , it could be any kind of information that you
11:06 feel is a little bit sensitive . You can use
11:09 do you mind me asking before you ask that ?
11:11 For example , you might say , do you mind
11:13 me asking ? How old are you or do you
11:15 mind me asking where are you from ? So it
11:18 shows that you are concerned ? It might be a
11:20 slightly sensitive question and it gives the other person the
11:24 option to refuse . So do you mind me asking
11:28 ? So you can use this in more sensitive topics
11:31 ? I think . Okay , next expression , are
11:34 you from around here ? Are you from around here
11:38 ? Are you from around here is the first time
11:40 greeting questions . So you've just met someone , You've
11:43 exchanged names , you can say , are you from
11:46 around here ? That means is your hometown or the
11:48 place where you grew up near where we are now
11:51 ? Are you from around this area specifically ? So
11:55 this is maybe a more casual way of saying ,
11:57 where are you from ? Its suggesting that the other
12:00 person might be from the local region . Are you
12:03 from around you ? I just moved . Okay .
12:06 Next expression is I need your help with this matter
12:11 . I need your help with this matter . Okay
12:14 , this is a rather formal expression . You would
12:16 not use this with your friends or your family members
12:19 . It sounds too formal . Use this at work
12:22 or maybe in a study of professional , more professional
12:25 , kind of polite study situation . I need your
12:27 help with this matter or just I need your help
12:30 with this . I probably would not say matter in
12:33 this sentence , but you might see it or hear
12:35 it from time to time . So use this when
12:37 you need someone's assistance with something and you need to
12:40 be polite about it . Like I need your help
12:43 with this paper I'm writing . Could you please take
12:45 a look at it so I need your help with
12:47 this . So use that expression when you want to
12:49 politely ask someone for help . Okay , let's get
12:52 to the last expression . Have fun . Have fun
12:59 . So you have fun when someone else is going
13:02 to do something that seems fun . So you say
13:05 goodbye to your family members before they leave for an
13:08 exciting trip , you could say have fun or you
13:11 see your co workers at the end of the day
13:14 , they decided to go for drinks , but you're
13:15 feeling tired but you want to wish them well ,
13:18 You can say have fun and say goodbye in that
13:20 way , So have fun is a very positive happy
13:23 expression . Some people will use it to sound a
13:26 little bit sarcastic if they want to attend something ,
13:29 but they're not attending , but generally we use this
13:32 in a very positive way to say goodbye . I
13:34 hope you have a good time . Alright . That
13:37 brings us to the end of the top 20 useful
13:39 phrases for small talk . What did you think ?
13:41 You can let us know in the comments and don't
13:44 forget to click the link in the description to get
13:46 your free pdf cheat sheets to learn even more useful
13:49 . English words and phrases . You can download them
13:51 to any device or print them out . They're yours
13:54 to keep . So click the link and get them
13:55 for free . Thanks for watching , and I'll see
13:57 you in the next video . Bye . Great work
14:00 . Here's a reward . Speed up your language learning
14:03 with our pdf lessons . Get all of our best
14:05 pdf cheat sheets and e books for free . Just
14:08 click the link in the description .



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