Rounding Whole Numbers - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Rounding Whole Numbers - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Rounding Whole Numbers - By

00:0-1 To round 37 to the nearest 11th . Find the
00:04 digit in the rounding place , which in this case
00:07 is the three in the 10th place . Next look
00:11 at the digit to the right of the rounding place
00:14 , which is seven . The rules of rounding tell
00:17 us that if the digit to the right of the
00:19 rounding place is less than five , we round down
00:22 , and if the digit to the right of the
00:24 rounding place is greater than or equal to five ,
00:27 we round up . So in this case , since
00:30 seven is greater than or equal to five , we
00:32 round up This means that we add one to the
00:35 digit in the rounding place , so three becomes four
00:41 and we change all digits to the right of the
00:43 rounding place to zero , So 37 rounded to the
00:49 nearest 10 is 40 .



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