Percent Increase | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Percent Increase | - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Percent Increase | - By

00:0-1 To find the increase or decrease . When a number
00:03 changes from 110 to 441st determine whether the number is
00:09 increasing or decreasing . Since the number changes from 110
00:14 to 440 it's going up so it's increasing now to
00:19 find the percent increase . We divide the amount of
00:23 change both . Yeah . Yeah . Bye . The
00:32 original number . Yeah . The amount of change is
00:42 the difference between the two numbers which in this case
00:45 is 440 -110 . Yeah . And the original number
00:55 is 110 . Notice that when finding the amount of
00:59 change we always take the larger number minus the smaller
01:03 number so that the amount of change ends up positive
01:07 . So 440 -110 is 330 And we have 330
01:14 over 110 . 330 divided by 110 is three .
01:20 But remember that we want to write our answer as
01:23 a 1% . So we move the decimal .2 places
01:26 to the right and fill in the missing positions with
01:29 Zeros . So when a number changes from 110 to
01:33 440 , it increases by 300 percent .



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