Least Common Multiple | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Least Common Multiple | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Least Common Multiple | MathHelp.com - By MathHelp.com

00:0-1 to find the least common multiple for the integers .
00:03 30 and 42 . We start by making a factor
00:08 tree for each of our imagers . So 30 is
00:15 10 times three and 10 Is five times 2 .
00:23 42 is seven times 6 and six is 3 times
00:31 two Notice that our 2s match up has factors of
00:39 each of our imagers . And our three's also match
00:44 up as factors of each of our integers when finding
00:50 the least common multiple . We simply multiply all of
00:54 our factors together . But since the twos match up
01:00 and the threes matchup , We only multiply by a
01:04 two and a three once . So at least common
01:09 multiple or L . C . M . Is two
01:18 times three Times The five that doesn't match up Times
01:29 The seven that doesn't match up . So we have
01:35 two times three which is six Times five which is
01:41 30 Times seven which is 210 . So the least
01:47 common multiple for 30 and 42 Is 210 .



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