Commutative Property of Multiplication | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Commutative Property of Multiplication | - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Commutative Property of Multiplication | - By

00:0-1 The problem four times 10 equals 10 times for demonstrates
00:05 the community of property of multiplication . In other words
00:09 , the community of property of multiplication states that changing
00:13 the order of the factors does not change the product
00:18 here , we can easily see that on the left
00:20 side of the problem four times 10 is 40 And
00:25 on the right side of the problem 10 times four
00:28 is 40 , So we have 40 equals 40 .
00:33 It should make sense that four times 10 equals 10
00:36 times . For in general terms , the community of
00:40 property of multiplication can be written as A times B
00:46 equals B times A , where A and B are
00:51 variables that represent any number .


This lesson covers the properties of a rhombus. Students learn the definitions of a rectangle, a rhombus, and a square. Students also learn the following theorems. The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent. The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular and bisect the angles of the rhombus. The midpoint of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equidistant from the three vertices. Students are then asked to solve problems related to these concepts using Algebra.


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