Estimating Products | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Estimating Products | - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Estimating Products | - By

00:0-1 to estimate the product of 8291 times 27 we first
00:06 round so that each number contains only one non zero
00:09 digit . So here we round 8291 to the nearest
00:15 1000 . And we round 27 to the nearest 10
00:19 To around 8,291 to the nearest 1000 . The two
00:23 to the right of the rounding place tells us to
00:25 round down . So 8291 rounds down to 8000 To
00:34 around 27 to the nearest 10 , the seven to
00:37 the right of the rounding place tells us to round
00:40 up . So 27 rounds up to 30 . So
00:45 we have 8000 times 30 . Next we line up
00:49 the rounded numbers with the larger number on top and
00:52 multiply 8000 . Yeah , times 30 . An easy
01:03 way to multiply numbers . That end with Zeros is
01:06 to first count the total number of Zeros at the
01:08 end of the numbers . In this case we have
01:11 three zeros at the end of 8001 0 at the
01:14 end of 30 . Since we have a total of
01:17 four zeros at the end of the numbers are answer
01:20 will end with four Zeros . Next we multiply the
01:28 non zero digits in this case , that's eight times
01:31 three which is 24 . So we put 24 in
01:35 front of the four zeros and our answer and we
01:38 have 240,000 . So 8000 times 30 is 240,000 .
01:45 Which means that 8,291 times 27 is approximately 240,000 .


This lesson covers perimeter. Students learn that the perimeter of a figure is the distance around the figure, so the perimeter of a figure can be found by adding the lengths of its sides. Since all four sides of a square are equal in length, the perimeter of a square that has a side with a length of 8 feet is 8 + 8 + 8 + 8, or 32 feet. Since opposite sides of a rectangle are equal in length, the perimeter of a rectangle that is 4.5 meters by 6.2 meters is 4.5 + 4.5 + 6.2 + 6.2, or 21.4 meters.


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