Basic Linear Functions - Math Antics - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Basic Linear Functions - Math Antics - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Basic Linear Functions - Math Antics - By Mathantics

00:03 Uh huh . Hi , I'm rob . Welcome to
00:07 Math antics . In this lesson , we're going to
00:09 learn the basics of linear functions , which are really
00:12 common in algebra . We're going to jump right in
00:15 because there's a lot to cover in this video .
00:17 But before we do , if you aren't already familiar
00:20 with topics like graphene and functions , I recommend watching
00:23 our videos about them before continuing on . Okay ,
00:27 so the best way to learn about linear functions is
00:29 to start with one of the most basic linear functions
00:32 of all Y equals X . That's such a simple
00:35 equation that you might be kind of puzzled by it
00:38 at first . But remember the Y variable is simply
00:41 the output of the function and the X variable is
00:44 the input . So all this equation is telling us
00:47 is that the input is exactly the same as the
00:49 output effects is one , then why is also one
00:53 and effects is too then why is also too no
00:56 matter what value you put into the function , you
00:58 get the exact same value out . That might seem
01:01 kind of pointless . But if we grab that function
01:04 on the coordinate plain , you'll see that it forms
01:06 a diagonal line that passes through the origin and splits
01:09 quadrants one and three exactly in half . Notice that
01:13 for any point along the line , the X coordinate
01:16 and the Y coordinate are the same . So Y
01:19 equals X is a very simple linear function . Oh
01:22 , and remember we could use either the variable Y
01:25 or the function notation ffx interchangeably . But we're going
01:29 to use Why in this video to keep it simple
01:32 . Now that we've got that basic case covered ,
01:34 let's look at a slightly more complicated and much more
01:37 versatile linear function Y equals mx . This looks similar
01:42 to the equation Y equals X . But now the
01:44 input variable X is being multiplied by a new variable
01:47 called M . And by choosing different values for em
01:51 , we can make as many different linear functions as
01:53 we want . In fact , if we choose M
01:56 equals one , that would give us Y equals one
01:59 X . Which is just the same function as Y
02:01 equals X . Because multiplying by one doesn't change the
02:04 input value X . But what if we picked a
02:07 different value for M ? Like M equals two .
02:10 That would give us the equation , Y equals two
02:13 X . And if we make a function table for
02:15 that equation and then graph it on the coordinate plain
02:18 , we get a line that looks like this for
02:20 every input value of X . The output Y is
02:23 doubled Despite their differences the lines , Y equals two
02:28 X and Y equals one X . Have something in
02:30 common . They both passed through the origin point of
02:33 the cornet plane 00 Because no matter what value we
02:37 pick for em , if the value X is zero
02:40 , the output , why will also be zero ?
02:42 Since anything multiplied by zero is zero . Okay ,
02:46 what about if we let them equal three instead ,
02:49 that would give us this function table . And this
02:51 line has our graph for every input value of X
02:54 . The output , Y is tripled but it still
02:57 passes through 00 . Do you notice how each time
03:00 we pick a bigger number for M . R .
03:02 Line is getting steeper . Imagine that the line represents
03:05 the site of a mountain or hill that you're climbing
03:08 . Why equals one X would be a steep climb
03:11 . But why equals two . X is steeper and
03:14 Y equals three . X . Is even steeper than
03:16 that in math . The steepness of these lines is
03:20 called their slope . As we choose , bigger and
03:22 bigger values for m the slope of the line increases
03:26 . Did you say slopes ? I love the slopes
03:28 , man . Oh , you should have seen the
03:30 massive air . I just caught off the pipe .
03:32 It was beautiful . I was doing this hard way
03:34 . Front side 1 80 . Oh , man .
03:36 Oh , so awesome . What's that ? All the
03:40 slopes are calling me . I gotta go shred some
03:42 more powder . That sounds pretty impressive . But getting
03:45 back to mathematical slope , if we decided to let
03:49 em equal tin , that would result in a really
03:51 steep line like this . And if m equals 100
03:55 the line slope is so steep that it almost looks
03:57 vertical and it's hard to tell apart from the y
03:59 axis of the coordinate plain . But we can never
04:02 get a truly vertical line with this equation because there's
04:05 no biggest number . The best we can do is
04:08 keep picking bigger and bigger numbers for him and say
04:11 that the slope is approaching infinity as we do that
04:14 and that's fine because a vertical line doesn't qualify as
04:17 a function anyway . So at the y axis we
04:20 seem to have hit a limit . But what if
04:22 we want to make lines that are less steep than
04:24 why equals one X . To do that ? We're
04:26 gonna need to choose some values for em that are
04:28 less than one . Let's start by letting them equal
04:31 1/2 or 0.5 in decimal form . If we make
04:35 a function table for y equals one half X .
04:38 And graph the results , this is what our line
04:40 would look like , yep , that is less steep
04:43 , Let's take it one step further and let them
04:45 equal 1/4 or 0.25 . The function table and graph
04:50 for that equation would look like this . That slope
04:52 is even less as we choose , smaller values for
04:55 M R slope is decreasing and if we keep on
04:58 picking smaller and smaller values for him , like M
05:01 equals 1/10 or M equals 1 100 . You can
05:04 see that our line is looking more and more like
05:06 a completely flat line and it's getting harder to tell
05:09 the difference between it and the horizontal X . Axis
05:13 . Now you might be wondering can we make a
05:15 line that's perfectly horizontal ? Yes . Unlike the case
05:19 when our line was getting steeper and steeper but we
05:21 couldn't ever get it to be a perfectly vertical line
05:24 . We can make our line perfectly horizontal simply by
05:27 choosing M equals zero . Doing that gives us the
05:31 function Y equals zero . Which is just about the
05:34 most boring function you could think of . But it's
05:36 helpful to see because it shows us that a perfectly
05:38 horizontal line has no steepness or a slope of zero
05:43 . It would be just like walking along perfectly flat
05:45 ground . Okay , So when are linear function Y
05:49 equals mx . The variable M . Is the slope
05:52 of the function ? If we start with M equals
05:55 zero and then gradually increase the value of M .
05:58 R line slope gets steeper and steeper it approaches a
06:01 vertical line but it never quite gets there because we
06:04 can't ever really get to infinity . There's always a
06:07 number that's just a little bit bigger . As you
06:10 can see the function Y equals . Mx . Can
06:12 make a lot of different lines but wait , there's
06:15 more . Don't forget about negative numbers . What would
06:18 happen if instead of picking M equals one , we
06:21 pick em equals negative one . If we make a
06:24 function table and graph for that case we end up
06:27 with a line that splits quadrants two and four exactly
06:29 in half it has a slope that's similar in magnitude
06:33 to Y equals one X . But as you move
06:35 from left to right , it's going downhill instead of
06:37 uphill . The slope is negative one basically all of
06:41 the negative values of them give us lines that are
06:44 just mirror images of the lines we get from positive
06:47 values of him . This is M equals one .
06:50 This is M equals negative one . This is M
06:53 equals to this is M equals negative two . This
06:56 is M equals one half . This is M equals
06:59 negative one half . See the pattern . All of
07:02 these possible lines have a positive slope and all of
07:04 these possible lines have a negative slope . And when
07:07 we consider all possible values of M , you can
07:10 see that the equation y equals MX can describe any
07:13 linear function that passes through the origin of the graph
07:17 at 00 . But what if we don't want to
07:19 be limited to lines that pass through the origin of
07:21 the coordinate plain ? No problem . All we have
07:24 to do is add something to this very simple linear
07:27 equation . And I mean literally add something . We're
07:30 just going to add a variable called B to the
07:32 end of our equation , which will give us Y
07:35 equals mx plus B to see what effect this new
07:39 added variable has . Let's set our in value back
07:41 to one and keep it there while we just try
07:44 out different values for B . And we'll also leave
07:47 the graph of Y equals one X . On the
07:49 coordinate plain as a reference to see how it compares
07:52 to our new lines that have the values . Let's
07:55 keep things simple . And start with B equals one
07:58 . That gives us the equation , Y equals one
08:01 X plus one . And if we make a function
08:03 table and graph it , this is the line we
08:05 get notice that it's parallel to the reference line and
08:09 that makes sense because in both equations Y equals one
08:12 , X and Y equals one . X plus one
08:15 . M equals one . So the slope is the
08:17 same for both lines . What's different ? Is that
08:20 the value we chose for ? Be positive one ,
08:22 shifted the entire line up on the coordinate plain by
08:25 one unit . Now the line doesn't pass through zero
08:28 on the y axis , it passes through positive one
08:31 instead . Okay . What will happen if we choose
08:34 B equals positive too ? That gives us the equation
08:38 Y equals one , X plus two . And its
08:41 graph looks like this . It's been shifted up two
08:44 units and now passes through the Y axis at positive
08:46 two . And if we pick B equals three ,
08:49 it would shift the line to intercept the Y axis
08:51 at Y equals three . The bigger the value for
08:54 B , the farther the lion has shifted up .
08:57 But what goes up must come down . Can you
09:00 think of a way to do that to get the
09:02 reference line to shift down instead , yep . Let's
09:05 try using negative numbers for B . Remember adding a
09:08 negative is the same as attracting . If we choose
09:12 B equals negative one , we get y equals one
09:15 . X plus negative one , which is the same
09:17 as Y equals one , X minus one . And
09:20 sure enough that shifts the line down so it crosses
09:23 the y axis at negative one . And if we
09:25 choose the equals negative two it would shift the line
09:28 down so that it crosses the y axis at negative
09:30 two . So do you see what the variable B
09:33 does ? It determines exactly where the line will intercept
09:36 the y axis . It does that because whenever X
09:39 equals zero , which happens only at the y axis
09:43 , the mx term will be zero and we'll be
09:45 left with only be , so when X equals zero
09:49 , why will just equal B . Because of that
09:52 B is called the Y intercept , and as we
09:55 saw earlier , M is called the slope of the
09:58 line . And that's why the equation Y equals mx
10:01 plus B is called the slope intercept form of line
10:05 . The two parameters M . And be determined the
10:08 Lions slope . And it's why intercept . And with
10:11 this simple linear equation , you can describe any possible
10:15 linear function on the coordinate plain . But you might
10:18 be wondering if that's really true . I mean ,
10:20 don't we also need to be able to shift the
10:22 line side to side , nope . And here's why
10:26 , let's say you want to make this line that
10:28 appears to be shifted to the left of the y
10:30 axis . Well if we zoom out just a little
10:32 bit , you'll see that we could get the exact
10:34 same line by shifting our parallel reference line up on
10:38 the y axis . Instead this works because the lines
10:41 are diagonal and they continue on forever in either direction
10:44 . So moving them up and down is equivalent to
10:47 moving them left and right . You can grab any
10:49 two D linear function with just two parameters . The
10:53 multiplied variable M . To rotate the line and the
10:56 added variable B to shift the line . And that's
11:00 why the equation Y equals Mx plus B is so
11:03 important . It's really all you need . But of
11:05 course there's always ways to make things more complicated and
11:09 you'll probably encounter linear equations in a lot of different
11:12 forms . But as long as the equations are truly
11:15 linear functions , you can simplify them into this .
11:17 Y equals mx plus B format . Okay , but
11:22 how do you tell if you have a linear function
11:23 if it's in a different form , will there be
11:26 a linear function equations can only contain first order variables
11:30 ? That means that the X and Y terms in
11:32 the equation can't be squared or cubed or raised to
11:35 any powers other than one . So these are all
11:39 examples of linear equations , but these are not .
11:42 And to see how you can rearrange any linear equation
11:45 into the form Y equals mx plus B . Let's
11:49 try to do that to the first equation on this
11:51 list , X minus four equals two times the quantity
11:55 y minus three . We're going to use what we
11:58 learned in previous videos about combining like terms and rearranging
12:02 equations . To get this into the Y equals mx
12:05 plus B form . So we can easily tell what
12:07 the slope and Y intercept would be . Let's see
12:10 we want to get Y all by itself . So
12:12 first we divide both sides by two on the right
12:15 side , the two's cancel . And on the left
12:18 side we have to distribute the division . So we
12:20 get X over two minus 4/2 , which is the
12:24 same as one half , x minus two . The
12:27 next step to get why by itself is to add
12:30 three to both sides on the right , the minus
12:32 three and plus three , cancel . And on the
12:35 left we have minus two plus three which is positive
12:39 one . So the equation becomes one half X plus
12:43 one equals Y or Y equals one half X plus
12:47 one . Now it's in Y equals mx plus B
12:50 form . So we know that the slope is one
12:52 half and the y intercept is positive one . All
12:56 right , so that's the basics of linear equations .
12:59 It's really cool knowing that you can grab any possible
13:02 linear function on the coordinate plain with the simple equation
13:05 Y equals mx plus B . But the most important
13:08 thing you can do to learn about linear functions is
13:11 to practice by doing some exercise problems . That's the
13:14 way to really learn math , as always . Thanks
13:16 for watching Advantix and I'll see you next time learn
13:20 more at math antics dot com .



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