11th Grade Reading - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

11th Grade Reading - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

11th Grade Reading - By

00:07 yesterday , I gave you guys some guided annotations ,
00:10 things that you were going to be looking for as
00:12 you're reading through the text . What were some of
00:14 the things I asked you to do as you're reading
00:16 ? What were some of the techniques or specifics ?
00:20 Let's see . Tres give me one . Uh we
00:22 had to find five words that we thought were most
00:24 important . We had to find five words that we
00:27 thought were most important . Let's see . Um Okay
00:30 , josh . Three important sentences . Three important sentences
00:33 . So five important words . Three important sentences .
00:37 Okay , shifts in the text shifts in the text
00:40 . What kind of shifts are we looking for it
00:42 ? Can you give me one turn ? Shit ,
00:44 tone ships , Ashley . Could you give me another
00:46 one ? Well , we also to find three dominant
00:48 strategies . We also had to find three dominant strategies
00:51 . Now that's gonna be kind of the final step
00:53 , right ? The final step analyzing the types of
00:56 things that he is using , barry is using in
00:58 order to argue his purpose or his themes . Okay
01:01 , so before we start talking about what you guys
01:04 put in the box , your most important words of
01:06 the text . I want to review just a little
01:09 bit now we know that context is important . We
01:11 know context is key in nonfiction text . Yes .
01:16 Okay . Somebody tell me what context is . Somebody
01:19 raise your hand and tell me what context is .
01:22 We talked about in reference to the soapstone . We
01:24 called it occasion . But what is context ? Okay
01:29 , okay . The setting around which event happens ?
01:33 The setting around which the event happens ? Absolutely .
01:35 So what is our situation ? What's going on and
01:38 think about why that's important with nonfiction ? Why is
01:40 it so important with nonfiction to understand context ? What
01:43 our situation actually is ? Can you kind of expand
01:46 on that for me a little bit ? And that
01:48 way we can understand like the time period in which
01:51 it happened , like , social uh status quos of
01:56 that time . Very good . We have to understand
01:59 why the writers writing it , right ? What is
02:01 the situation surrounding it ? So let's let's talk about
02:03 that before we move to the text itself . What
02:06 does the prompt ? Because we're looking at an ap
02:09 s a prompt ? Right , And I told you
02:11 that that introductory material is really , really important .
02:13 We looked at that yesterday . So what is your
02:16 situation , so many raise your hand and tell me
02:18 what is the situation of the text ? Okay .
02:21 It's when the great influenza , it's when that happened
02:24 in 1918 , the flu epidemic . Okay , so
02:27 if we think about that , how could that give
02:30 us insight to audience now ? It doesn't tell us
02:32 anything about audience , does it ? No . So
02:34 what can we infer about audience ? Okay , any
02:38 of these people in that time you don't want to
02:40 get the flu ? They definitely don't want to get
02:42 it . Okay , good . What else could we
02:44 kind of infer ? Okay , like they want to
02:47 cure like immediately . They want to yeah , they're
02:50 getting probably getting pretty impatient , right ? They want
02:52 it immediately . So that could possibly be a characteristic
02:56 of our audience . Can we add anything to that
02:59 ? Okay . Like what's being done or how far
03:02 they're going into to find cure ? Very good .
03:06 What's being done at that point ? What is the
03:08 process ? Is that kinda what you're gonna say ?
03:10 Or can you add like people who are fearful for
03:13 themselves to their families that they would get it ?
03:15 Very good . All very good answers . Okay ,
03:17 so if we think about that and again , it
03:19 doesn't state it directly , what could we potentially in
03:22 for would be the overall purpose ? What is berries
03:25 overall purpose ? What is he trying to achieve with
03:27 his text ? And again , we don't we haven't
03:29 talked about this yet . So there's no right or
03:31 wrong answer . We're just again making educated guesses .
03:35 Ok . Kind of like we're sure people that uh
03:39 they are working as hard as I can and you
03:42 can expect this will help them eventually . Okay .
03:46 Okay . So potentially setting up an expectation . Yes
03:49 , we are working and we're trying to get there
03:52 , but maybe not immediately . Right . We're going
03:55 to what kevin said . Okay . Very , very
03:57 good . All right . So let's look at what
04:00 you guys seem to be the most important words .
04:01 Now I told you to look for strong . Now
04:04 sounds to drive to drive our analysis . Right ?
04:07 Why would it be now Sounds because these most important
04:11 words will most likely be our What ? Well ,
04:14 part of it . Right . Which is what what
04:16 do we determine first before we even moved to theme
04:19 ? What are the subject subjects ? Very good .
04:24 What are the subjects ? And that becomes our first
04:27 simple step when we're when we're faced with a difficult
04:29 text . If we get lost in it , we
04:31 can find those most important words . Right , Okay
04:35 . So now the scary part which you guys put
04:38 in the box . All right , let's see .
04:41 I'm gonna get a volunteer are actually going to pick
04:44 someone to see you can write these words on the
04:47 board for me . Let's see what we uncovered .
04:51 Yeah . Alright . Unknown . The unknown . We
04:56 write that on the board for you . That's a
05:02 verb strength . Very good strength . Uh huh .
05:08 Okay , courage . So we have some that are
05:16 somewhat overlapping and that's okay . Yeah . Oh ,
05:21 I like this one , creativity . Very good .
05:26 Some of these are overlapping and that's okay . Yeah
05:30 , obstacles , obstacles . Mm . Ooh , I
05:39 like this one . Pioneer . Pioneer , I told
05:44 you that you could not use which words , by
05:46 the way , certainty and uncertainty because those become our
05:50 surface level subjects . We kind of get that right
05:52 from the get go , but we're not necessarily looking
05:55 for just those . We want to go a step
05:57 above that . Right ? Not just surface level theme
06:00 , but our underlying themes too . So let's put
06:02 pioneer up there and let's also put certainty and uncertainty
06:06 and we'll talk about this to together since I told
06:08 you couldn't use them . What else did I tell
06:10 you couldn't use science and scientists or science and scientists
06:15 and and we're gonna see those words kind of creep
06:17 into our themes and that's okay . Right , certainty
06:20 , uncertainty . Science and scientists because those again are
06:23 the main main main subjects , but we want to
06:25 go a step farther . All right . Let's get
06:28 a couple more out of here . Ooh , I
06:32 like this one confidence . Good confidence . All right
06:41 . So we have a good start . We have
06:43 a good start . These are all potentially thinks that
06:46 these are all potentially subject main subjects of the peace
06:49 . So that is step one . Now what we
06:52 want to do is take it a step farther and
06:54 that's what you guys are going to be doing in
06:56 your groups . So quickly I want you to move
06:59 to your groups and in those groups here's what I
07:00 want you to do . Right ? Here's what I
07:02 want you to do . Look at these words ,
07:04 we have nine pretty strong mounds up here and I
07:08 want you in your group to choose 33 that you
07:12 think as a group are most important . Now ,
07:14 I'm only going to give you a couple minutes to
07:15 do that . So move to your group , decide
07:17 . And then we're gonna move forward . Cool .
07:31 Let's go ahead and document those . And that first
07:37 column that's like the certainty and uncertainty . They kind
07:52 of have to have confidence in like what they do
07:55 like their experiments . Okay . So at this point
07:59 we should have decided , are we all there ?
08:01 Okay . So that becomes step one , right ?
08:04 We have identified our main subjects . Okay . So
08:08 let's take it to the next step . We want
08:10 to extend beyond the subjects . And so we want
08:13 to answer the question . What do we learn about
08:15 those subjects ? What does vary our author ? Right
08:18 ? What does he want us to learn about the
08:20 subjects and the answers to that question become our what
08:23 ? Mm . These . Right . Let's stay together
08:26 or what ? Yeah . Are thieves notice we have
08:30 three . So can there be three themes that exist
08:34 in one piece of text ? Absolutely , Absolutely .
08:38 In fact , we've already been talking about the service
08:40 level versus the underlying so we know that multiple things
08:43 can exist . Okay , quickly though , Before I
08:45 let you guys lose on answering this question , give
08:49 me some elements of a theme . What do we
08:51 talk about ? How to be present in order for
08:55 it to truly be a theme ? Somebody raise your
08:57 hand . Tell me one thing . Okay , a
08:59 universal idea about one . It has to be a
09:01 universal idea about life . Very , very good .
09:03 Okay , because someone raise your hand and tell me
09:05 another one it has to be supported by textual evidence
09:08 . All right . That one is really important .
09:10 We can say all day that a theme exists in
09:13 a work , but unless you can prove it ,
09:15 it's not there . Right ? So you have to
09:18 give me some specifics . Very good , somebody else
09:21 . Okay , It has to be the central unifying
09:24 idea of the work . Has to be the central
09:26 unifying idea . Guys remember that is one of the
09:29 main things we're gonna talk about today . Yes .
09:30 All these things things exist , but they are actually
09:34 they interact together . They unify the entire work to
09:37 achieve the authors overall what good to achieve ? The
09:42 authors overall purpose that we're gonna be talking about .
09:44 Okay , give me one more thing . Okay .
09:47 It has to be a complaint . Yes . It
09:49 has to be a complete sentence . A lot of
09:51 times you guys will say , I'll say what's the
09:53 theme and you'll go love ? Well , that's not
09:55 the theme . What do we learn about Love has
09:58 to be It has to extend beyond those subjects .
10:00 All right . You guys got them all very good
10:02 . Okay , so those are four things as you're
10:05 working in your groups and coming up with these things
10:08 , answering that question . What does mary want the
10:10 reader to learn about the subjects ? Keep those four
10:12 things in mind . I want you to now evaluate
10:15 your three words and choose to and write a theme
10:19 using that word . So we're gonna have to themes
10:22 whether it be confidence or the unknown . Tell me
10:26 what we learn about those subjects in the piece .
10:29 Okay . So I'm gonna give you just about 5-10
10:33 minutes to do this and we're going to check in
10:34 and see where we are . In fact , I'm
10:36 gonna come around and I'm gonna pick one of your
10:38 themes for you to share with the class . Okay
10:41 . All right . So 5-10 minutes work . So
10:44 we learn from them being a pioneer . It's obviously
10:47 the extended metaphor , don't they ? Like traveled to
10:54 the unknown and really go back to that first paragraph
10:57 . Right , was it ? Tell us about certainty
11:00 and uncertainty . They don't know . What is he
11:04 telling us exploring the unknown can help what ? Research
11:09 ? Yeah . Like advancements . Medical , technological .
11:14 It doesn't have to just be science , but just
11:16 advancements in general . Good . That's what drives progression
11:19 . Right . Very good . Medical research . Medicine
11:25 or research . Okay , Okay , guys , so
11:36 at this point I've come around we all have at
11:39 least one good theme that we're going to share at
11:42 this point . And here's the one thing I want
11:43 you guys to really consider is some of us chose
11:46 the same subjects . Yes . We're going to hear
11:48 some of the words being used over and over again
11:50 . But what's interesting is that we all put different
11:53 twist on the subjects . Why different people , different
12:00 people . Okay , But what am I trying to
12:03 get you guys to see ? Can there be different
12:05 answers to that question ? Because there are multiple ?
12:09 What ? Within the text ? Absolutely . So ,
12:12 let's hear how different our themes are . In reference
12:16 to the same subjects , potentially the same subjects .
12:18 All right . So , we're gonna start over here
12:20 and work our way around the room . Okay .
12:22 All right , Give me your one thing . Courage
12:24 and strength are necessary to overcome obstacles , dealing with
12:28 failure and doubt . Very nice . Courage and strength
12:31 are necessary . Very good , very good . Guys
12:35 notice how this extends beyond the text . This is
12:38 extending beyond the text , beyond what barry beyond our
12:41 little excerpt that we pulled from his entire text .
12:44 Very good . Okay , Courage pushes you to delve
12:47 into the unknown . Curd encourages you . Very good
12:50 to delve into the unknown . Very nice . Okay
12:53 , exploring the unknown and can help research advance forward
12:57 . Very good . Okay , so that is is
13:00 she talking just about scientific research ? No , she's
13:03 talking about research in general . Right . The unknown
13:07 is what propels us to question , which if we
13:10 don't question , we can't find our answers . Right
13:12 . Very nice , very nice . Alright , uncertainty
13:14 is good . If you face it with courage ,
13:17 uncertainty can be guys . That statement in itself is
13:20 a little what uncertainty can be a good thing .
13:23 Absolutely . Okay , what else did I say is
13:27 always present ? Good . All right , uncertainty drives
13:33 people to overcome the unknown to discover new things .
13:36 Very good . Do you guys see how these themes
13:38 are starting to interact with each other ? How they're
13:40 kind of crossing over , Which is really what we're
13:43 going to be taught . This is really the purpose
13:44 of today's lesson to see how these themes can interact
13:47 . Very good . Okay . Even when you have
13:50 uncertainties , you must be confident that you will overcome
13:53 them very good . And that becomes one of the
13:56 major points right ? That they had to be confident
13:59 in the unknown . That they had to be confident
14:01 enough to question and to go into the unknown .
14:03 Very , very nice . All right , now here
14:05 comes the tricky part . Now you have to prove
14:09 it . You say it's there . Now you have
14:11 to prove it . How are you gonna prove it
14:13 ? Details examples , etcetera . Now , I'm gonna
14:17 put a little challenge on that next step . What
14:20 am I going to ask you to identify when you're
14:22 pulling those quotes to prove the theme ? Your favorite
14:26 thing , strategies ? Yeah . What strategy is the
14:31 writer using ? Right ? Is it an extended metaphor
14:34 ? Is a rhetorical question . Is it a rhetorical
14:36 question ? What strategies are writer using in order to
14:41 argue the same ? All right , So that is
14:46 the last step . You got to prove it .
14:48 I want you guys to choose one right now .
14:50 One right now to prove choose one theme of the
14:54 two . And I would say the one I start
14:56 would be the better of the two . Alright ,
14:59 like pioneer , because like it is like a kind
15:02 of like the definition like kind of says colleagues will
15:08 pay the road over the way path and those runners
15:11 will be early and straight . It's that sand like
15:15 they're just going to keep adding and adding and eventually
15:18 we'll have enough . Okay , let's listen to how
15:22 it sounds . It is not the courage to venture
15:24 into the unknown . It has the courage to accept
15:26 . Indeed embrace . What do you hear about those
15:28 two sentences to really hammer home the point he's making
15:31 about courage . It is not the courage , it
15:37 is the courage like Perfect . Perfect . So he's
15:45 using parallelism to argue that point . Very nice for
15:49 each one of you . Just think she's had to
15:52 start by just two examples . All right guys ,
15:58 let's go ahead and share what we've come up with
16:01 in reference to proving the theme exists . And again
16:04 we're going to hear some of the examples overlap .
16:06 That's okay because some examples can prove more than one
16:09 theme , Right ? All these themes , examples interact
16:12 to prove an overall purpose . Okay , so let's
16:15 start over here . If you'll just kind of reiterate
16:17 your theme one more time and then give us an
16:20 example of where we see it being used . Our
16:23 theme was courage and strength are necessary to overcome obstacles
16:27 , dealing with failure and doubt . And then we
16:29 found it in the text when it says it is
16:31 not the courage to venture into the unknown , It
16:33 is the courage to accept indeed embrace uncertainty . And
16:36 that had parallelism parallelism . So barry , our statement
16:40 would be barry uses parallelism in order to argue the
16:43 theme that did it did it up right . And
16:46 then we could actually pull in that example , improve
16:48 both things , which is the purpose of the Scots
16:51 . We have to do both right strategies and theme
16:53 . Very nice , very good . Okay . And
16:57 we had courage and courage pushes you to 12 into
17:00 the unknown . But we picked the same , you
17:03 pick the same quote . Is that okay ? Yes
17:05 , that's okay . Because again , one example proving
17:09 to themes very nice . Okay . Our theme was
17:13 exploring the unknown can help advance for research and for
17:18 example , is the less known . The more one
17:20 has to manipulate and even force experiments to yield an
17:22 answer . Very good . And it's kind of ironic
17:25 because less is more . Very good . Very good
17:28 . So the less they know , the more they
17:30 have to do and that's what drives progression . Very
17:34 nice . Very , very nice . Okay , uncertainty
17:37 is a good if if you face it with courage
17:40 . Okay , uncertainty is good if you face it
17:42 with courage . And we said that that statement in
17:44 itself was a little ironic . Okay , now we
17:46 do example . Um it is not the courage to
17:49 venture into the unknown . It is the courage to
17:51 accept and need embrace uncertainty . Very good . What
17:55 do we hear by the way ? Parallelism , multiple
17:59 repetition of examples to prove multiple themes . Very nice
18:03 . All right , let's go back here , uncertainty
18:06 drives people to overcome the unknown to discover new things
18:10 . Okay , and then give us your example .
18:13 Um There a single step can take them through the
18:16 looking glass into a world that seems entirely different .
18:19 Very good . Listen to that 11 more time reading
18:21 for me one more time kevin there a single step
18:24 can take them through the looking glass into a world
18:26 that seems entirely different . Very good , very good
18:29 . What strategy is being used there ? A metaphor
18:32 metaphor . We have this beautiful metaphor being used .
18:35 Talking about looking through a looking glass right to venture
18:39 into the unknown , trying to see through these things
18:41 . Very , very good . All right . The
18:44 same was the scientists must have confidence even in the
18:46 face of uncertainty and be confident that they will overcome
18:49 it . Very good . Um the example to move
18:51 forth forcefully and aggressively even while uncertain requires a confidence
18:56 and strength deeper than physical courage . Okay , and
18:59 what strategy do we kind of see him using here
19:02 ? Well , it might not be a term .
19:03 What did you guys notice ? What was referencing back
19:07 to the main like the your purpose ? Very good
19:10 . It's referencing back to the main thing . We
19:12 had a repetition of a lot of these important words
19:15 , right , strength , courage etcetera . Alright ,
19:19 very , very nice . Now what I want you
19:20 guys to do at this point because we just have
19:23 a few minutes left , we've done this in groups
19:25 , right ? We've done this the steps , the
19:28 easy step finding the subject . We've done two themes
19:30 and now we found proof for one of them ,
19:32 all those blanks that you see on that graphic organizer
19:36 . I want you to do that on your own
19:38 . Okay , I want you to do that on
19:40 your own . So fill out the rest of it
19:42 , fill out the third theme . Find proof for
19:45 the other ones . Are you gonna see some of
19:47 the quotes overlap for the things that you're going to
19:50 identify ? Absolutely . Because that's the point . These
19:54 things interact together to achieve the overall purpose . What
19:57 we're going to talk about next class meeting is what
20:00 is his overall purpose ? And how do these themes
20:03 work together to achieve it ? Right . Any questions
20:08 ? All right , Go ahead and move back .


11th grade ELA lesson aligned to MA Curriculum Frameworks ELA Standard: RL 2 – Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text.


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