Commonly Confused Words - To, Too, Two - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Commonly Confused Words - To, Too, Two - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Commonly Confused Words - To, Too, Two - By

00:0-1 Do you ever get confused about 2 ? two and
00:03 2 listen to this story and learn the difference between
00:07 these words . Yesterday my friend and I went to
00:12 a pizzeria . My sister came to , we were
00:18 really hungry so we each order two slices of pizza
00:23 . The pizza was great . 2 , 2 and
00:28 two are pronounced the same , but they have different
00:31 meanings . The proposition to can mean many different things
00:37 in the story too was used before a destination .
00:42 I flew to California . We walked to school .
00:49 two is an adverb and in the story it meant
00:53 also I ate cake and I ate ice cream too
00:59 . I like reading and my dad likes it too
01:03 . two means the number two . I bought two
01:07 shirts . He wrote two books . Now it's your
01:14 turn , click pause and fill in the blanks with
01:17 2 , 2 or two . This is american english
01:28 . Thank you for watching .


Learn how to tell the difference between the commonly confused words to, too, and too in this video from #AmericanEnglish​.


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