Print Media: From Topic to Idea - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Print Media: From Topic to Idea - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Print Media: From Topic to Idea - By

00:09 Hello . Welcome to Unit three words in print .
00:13 In units one and two . We talked about the
00:15 history of journalism journalistic principles , deciding on and researching
00:19 a topic and interviewing sources in this unit will talk
00:23 only about print media or written news sources In video
00:28 one . We'll talk about the process of writing a
00:30 story in a newspaper and the general structure of an
00:33 article . Let's start with the process from draft to
00:37 print . We've talked about how to take a topic
00:40 and turn it into a pitch and then research that
00:43 story idea by interviewing sources and gathering documents . Now
00:47 a journalist is ready to write the article . Generally
00:50 the first step is to create an outline . This
00:53 helps organize the content of an article . Before it's
00:57 written a journalist outline could look like this notice the
01:04 ideas are not written in full sentences yet . An
01:08 outline only focuses on where the sentences will go in
01:11 the article the next phase and the journalist process is
01:17 drafting now that the journalist knows the order of the
01:20 ideas . They can write their first draft . A
01:24 draft is the first try at writing the article in
01:26 sentences and paragraphs . Once the draft is completed ,
01:33 it's taken to a copy editor who makes sure or
01:36 checks that the article is clear , connected , understandable
01:41 and written and as few words as possible . The
01:47 copy editor is similar to an editor of a book
01:50 or of a paper , but a copy editor doesn't
01:52 always change the words of the journalist . The copy
01:56 editor sees the big picture of the newspaper . He
01:58 or she knows how much space is available for a
02:01 particular story . A journalist only focuses on their story
02:05 . The copy editor has to make sure that article
02:08 fits with the rest of the newspaper in size ,
02:11 tone and style . Once the draft is approved by
02:15 the copy editor , the final draft is sent to
02:18 print . Now that we understand the process , let's
02:24 talk a little bit about the structure of a news
02:27 story . There are several parts other than the article
02:31 that the journalist needs to create for every story .
02:35 Let's start at the top . The first thing the
02:37 reader sees is the headline . The headline is a
02:41 title that should give the main idea of the article
02:44 but also capture the reader's attention . The second part
02:52 of the article is the byline . This identifies the
02:56 author and the authors job . Sometimes the byline can
02:59 include the date and the location of the main event
03:02 described in the article . The next part is the
03:13 lead . The lead is the first paragraph of an
03:16 article and it often tries to give the most important
03:19 facts and information who , what , where , when
03:25 , why and how we'll talk in the next two
03:28 videos about different types of leads and how to create
03:31 a lead in the body section of the article .
03:34 The journalists usually includes several quotes or information from other
03:39 sources that are details of the news story . The
03:48 final sentences in the article are the conclusion . Sometimes
03:52 journalists will use a final quote to end the article
03:56 or they'll add a summarizing statement . Finally , many
04:02 journalists include images , graphs or maps that accompany the
04:06 article . These generally have a caption below the image
04:10 . The caption is a small explanation of the image
04:14 and will include the photographer's name . To summarize before
04:21 an article is printed . Journalists must complete three steps
04:25 in the writing process . These are creating an outline
04:29 , writing a draft and getting approval from a copy
04:32 editor . Once the article itself is written , a
04:35 headline byline lead body and conclusion are also created .
04:40 Captions should be written to accompany any image or graph
04:45 . In the next video , we'll talk more about
04:47 article leads .


We've talked about how to take a topic and turn it in to a pitch, and then research that story idea by interviewing sources and gathering documents. Now, a journalist is ready to write the article. In this video, we'll talk about the process of writing a story in a newspaper and the general structure of an article. Let's start with the process from draft to print.


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