Conversational English - Asking about Weekend Plans - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Conversational English - Asking about Weekend Plans - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Conversational English - Asking about Weekend Plans - By

00:0-1 do you like to ask your friends about their weekend
00:02 plans ? Listen to this conversation and learn to ways
00:07 to ask about weekend plans in american English . Yesterday
00:12 I was waiting for the bus with my friend while
00:16 we were waiting . We talked about our weekend plans
00:21 . What are your plans for the weekends ? I'm
00:24 going to go hiking . That's great . What are
00:29 you going to do this weekend ? I'm going to
00:32 go to the beach . Here are two ways to
00:36 ask about someone's weekend plans . one way is what
00:41 are your plans for the weekends ? What are your
00:46 plans for the weekend ? I'm going to a concert
00:51 . Another way is what are you going to do
00:54 this weekend ? What are you going to do this
00:57 weekend ? I'm going to see a movie now .
01:02 It's your turn , click pause and write a question
01:06 that matches the response . This is american english .
01:18 Thank you for watching .



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