English Vocabulary: Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

English Vocabulary: Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

English Vocabulary: Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes - By

00:0-1 Yeah . Welcome to this lesson . Just a warning
00:12 . This lesson is going to be a little academic
00:16 . It is intended for high intermediate to advanced students
00:21 . This lesson will give you the tools you need
00:25 to take 2000 words and turn them into more than
00:29 15,000 words . Trust me I did it in university
00:36 actually . This is the first in a series of
00:39 lessons in which you will learn how to create new
00:43 words and understand words that you have never seen before
00:48 . After this lesson you will know how to describe
00:51 the structure of a word and you will have the
00:54 vocabulary that you need to take yours to the next
00:58 level . We will cover the terms morphine route ,
01:04 affix prefix , suffix , grammatical suffix , derivation ,
01:11 all suffix and word family . The first word will
01:16 cover is morphine . This is a word that is
01:20 used in linguistics . It is used to describe a
01:24 group of sounds that is meaningful . For example the
01:29 word morphine has to morph teams in it , morph
01:34 and m morph means shape and M means meaningful .
01:41 We know that they are separate meaningful units because they
01:46 can be added to different words while having the same
01:51 meaning . For example , morph is used in the
01:55 words polymorphic if an organism that can take many forms
02:01 metamorphosis , the process of changing form or shape morphology
02:09 . The study of morphine zones morph , this is
02:13 a verb that means to change shape , morpho ,
02:17 genesis , the origin and development of biological forms etcetera
02:25 . The list goes on . Mm is a technical
02:29 morphine . It is only used in linguistics . One
02:33 of the words that uses it is phone name ,
02:36 phone means sound and M means meaningful . So a
02:43 phoneme is a meaningful sound . In a language all
02:49 words are made of morphine zones . English uses two
02:53 types of morphine roots and affixes roots can exist independently
03:00 . They do not need to be added to anything
03:03 else to be used in a sentence . For example
03:07 eat . If you try to separate E . Or
03:11 to , they have no meaning on their own .
03:15 Therefore eat is a root . There are two types
03:22 of a fixes , prefixes and suffixes , prefixes are
03:29 added to the beginning of a root . A suffix
03:32 is added to the end . It is possible to
03:36 have several affixes added to one root . For example
03:41 , the latin root , sieve or service means citizen
03:47 , a person who is a member of a state
03:50 . Many routes can be added on to it .
03:53 For example , ill this gives us the word civil
03:57 . It has three meanings . One is belonging to
04:01 the affairs of a people of a state , for
04:04 example , civil law . These are the laws that
04:08 govern citizens as opposed to members of the military .
04:12 It can also mean polite . If we had the
04:16 prefix un to create the word uncivil , this means
04:21 not polite . We could say his behavior was truly
04:25 uncivil . With the word civil , you could add
04:29 the word eyes meaning to make or become and create
04:35 the word civilized , which means to make more culturally
04:39 advanced , adding the Suffolk's E . D . To
04:43 . This creates the word civilised meaning . Being in
04:48 a culturally advanced state and uncivilized means not being culturally
04:54 advanced and it goes on . We could create many
04:58 more words . The point is that one route can
05:02 take many affixes and suffixes can be added to other
05:07 suffixes to create even more words . Let's slow down
05:12 for a minute . There are actually two kinds of
05:16 Suffolk's grammatical and derivation . All first we'll look at
05:22 grammatical suffixes . Grammatical suffixes do not change the class
05:28 of a word , so they will not change a
05:30 verb to an adjective or a verb to announce .
05:34 They simply add grammatical information . A few examples are
05:41 the plural . S . one Banana , 2 Bananas
05:47 , the possessive s john's bananas , the third person
05:53 s john eats bananas . These are not all of
05:57 the grammatical suffixes , but I hope it's enough to
06:00 give you an idea of what they are . Do
06:03 not change the class of a word derivation all suffixes
06:08 do . For example , the adjective , quick can
06:12 have L . Y . Added to it to create
06:15 the adverb quickly . Here are two example sentences he
06:21 had a quick snack , that's an adjective , he
06:25 ate it quickly . That's an adverb . Learning how
06:29 to use these derivation . All suffixes is one of
06:32 the keys to speaking english fluently . Before we finish
06:37 , there is one more important idea for us to
06:40 look at and that is the word family . A
06:44 word family is all of the words that can be
06:47 made from a single root . Take a look at
06:51 this verb expect . We can make the noun expectation
06:57 . We could also make an adjective expectant or the
07:02 adverb expectantly . Here's another fun verb explode . We
07:09 could make the noun explosion and the adjectives exploded ,
07:16 explosive and explode . Herbal . There is also an
07:20 adverb explosively . Let's take a look at the noun
07:24 shape . There's also a verb shape . This means
07:30 to give shape to something . There are other now
07:34 owns shaper , shapely nous and shapeless nous . Then
07:41 we have the adjectives shape a ble shaped shapely and
07:49 shapeless . Here's a quick summary of what we've learned
07:54 in this lesson . You've learned about morphine , which
07:58 are a meaningful group of sounds . We've also looked
08:04 at two types of morphine . In english the root
08:08 and the affix . There are two types of affixes
08:13 , prefixes and suffixes , prefixes are added to the
08:19 beginning of a word and suffixes are added to the
08:22 end . Again , there are two types of Suffolk's
08:27 grammatical and derivation . All grammatical affixes do not change
08:33 the class of a word derivation . All suffixes ,
08:37 on the other hand , do change the words class
08:42 . Finally , all the different words that can be
08:44 created by adding a fixes to a route are called
08:48 a word family , mastering word families is one of
08:53 the keys to english fluency . Well that's it ,
08:57 folks have a great day .



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