Exploring English Word Roots - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Exploring English Word Roots - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Exploring English Word Roots - By

00:09 english is a tricky language for every role . There
00:14 always seemed to be exceptions . That's because English collected
00:25 its words from many different sources over the course of
00:27 history . Words from ancient Greek have a habit of
00:30 creeping into scientific and technological terminology , British interests in
00:34 India from the 18th century introduced words such as shampoo
00:38 and jungle . But the majority of the English language
00:40 comes from two main sources , firstly , Germanic tongues
00:44 following our island settlement by people from the east .
00:48 Secondly Norman French brought over by William and his conquering
00:53 forces . In 1066 , french was also language that
00:57 had evolved from a conquering force , the latin of
01:00 the roman empire . It's fascinating to categorize english words
01:13 depending on whether they come from latin via norman french
01:16 or anglo Saxon . A lot of anglo Saxon root
01:19 words are common , everyday words . Latinate words tend
01:23 to be longer and more clever sounding , being able
01:29 to navigate around all kinds of words in the english
01:31 language is important for good literacy . Mm hmm .
01:35 Basic Tier one vocabulary makes up the bulk of the
01:38 words that we use every day and is derived largely
01:41 from Anglo Saxon . Tier two words used less but
01:45 become increasingly important as Children navigate their way through school
01:48 . Many of these tier two words have French Latin
01:51 roots . Tier three words are not seen all that
01:54 often , but there are lots of them and they
01:56 are often important in subject specific contexts . Ancient greek
02:00 also exerts its influence here . Let's illustrate this with
02:06 some written extracts here is part of an article from
02:09 a UK tabloid newspaper where the style is geared to
02:12 ease of reading . Most of the words are Tier
02:14 one . If your vocabulary doesn't have many tier two
02:17 words in it , it's not that important . You
02:20 can fill in the blanks . This extract from some
02:34 GCSE Geography notes relies heavily on Tier two and Tier
02:38 three words if you don't know what they mean ,
02:40 the text makes very little sense as a whole of
02:55 course exposure to vocabulary in context for extensive reading is
02:59 a critical gateway to enriching Tier two and tier three
03:01 vocabulary explicit teaching vocabulary and decoding techniques also has a
03:06 role . This is where knowledge of latin and greek
03:09 word roots can be very useful . Take a look
03:12 at these greek roots that appear in english words .
03:15 Understanding their meaning can help us decode novel english words
03:19 such as hypodermic and micro with classics for all ,
03:26 can support your school to introduce a suitable program of
03:29 work that aims to help your pupils improve their english
03:32 vocabulary to exposure to latin and ancient greek . We
03:36 provide access to a variety of resources as well as
03:38 fully funded teacher training . We're currently open to all
03:43 UK states , calls for inquiries and funding applications .
03:46 Get in touch via our website . Mm hmm .



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