How to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

How to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question - By

00:02 Hi there , my name is Emma and in today's
00:04 video , I'm going to teach you something very important
00:07 for if you're taking any type of test that has
00:10 a writing component . So if you are taking the
00:14 aisles , the Tofel , the cell pip . Um
00:17 , even just a university test , it can be
00:20 any type of test . But if you're asked to
00:22 write something like an essay or a paragraph , this
00:27 video is for you . Okay . So I'm going
00:30 to teach you a very important skill that will help
00:34 improve your marks when it comes to writing on tests
00:38 . So let's get started . Um , so I
00:41 have here an essay question . This question is actually
00:45 , I've seen it on the isles . Um ,
00:47 you know , you have similar types of questions on
00:49 the Tofel . Sometimes in university , the question is
00:53 this education is the single most important factor in the
00:57 development of a country . Do you agree or disagree
01:02 ? Or maybe to what extent do you agree or
01:05 disagree ? So this is an example of a question
01:09 you might be asked now , A problem a lot
01:12 of students have is in their answer to this question
01:16 . They see this and they think , okay ,
01:18 education is the most important factor in the development of
01:21 a country . Yes , I agree . So then
01:23 they are , I disagree . And they start writing
01:26 and what do they write ? Usually the very first
01:29 thing students will right is this , I agree that
01:33 education is the single most important factor in the development
01:36 of a country . Because so what is the problem
01:39 with this ? Is there any problem to start off
01:42 your essay with something like this or to start off
01:44 your answer ? There's a big problem . So I
01:48 want you to take a moment and think what could
01:49 be the problem with starting your essay off with the
01:54 sentence . Okay , well if you noticed you have
02:00 here the word education , education is is the single
02:04 most important most important factor . If you notice these
02:08 are the same , they're the exact same . Except
02:11 for I agree that and because the student here has
02:14 used the exact same wording that is in the question
02:19 . So if you do this on the isles and
02:21 many students do this . Same with on the Tofel
02:24 , you actually will lose marks . Um , and
02:27 same within university because you're not showing your abilities ,
02:31 you're just copying what somebody else has said or what
02:36 the essay question is . So in this video ,
02:38 I'm going to show you first off . First off
02:41 , I'm going to tell you don't do this ,
02:43 don't copy . And I'm going to teach you ways
02:46 in order to improve yourself and your answer by changing
02:52 this wording . How can you change your introduction ?
02:55 So it's different than what the question is . Okay
02:59 , so let's look at how to make these changes
03:03 . Okay so what we are going to do in
03:06 order to change the question into a proper answer ,
03:11 that doesn't just copy the question as we are going
03:14 to paraphrase . So the word here is paraphrase ,
03:17 this might be a new word for you . What
03:20 does it mean to paraphrase something ? Well when we
03:23 paraphrase it means we take a sentence that we take
03:29 somebody else's sentence and we change it into our own
03:33 words . Okay , so we changed the words of
03:35 a sentence . Uh we also change maybe the sentence
03:39 structure but we keep all the same meaning . Okay
03:43 , so the meaning from the sentence you copy it
03:46 stays the same same meaning but different words and different
03:50 sentence structure . Okay , so it's in your words
03:54 but this other person's meaning . So we are going
03:57 to paraphrase um this example of a question into our
04:02 own words . And so first we're going to look
04:05 at how to do that using vocabulary and synonyms .
04:09 So we have here the same question . Education is
04:12 the single most important factor in the development of a
04:15 country . How can we put this into new words
04:19 or our own words that keep the same meaning ?
04:22 Well , we can use synonyms . So this might
04:25 be a new word for you . To a synonym
04:28 , synonyms are words that have the same meaning but
04:31 are different words . So for example , big and
04:36 large . They have the same meaning just like huge
04:40 , enormous . These are synonyms of each other ,
04:43 same meaning but they're different words . So you need
04:46 to use different synonyms . So you don't just copy
04:49 these words . Uh you use synonyms to have words
04:53 that have the same meaning but are different words .
04:57 So let's look at an example . Our first word
04:59 here is education . What's another word we can use
05:04 instead of instead of education ? Well there's different words
05:08 we can use . Maybe one could be schooling .
05:12 Okay . So we could change this word to schooling
05:15 . Schooling is the single most important factor in the
05:17 development of a country . What's another word ? We
05:20 can change ? Well , maybe most important . Instead
05:24 of using the word Most important , maybe we could
05:27 use . Most significant or most essential . Okay .
05:32 So essential , significant . There are many words you
05:36 can use . But the point here is find a
05:39 word that has the same meaning but is a different
05:42 word . Um Okay . Here's another word factor .
05:46 Can you think of another word for factor ? Well
05:51 sometimes factor it can be an aspect or an element
05:56 . Okay . Um you can even say sometimes a
05:59 significant role . Okay . Or apart . So there's
06:02 different words we can use that have similar meanings .
06:07 In terms of the word development , we can change
06:11 the word development to advancement progression . Evolution . Okay
06:18 . And in terms of the word country , another
06:21 word for country is nation . Okay . So these
06:25 are all synonyms and this is what you want to
06:27 do when you look at the question , think about
06:30 some new words you can use that have the same
06:32 meaning . Um , this is also important throughout your
06:36 essay because one problem a lot of students have is
06:39 they keep using the same word again and again and
06:42 again in every sentence . This does not help you
06:46 with your marks . It's better to use different words
06:48 that have the same meaning at the same time .
06:51 You have to be careful here because some students uh
06:55 , they find a new word . They think it's
06:57 a great word . Um , but there is a
06:59 little bit of a difference in meaning . So you
07:01 need to be really comfortable with the words you choose
07:05 and you need to know what it actually means .
07:08 So it doesn't sound strange . Okay , so if
07:10 we wanted to change this now , instead of saying
07:13 education is the single most important factor in the development
07:17 of a country . Our paraphrase our first step in
07:20 our paraphrase could be changing these words to schooling is
07:24 the single most significant element in the advancement of a
07:31 nation . Okay , so that's just one example .
07:35 Um so now let's look at another thing you can
07:37 do in order to paraphrase the question on a test
07:41 or exam . Okay . Another way we can paraphrase
07:45 is by changing the structure of the sentence . So
07:48 for example , you might have a verb and you
07:52 know which is an action and you might change that
07:55 into its noun form . So for example , if
07:58 your verb is um developing , you might change that
08:02 into development , you might change similarly announce into a
08:07 verb . Okay , so for example , we just
08:10 said uh uh development is the now it can turn
08:16 into develop or developing . You can also change things
08:20 into adjectives . So if for example , you're talking
08:23 about technology , which is a noun , you can
08:26 change this into the adjective form , which is technological
08:30 . So changing the form of the word can help
08:33 you with paraphrasing . Also changing the placement of the
08:38 words can help you out . So for example ,
08:40 in our original sentence or the question was education is
08:45 the single most important factor in the development of a
08:48 country . So I've now changed some of the wording
08:52 as well as the order . Okay , so here
08:54 education is at the beginning in my sentence , the
08:58 most essential element of a nation's development is education .
09:02 I've changed the order of the sentence . So now
09:05 education is at the end instead of at the beginning
09:08 . Um I've also started out with the most essential
09:12 as my beginning , whereas here it was in the
09:14 middle . Um you'll also notice we have here in
09:21 the development of a country . I've changed this to
09:24 nations development . I could also also change this to
09:28 um country's development instead of the development of a country
09:34 . So changing the order of the sentence and changing
09:37 some of the structures can really help you in terms
09:40 of paraphrasing . Now let's learn one other way in
09:42 which we can improve our marks by paraphrasing . Okay
09:48 , so the last tip I have about paraphrasing a
09:50 question is using concessions . So what is a confession
09:55 ? Well , I want you to look at what
09:57 the question actually says and my new answer to it
10:01 . The question again . Same question as before .
10:03 Education is the single most important factor in the development
10:08 of a country . My answer , Okay , so
10:11 I've changed some words and I've also changed the structure
10:14 of it . But there's one other thing I've added
10:17 , although many would argue that the economy is the
10:21 most important factor in nation building . I think education
10:25 has a far greater impact . So what I've done
10:29 here is I've added a concession . A concession is
10:34 where you say what the opposite opinion is and then
10:39 you say what your opinion is . So you're giving
10:42 to opinions , you're giving your opinion and also what
10:47 other people might think this is a great thing to
10:50 do , especially in essays . And this is something
10:52 you can do at the beginning of your answer .
10:56 So we use here the key word although Okay .
11:02 And you'll notice that this has to clauses I don't
11:07 want to get too technical with grammar on you today
11:10 , but what I mean is if you see we
11:12 have the red part , although many would argue that
11:15 the economy is the most important factor in nation building
11:19 and then we have a second part . So we
11:21 have two parts to this sentence . I think education
11:26 has a far greater impact . So the first part
11:28 of the sentence is in red and it's the although
11:31 part and the second part of the sentence is in
11:35 purple . Okay . And that's I think education has
11:39 a far greater impact . Um and they're separated by
11:44 a comma . So a concession has two parts to
11:48 it . You say what the other people think first
11:51 in this case , although many , many meaning people
11:56 , we could also say many people , although many
11:59 would argue that the economy is the most important factor
12:03 in nation building . Okay , so this is what
12:05 some people would say . Now . I'm going to
12:08 say what I think , I think education has a
12:12 far greater impact . So why is this a good
12:16 idea ? Well , one reason is because when you
12:20 write a concession , when you're showing what the opposite
12:23 opinion of yours is , you're showing that you thought
12:26 about the issue , okay ? You're looking at both
12:30 sides , you're not just looking at your opinion ,
12:33 you're looking at both sides and then you're making a
12:36 judgment . So this shows that you're thinking about the
12:40 question and you're you're really giving it some thought and
12:43 by representing both sides , you're really showing critical thinking
12:47 . So this is a very good idea to do
12:50 . Okay , so , the three things we've talked
12:51 about today in terms of paraphrasing the question is changing
12:56 the words using synonyms . We've talked about changing the
13:00 sentence structure , and we've also talked about adding the
13:05 other perspective using concessions . Okay , so these are
13:09 three things you can do in order to change the
13:12 question . So you're not just copying what is on
13:16 your test paper again ? Great thing to do if
13:19 you're writing a high school essay , university , s
13:23 a um Tofel else sell pipe , all of these
13:26 things . This skill will really come in handy for
13:29 you now . You might be wondering , okay ,
13:32 this is great . But I don't know any synonyms
13:35 or I you know , I don't know much about
13:37 this . Well what you can do is you can
13:39 come check out our website at www dot dot com
13:43 . There you can find a lot of other resources
13:45 , including improving your vocabulary . Um we even have
13:49 a video on how to make concessions . Uh you
13:53 know , we have videos on sentence structure to so
13:55 there's a lot of videos you can check out and
13:57 a lot of resources . You can also come visit
14:00 our website where you will find a quiz . And
14:03 by taking that quiz , you can actually practice .
14:06 You're paraphrasing skills so you can see , you know
14:09 , am I doing this right ? Is this ,
14:11 you know , is this the right way to do
14:13 this and get more practice ? So I hope you've
14:16 enjoyed this video and until next time . Take care
00:0-1 .



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